31 March 2010

I'm actually writing this time!!

Today was pretty awesome!
First, in English class, we had a test and it was just very easy matching. Then, because its before a break (Oh, by the way, Spring Break has no officially started. However, its not much of a break. We get Thursday, Friday, and Monday off! That's only 5 days including the weekend! Rip-off!!) Anyway, we got extra credit stuff to do in English, which is awesome because I need all the extra credit I can get -- The rough draft of our research paper is due on Tuesday after break :(. And my teacher is a grammar Nazi, so it really doesn't matter how well your paper is written, its a point or 2 off for every single grammar mistake! There is potentially a lot of bad grammar in a 10 page paper!! (And, as you can probably tell by my blog posts, I don't have very good grammar X3).
So next, I had Calc. That was okay. I was falling asleep, as usual. Its not like I hate the subject (Math is actually one of my favorite subjects). But it just happens to fall during 2nd period when I'm my most tired and my teacher talks very quietly and its a little warm and comfortable in there and I just fall asleep. Luckily, my teacher has never said anything to me about it, because even when I'm falling asleep, I still half-pay attention and if she calls on me, I have the right answer and I usually get A's on my tests. So I guess she doesn't really care if I fall asleep in class as long as I'm still learning stuff X3.
Anyway, back to my original point, today she handed out this huge packet with about 20-30 pages in it double-sided and told us it was our assignment for the weekend. Obviously, I was really dreading that, so I decided to start it in Study Hall and my period in the Library. I got almost all of the problems done in that 1hr 30minutes. It was all basic stuff, and that made me really happy!!

Now, the more interesting stuff than just my school day. I visited Kat in the Biotechnology lab today!! It was VERY cool! I'm (hopefully) going to be in the program next year, so it was really cool to see some of the stuff that goes on in the lab. There was all kinds of sciencey-gadgets--most of which I had no idea what they were. However, Katherine did a very good job of explaining everything! X3
As Katherine may or may not say in a post, today, the director of the school came to the lab and had the students show him how to do stuff and use the things in the lab (I know, very specific, right?) Katherine did a great job teaching him how to pour plates (put media stuff into petri dishes) and he asked probably-annoying questions like "Why do you do this?" and "What's the point/What are these used for?" Overall, he seemed nice, but the questions even annoyed me a little and I was just observing...
Katherine, I know you were nervous, but you were the best one there at explaining the things (That's how it seemed to me at least)!! ;)
What I learned:
1. Contamination (or rather prevention of) seems to be everything in the Biotech lab.
2. Tech school people are...different...I wouldn't say weird or scary. They seemed pretty nice. They were just louder and slightly more open about certain things than I originally expected (no offense meant to anyone I'm speaking of).
3. There was going to be another one, but I can't think of it right now. But my OCD likes odd numbers, so I'm still going to leave the #3 here.

In other news, the Japanese exchange students went home today :(
It made me sad...They were pretty awesome when they were here! I wanted to give them a goodbye gift, but everything seemed to be working against me. I was sick this morning and almost didn't go to school, but I did go and felt totally fine at school. I dunno what was wrong. I couldn't make the goodbye gift last night because I was already up until 12am working on Astronomy homework :( :( :(

About the formatting of my blog. I really like the way it is, but there's one thing that really bothers me and makes me feel like the blog is unfinished: The text in the "About Me" section has to be the same color as the text in the posts. I really want purple text in my posts, but you can't (or at least I can't) read the text in the "About Me" section because it almost blends into the background!! DX

In otaku related news...hmmm...not much. During the day off tomorrow, I think my brother and I are going to experiment with hair gel to see if we can get his hair to look like Demyx/Sora/Roxas -- any of those really. Whatever we can get his hair to do. We can't do much with my hair. I have Yuna (FFX) hair. That is the best way I can describe my hairstyle.
Just as kind of a tangent to that conversation, before I die or become too old to do this, I would like to cosplay with my brother (for anyone who for whatever reason does not know what cosplaying is, it is when people dress as characters generally originating from manga/anime/video games, though I've seen some Harry Potter). My little bro is practically my best friend and the one most like me in otaku-related tastes, so that kind of thing would be so fun. The potential problem, my parents have absolutely no interest in that kind of thing, and until he's 16-17yrs. old (he's 11 now), they would probably have to go with him to a convention and they would be totally bored and they would probably let us know it. But, for that reason (and some others), I want to go to a college close-ish to home, so it wouldn't be incredibly difficult to do that kind of thing...It something I have to think about...

Oh, some more quotes from my brother and me:

*I for some reason rubber band a warm ice-pack to my wrist and think it looks like some sort of arm-guard people may wear with armor*
Me: *said in attempted deep-sounding voice* "I am Gorgovon!!!"
(I have absolutely no idea where that name came from, I knew I heard something similar before, but couldn't think of it, so just spouted out a name that seemed appropriate for what I was trying to convey...)

I'm not going to include the whole conversation, but Jacob was playing Dissidia and he went into the library thing and started playing the different voices and phrases of Kefka (the creepy clown villain from FFVI). So, he started playing random sayings ("I'm going to destroy everything" "Ah, the smell of inexperience") and I was replying to what Kefka was saying and then Kefka would reply and some things were quite funny, but I can't remember what they were...X/
Going along with that, Jacob was playing Dissidia again and he was fighting as Sephiroth against Squall. At points in the battle, it sounds like Sephiroth is saying dramatically, "I'm a Mercedes DEALER!!" and then Squall replies, "Your mom!!" (I'm quite sure this is not actually what they're saying).
Even further along with that, some mental images:
1. Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness (different from Cloud Strife) are on a date. Exdeath has suit on, on top of his armor and Cloud of Darkness is wearing an overly revealing red dress and they're just kind of sitting there in the middle of a normal fancy restaurant.
2. Exdeath in his native habitat. (Image fueled by me making a strange noise. Then my brother saying something about Exdeath, then me imagining Exdeath making said noise, then Exdeath on a documentary about him in his native habitat--which for some reason is him in a forest, staring at a tree and making the strange noise, trying to communicate with the tree...There were a lot of mental jumps involved in this one).
3. Kefka on American Idol. Kefka randomly eating Ryan Seacrest. The audience just staring in awkward silence. (I think I may have nightmares about this image...)

I think that is all for this post...

PS: Pablo is being annoying!! He keeps trying to sit on my laptop!!
PPS: Pablo is my ninja cat (who's secret identity is Cosmo, my normal cat, but shhhh!! Don't tell anyone!)
PPPS: I know I'm weird...
PPPPS: The pictures in order are Kefka, Cloud of Darkness (with way too little clothes on, but relatively normal for video games in general), Exdeath.

30 March 2010

Kingdom Hearts the Musical!!!

More videos!! I guess I'm just not in a writing mood right now...
So these are videos made by testifpwsamecanbe on youtube.
(If you are interested, the one who plays Riku is NanjoKoji on deviantart. I don't know what the other peoples' dA's are...)
They are a german cosplay group and this is a musical of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Its really awesome (I think)!!! Unfortunately, it is all in German, and I don't think the subtitles work when I embed the video...The dances are still awesome, though, even when you can't understand what they're saying!

PS: I'm sorry for posting so many videos. You really don't have to watch them all, right when I post them. But if you are bored sometime, you will probably find plenty of things to waste time on here!!

PPS: The music in the last video is muted because of stupid copyright things. The song that should be playing is "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)" by Josh Groban. So, just imagine the song playing while they're dancing or maybe I'll put the song in my playlist and you can just hit play when the song gets muted so at least there's something playing there (or if your doing that, you could put another song on and see if it fits...) I mean, you can do whatever. I just thought I'd let you know why it suddenly gets quiet in the last part.

29 March 2010

*Under Construction*

Now I just pictured a bunch of mini virtual dump trucks and cranes coming in and blocking everything off with Caution tape...X3
Yeah, I just wanted to say that I'm reformatting my blog right now, so if it doesn't look great or is hard to read in some places, that's why. I'm writing this as a post because I don't know when I'm going to have time to finish (because this could take hours for me to decide things, as Kat and Rachel probably already know...)

28 March 2010

I lost the game!!!

Hehehe, I'm watching Advent Children Complete right now, so if my post doesn't make sense in some parts, you know why X3
So, yesterday, I went on a college visit to Franklin & Marshall with Katherine. It was AMAZING. That is my top choice school right now and its going to be hard to beat. The only problem would be the cost...X/
The teachers/faculty were very cool and funny. And it was strange how many Harry Potter references there were!! There were 4 houses, someone talked about a sorting hat (which they don't actually have T.T), someone wrote an essay about Severus Snape, etc. It was awesome!! X3
Then, on the way home, we were sitting in traffic so we blared "My Sitar" into the peaceful Lancaster afternoon...XD. My mom said the song was weird, but still agreed to open the windows, turn up the music, and repeat the song after it finished!
I'm sure Katherine will have some to say about the trip at some point. I'm too brain dead to try to remember more about yesterday right now...

So today was another interesting day! I went to church like normal. Then, after church I had a lunch at Applebee's with my youth group. That was...odd. It was really fun as it usually is with my youth group, but I was sitting between my brother and my dad, both of whom like to bully me...of course, I fight back. My brother teases me, I punch him! X3
So that was fun, and I actually talked! I usually talk a little...SEPHIROTH!!! (Sorry, Kadaj just turned into Sephiroth in Advent children XD)...anyway, I usually talk a little, but this time I talked a lot and it was pretty fun!
And this guy from the table next to ours came over randomly and showed us a trick with a tightly wound straw wrapper. You put a few drops of soda on the table and put the wound up straw wrapper on top of the small puddle. Then it absorbs the soda and starts to wiggle like a worm!!! It was so cool!!!
After the lunch, my Mom-mom picked up me, my brother, and my sister and brought us to see my school's musical, "Beauty and the Beast." Chibi-chan was in it (she was the milk-maid, a knife, and an angry villager). I thought the knife fit her personality and when I saw her in the mob, I thought, 'Chibi with a rake: run for it!!' Apparently, she saw me in the audience at one point and I distracted her and she forgot what she was supposed to be doing! DX I felt bad when she told me that...but then she hugged me and wouldn't let me leave after the show...I didn't feel bad after that. I was worrying more about the loss of circulation in my arm...X3
Then, I went shopping for jeans. Kinda boring. But I thought to include that anyway.
AWWW....Cloud looks like a kitty when he smiles!! (I'm not sure why, but that's the impression I get. And Advent Children is now over. It was good.)
Anyway, on the way home from shopping, my dad stopped to get gas. He made me get out to learn how to pump the gas. So he's telling me how to do it and tells me to squeeze the gas pump thing to start it going. Then, he WALKS AWAY!!! I yell, "Where are you going?!"
"I'm going inside to get a drink."
"What?! You can't go inside and leave me here. I don't know how to stop it!!!" He just went into the store. So I'm freaking out because I wasn't completely listening to when he was telling me how to do it, so I'm just watching the numbers wondering how many gallons the car takes. I remember he said something about it popping at some point, but I don't remember what he said to do when it popped! So when it popped, I was freaking out even more. Meanwhile, my dad is inside buying a soda and he overhears the workers saying that someone is trying to get help by calling the desk but they can't understand what the person is saying. My dad is then thinking, 'Oh, no. She did not call the desk and start freaking out at them in a decibel that only dogs can hear.' So he turns around and at that point, I had seen him go up to the counter and I was waiting for him to turn around or come out. He turns around and sees me gesturing at him, but he can't hear what I'm saying. So he seriously thinks that its me freaking out to the people at the gas station and then gesturing at them like an idiot. (I was not actually the one that called in, but it scared my dad X3). He comes out and I'm really angry and crying and everything. Yeah, I was really mad at him for leaving me out there like that. Oh well, no the gas station has some interesting security tapes...T.T
Then in the car again, he asked me, "What were you freaking out about? Its just gas!"
"I don't know, I could have exploded the whole gas station or something with FRICTION!!!" (I meant static, but said friction for some reason. I was thinking of a Mythbusters episode that tested the gas station explosions because of static myth but I couldn't remember if it was confirmed or not).
To that statement, he laughed at me and asked, "What, were you standing there rubbing your feet on the ground or something?!"
Then he continued to laugh at me and I continued to say stuff in an attempt to defend myself, but could find nothing to say that helped my case at all...
My mom cracked up hysterically imagining me gesturing at the people in the gas station and calling the desk and freaking out at them. She was laughing for about 10 minutes. I think her homework was stressing her out a little much.

The End


PS: Sorry for saying "so" so many times and for the abrupt ending. I still have homework to do :(
And sorry for my title X3

27 March 2010


I put music on my blog!! (I copied LeahPeah, sorry X3)
I guess I just thought I'd inform you, in case you didn't notice the hyper song in the background...yeah T.T
I'm tired. I need to go to bed. I will post about my exciting day I had today tomorrow...

Fangirl Moment X3

So, I've been really obsessing over FFVII: Advent Children lately, so I figured I'd put up a few videos that show just how awesome it is (mostly for Rachel and Katherine, who probably haven't watched the movie). Reno is hilarious. He is my favorite Turk. If he is not on the fangirl list I posted, I am now officially adding him. And Kadaj as well. He may be insane, but he's hot in his insanity X3

(Oh, and I did not make any of these videos, just so you know. I don't take credit, I just want to share them).
Warning: The last 3 videos have flashy effects.

What you learn from these videos:
Nightwish is AWESOME!! (Thank Katherine for that X3)
Reno is Spider Man/Ninja.
Don't make Yazoo laugh!! If he's laughing, you may be dead soon...o.0
PS: One scene is actually from Crisis Core, not Advent Children. It was an epic scene, so I decided to throw it in.
The last three are AMAZING videos by ThreadstoTwelve on YouTube. They are mostly Sephiroth tributes, plus a Vincent tribute - the last video I have on here.

25 March 2010

Translate please!

Rachel! You take Spanish, can you translate this?? (I think its spanish. It looks like it at least) It was a comment on my FMA video and I want to reply, but I don't know whether its good or bad and online translators just make it weird...

"si queres ser parte de mi grupo lockerz lo unico que tenes que hacer entrar unirte y ahi te dice de que se trata de ganar premios gratis yo ya me gane una psp y una wii"

(something about lockers and dice and PSP an Wii...That's all I got out of that, and its probably nothing to do with any of those things.)

And another one on the same video. Possibly also spanish, but I'm not sure:

"me encanta te quedo genial"

(absolutely no idea what this one means...)

If they're something weird or mean or inappropriate, tell me that they are, but I don't really care to know exactly what they say in those cases X/


24 March 2010

Reminder & Other Stuff

Are you coming to the college visit with me? (Because I just realized today that it was this Saturday, as in 3 days from today...)

Favorite Square-Enix Characters (because my brother just randomly asked me who my favorite SE characters are, so I wrote them down on here and now I'm leaving them because I don't feel like getting rid of them X3):

And because I'm thinking about it, I thought I'd share some of my brother and my jokes (that may not make sense, but they're funny out of context as well):

"No those are not the Death Star and its babies!!" (screamed while my dad was on the phone with someone X3)

"The magazine went to the doctor!!!" (...a joke that my brother tried to say, but forgot midway through what the joke was, so just stopped there and left me confused...)

"My destiny is to become--A SPOONMAKER!!" (another random quote said by my brother, this time while I was playing Final Fantasy XII)

"Me: Cursed MOO!!
Jacob: Do your homework!
Me: Stop! ...Hammer Time!
Both: Dodododo-dodo-dodo Can't touch this! etc."
(This one needs explanation. Xemnas sounds like he's saying "cursed Moo" in the final battle and later it sounds like he's saying "do your homework" and he's wearing a very disco-like outfit and for some reason it made us both think of MC Hammer...)

"A group of four heroic dinosaurs do battle with a trio of highly intelligent evil dromeosaurids that have plans for world domination." (an actual description for a show on discovery channel)

"42!!" (self-explanatory)

(Just now while writing this post) "Me: Why are you smelling your own socks!! That's weird!
Jacob: I was hitting my head with it!!"

"Joshua killed Zack!!" (what I thought my brother said at one point. Then we both pictured after Zack's death scene, it zooms in on one of the soldiers that killed him and he takes off his helmet and its Joshua--from The World Ends With You!!!)

"I have my own system for how many exclamation points I use, okay?!?! Its very complicated and I'm not going to explain it right now..." (also just said as writing this post)

"Me: You're dumb!
Jacob: Your face is dumb!
Me: Your mom's face is dumb!
Jacob: *dramatic gasp* I'm telling mom!!!"

"Me: *randomly starts singing Savior by Rising Against* If this ain't love then how do we get out?
Jacob: How do you do that?
Me: *still singing the song* I don't know..."
(yet another thing that happened just now and I felt like typing down)

Okay, done with the quotes...Chibi-chan had another weird dream involving me. So, I was apparently on a date with 3 people from Kingdom Hearts (I don't know what kind of person she thinks I am. Another dream had me marrying 6 different people). So there was Axel, Cloud, and another person she didn't see his face but he had big hair and cat eyes (maybe Train from Black Cat? But then Rachel would be mad!!) Axel for some reason thought that Cloud was Roxas in disguise and kept trying to get him to admit it, so he got Cloud ice-cream to coax the truth out of him. Then Xion showed up, stole the ice-cream from Axel, gave it to me, and scolded Axel to stop ignoring the person he came there with! (As she was telling this, I patted imaginary Xion on the head and said "good Xion!" like she was a dog or something. it was strange. apparently I think Xion is short because I patted the air lower than chibi-chan even...) Anyway. Then, we apparently went on those boat things in the "tunnel of love," except instead of the normal music playing, Riot by Three Days Grace was playing...(in response to this, I said, "awesome!!" I love that song!!) So that was the end of the dream...very weird.
I think chibi-chan is stealing my weird dreams. I haven't been dreaming at all recently! Of course, I also haven't been sleeping much...but I still think she's stealing my dreams! X3

Okay, ranting about randomness is now over. Katherine, please comment and say whether you are coming or not! Or just tell me at school. But I probably wont remember to ask you at school, so that is why I'm putting it on here.

23 March 2010


Nothing much of an update on my day or anything. Just tests. Bleh.

The confused-ness:
Are the youtube videos (in my previous post) as big as they look on my computer, or are they normal sized and my laptop is just being weird again? I mean, on mine, the videos are overflowing into the side bar to the right and its really annoying! But maybe it doesn't look like that on your computers?? Hmm...

I know this post is kinda boring, but I don't like being confused...X/

22 March 2010

AMVs: The Rest

Well, just to finish off the rest of my AMVs, here's a Kingdom Hearts one and a Fullmetal Alchemist one, an OLD MMV of Tsubasa, and a slideshow of anime wallpapers I did to test out moviemaker when I first got my laptop:

Now that I know how to do this, I'm going to probably going to be posting a lot of my very favorite youtube videos (I'll try not to make them inappropriate Rachel. And if there is something bad, I'll warn you in my post not to watch it X3)
Speaking of which, in the FMA one, Ed has a dirty mouth. Just in the subs, but still thought I'd warn you X3

Zack AMV

I found out how to put youtube on the blog!! Yay! This is much easier than trying to upload the video from my computer directly. So, here's my Zack AMV!


We finally got the PSP back after sending it off to get repaired!! (Well, actually, they have a policy that they send you back someone else's repaired PSP because it would take too long for them to fix yours. But I'm okay with that, this one is actually cooler. Its black and shiny!!! My brother thought it had a scratch and I got on a rant about how they shouldn't send you one that is in worse condition than your original. Then I looked at it and I'm like, "Jacob...That's not a scratch. That a piece of something that stuck to the screen and I scratched it off and it was gone." Jacob: "...Oh..." Me: *facepalm*)
But anyway, now I can play Crisis Core again!!! I get to play as my Zacky!!! WOOT!!!!
(the simplest things make me very happy)
Speaking of which, manga-dealer-chan and chibi-chan went to New York with the Japanese exchange students on Friday. It sounded like an okay trip, but their group did not want to go to the giant Borders and they were both mad about that...The thing that made me think of this was that manga-dealer-chan told me at lunch today that she got uber-excited when they got lunches and they came with sporks!! SPORKS!!! XO
And the same trip apparently made chibi-chan have a very...odd...dream. In NY, they saw an M&M commercial with a giant M&M that wants to eat everybody and something about a kaleidoscope (I actually spelled this right the first time XD). So then she watched my Zack AMV and the two got mixed into one crack-ish dream:
It was like she was looking through a kaleidoscope at the world and Zack was engaged in battle with the giant M&M. Zack won by using chocolate's worst enemy: the Sun (which I was unaware Zack had power over...). So he melted the M&M's chocolate innards and all he had to do was stab it in order to drink the M&M's chocolate guts. Then Cloud came, called Zack weird, and then discovered that he had an intense sweet-tooth and commenced eating the chocolate with Zack. Then Sephiroth came. He was angry that they did not invite him to eat chocolate with them...The End.
Chibi-chan is strange...(Yeah, I'm one to talk with my dreams about: being chased by a hippie on a unicycle, teachers throwing rocks at me while I'm skateboarding through the skate-park that the school turned into, grass taking over the world, and vicious otakus killing each other over a video game...X3).
But anyway, I'm happy about the PSP. That was originally all I was going to say.

21 March 2010


I'm on my upstairs computer right now (as opposed to my laptop) and my posts look very pink on this computer!!! They look way more purple on my laptop!!! Its so weird!!! I like the purple better!

So anyway, I sang today in church!! It went okay. I was really nervous beforehand and I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up at the same time. Then, I got onstage (because of course, we moved to the auditorium and now the worship team has to be onstage) and I felt better. I was surprisingly comfortable! Though it is weird with the monitor things that they have facing the team so we can hear ourselves sing. It was very weird and difficult to get used to...X/

Overall it went well.
However, they had a prayer for the guy at my church who died. And since I didn't break down last night, I broke down this morning on stage. So I was crying in front of about 150 people while trying and probably failing to sing at that point. And I had no where to put my tissues!!! I was wearing a dress-like thing, so I couldn't even put them in my pocket and there was definitely no trash can on stage!!! Aaaahhhh!!!! (Its sad that the thing I was freaking out about more was that I had no where to put my tissues...)

My Dad had a theory about my crying (which I wouldn't have normally done in front of so many people. I would usually be able to control my emotions). He said that God was probably using my crying on stage to help someone in the audience - kinda to let them see that it is okay to cry about it if they need to. If I saw someone up on stage crying I would think Well at least I'm not her! And then I would feel okay about crying in public. In the car, my dad said jokingly, "Its makes you feel kinda violated, doesn't it? Being made a fool of to help other people?"
I just laughed. I dunno if I feel violated, I mean I'm open to being used by God for stuff like helping other people. It was embarrassing, but it wasn't as bad as it may seem. I always kind of pray about that. Not exactly that I will be made a fool of, but that I can in some way be an inspiration to people or be an example or something, but this works too X3.

I had a lot of people come and talk to me. It was weird. I'm not usually talked to. I wasn't even able to listen to my ipod after church today!! I always do that!

So it was an interesting day, and its only 1:30!

20 March 2010


1. The father in the family at my church died tonight around 8:45pm. Its sad that I won't see him at church again, but I know I'll see him in heaven eventually and that takes away some of the pain. I just thought I'd let you guys know since I asked you to pray about it in another post earlier this week.

2. I finished my Zack AMV. And, as with all of my other videos on youtube, I'm in the process of disputing the copyright claim and hopefully they accept it and my video goes up!
WARNING: There are spoilers of the end of Crisis Core if you care about that at all. (I actually watched the end of the game before we ever got the game and it didn't ruin anything for me, but it might for some people because its a kinda major thing that happens...)

3. I know Kat and Rachel have watched Demyx Time (at least 1 or 2 episodes at my birthday party). But if anyone else reading this has not, you MUST watch. (Though I forewarn you that it should be probably PG-13 rated because there is cursing and some yaoi-ish scenes, but kinda not really because its two girl cosplayers acting out two male characters making out...so I'm totally sure what to call that...???)
But anyway, the update related to that was that the cosplayers of Demyx, Axel, Larxene, and Xemnas held a live chat today at 6ish, I think. (EST time. <--repetitive, I know...They said at one point it was around 11pm there-In England, but that was maybe an hour or two into the chat). So that was really interesting to watch. Whoever was there could type in a question and they would read the questions and answer them. Some were very random and funny and it was a fun thing to watch, even though it kinda froze a couple times (but that's understandable with a live online chat).
Oh, and their deviantart accounts (the reason I knew about this online thing) are:

http://tealpirate.deviantart.com/ ---- Jenn, aka Demyx
http://kellyjane.deviantart.com/ ----Kelly, aka Axel
http://one-sky-one-destiny.deviantart.com/ ----Laura, aka Larxene
http://tomoyo-hime.deviantart.com/ ----Amala, aka Xemnas

These are just the ones that were doing the video. If you go onto their pages and find where they list the other Parle Productions members, you can find the other people that do videos with them X3

I think that is all. I hope this video uploads, though!!! It still hasn't gone up!! (if there is no AMV up at #2, then you know I got frustrated with this and just put up the post without the video)


PS: I got into the National Honors Society!!! I just got the letter today!!
(Last year, I tried to get in, but I wasn't accepted and I was put off and got into this whole identity crisis and it was a disaster! So I applied this year, with my essay displaying some of my frustration with the process last year, and I didn't really care whether they accepted me or not this year, but they did!! So now I am happy X3)

19 March 2010


Sorry for all the posts :/
(its ironic that I'm making another post apologizing for making so many posts X3)
I have a theory that if I do a post between video posts, the video will load faster. I'm seeing if it is going to work...

Another thing:
I want to use song lyrics in my title description, but I'm not sure which ones to use...

"Its just another war
Just another family torn
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live."
~Skillet, Hero

"There's something inside that box you closed
that only opens when your life explodes"
~Run Kid Run, Captives Come Home

"Stand in the rain, stand your ground
Stand up when its all crashing down"
~Superchick, Stand in the Rain

"You can't make me feel this way

You won't make me run away
Can't understand my chemistry
Laugh if that makes me ordinary!"
~Thousand Foot Krutch, Ordinary

"Sunset, I close my eyes
I pretend everything's alright.
Drowning in anger from all these lies,
I can't pretend everything's alright."
~RED, Shadows

"Took awhile to see all the love that's around me

Through the highs and lows
There's a truth that I know
And its you..."
~Thousand Foot Krutch, Breathe You In

"We are words on pages that we've left unturned
An ending no one's ever heard
We are a story, slowly unfolding
Beautiful words"
~The Afters, Beautiful Words

"One tear in the driving rain
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breaking heart?"
~Tenth Avenue North, Hold My Heart

"We'll never take this world
Unless we make a head on collision"
~Hawk Nelson, Head On Collsion

"When all around me starts to fall
And when my faith it seems so small
Even in my darkest hour, I will believe.
When the sun begins to fall
And when I feel nothing at all
Even if I'm all alone, I will believe."
~Mainstay, Believe

"Whatever you're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
Its hard to surrender to something I can't see
I'm giving in to something heavenly"
~Sanctus Real, Whatever You're Doing (Something Heavenly)

"Time to face up, clean this old house.
Time to breath in and let everything out
That I've wanted to say for so many years
Time to release all my held back tears."
~Sanctus Real, Whatever You're Doing (Something Heavenly)

Start it up, turn it on.
We can ride this storm
A grip of hope in our hands
For the coming dawn
Up to our necks in complexities
Causing us to pause
As we collect our thoughts"
~Tobymac, Ignition

So tell me what you think of these quotes. I may listen or I may totally ignore it because someone else told me that I should use that one (I can be stubborn like that sometimes for no reason at all...X3)

Tsubasa AMV

So, I've been trying to put up my FMA: Brotherhood AMV, but it wasn't working :(
But this one is, and its Tsubasa, so yay!!
Not-so-yay is the fact that this was on youtube for maybe 24 hours before it was muted (stupid copyright claims) then, I disputed. Apparently I lost because they completely romoved the video from youtube...
Its not one of my best videos anyway, but its still cool. (I think so, at least X3)

Blog Picture

I need help choosing which background to put behind my blog title. I kinda like the one I have now--its colorful and its got Tsubasa (my favorite manga!! X3) but I'm very indecisive and I have so many pictures I like...I don't want it ending up like my computer wallpaper that I change almost every day (I have Zack right now X3)

18 March 2010


I'm singing for the first time on Sunday on stage at my church for worship!! AHHHHH!!! (I'm really nervous, can you tell?) I don't know how to use a microphone or anything and I have no idea whether I'm good or bad at singing!!
Random: In the thought process surrounding that, I realized that my church has some strange obsession with "J" names:
...There are many Johns...X3
I realized that I've been talking about church a lot...well, nothing much has been happening with school except lots and lots of homework (7 page research paper outline that I finished at 1:30am!!!) I know 7 pages isn't all that much, but it is when you're doing it all in one night and you haven't read any of your sources yet...Yay procrastination!!!
In the otaku news:
1. I am working on a Zack Fair AMV to the song Kryptonite by Three Doors Down (awesome song X3)
2. I'm still saving up for a PS3. I've actually made absolutely no progress towards that goal as I do not have a job yet.
3. I really want to cosplay. I rant to my brother about this all the time and sometimes to other people. I don't know who exactly I want to cosplay. (My top choice right now is an organization xiii member. That way, I can be pretty much any of them I want, I just have to change the wig.) I'm thinking about learning how to sew...Dunno how that's gonna work out...that's definitely a project for the summer...That and my Oblivion Keyblade I'm making X3
4. FMA manga is really reaching its end!!! (And am I the only one who finds it creepy that the "father" of the homunculus looks like an evil-sexy-topless-god-like version of Ed??? (I mean, major chibi-chan kind of fangirl moment when I saw him. I could picture her reaction. There would be lots of squealing...))
5. FMA: Brotherhood has to be my favorite anime. It actually follows along with the manga and its moving really fast! Its only episode 48ish and its already on Ed's fight with Pride!! That's so awesome!!
6. Other animes I watch/watched/recommend:
  • Kobato (by CLAMP!!! Its really cute, but its got the kind of mysterious background that many CLAMP mangas have)
  • Letter Bee (love the manga. haven't been keeping up with the anime as much, but what I watched is pretty good, but they're taking awfully long to find Gauche again...)
  • 07 Ghost (amazing anime! Its completed, so far. Dunno if they're going to make any more episodes. The manga and anime are both awesome!!)
  • Kuroshitsuji (aka. Black Butler. Its got Sebastian in it! What more could you want?! The anime is awesome, I think. It actually branched from the manga and ended the story in a different kind of way, but I thought they actually did a pretty good job of it)
  • Code Geass (Its just too awesome to explain. Its really mainly in anime, not manga)
  • Howl's Moving Castle (Its a movie, but I think it is my favorite anime movie X3)
So there's the otaku-ness going on in my life right now. Not much to get excited over at the moment (except Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, which looks amazing!!! Still no sure release date. But I just looked and its been updated from TBA to Summer 2010 on Wikipedia <--my source of infinite knowledge X3)


PS: Every time I see or hear or even think the words "amazing" I think of Axel clapping and saying "Simply amazing, Roxas" "Axel" "You really do remember me this time? I'm SO FLATTERED" (woosh, then ring of fire!!!)
"But you're too late" (cool battle pose with epic chakrams. creepy-but-hot smile)
(Roxas dramatically summons 2 keyblades. woosh!)
(epic Axel battle music. Fight ensues)
"Come here, I'll make it all stop!"
At least, that's what I think he says. I'm not sure of the first line in the battle. That line sounds very suggestive for some reason...now I need mind bleach...curse my dirty mind...
"Burn, baby!!" (whoosh and floor catches on fire)
(clash, clash, clash)
"Roxas!" (end of battle. slow motion dramatic final attack)
(Flashback to cute scene with Axel trying to stop Roxas from leaving the Organization - "You get on their bad side and they'll destroy you!" "No one would miss me." "That's not true! - I would..." awwww.....)
"Let's meet again - in the next life."
"Yeah, I'll be waiting."
(chuckles) "Silly...Just because you have a next life -" (fades into darkness)

PPS: Wow. I just recited the whole scene from memory. That's sad...

17 March 2010


Just felt like putting up my AMVs for people like Rachel who cannot get onto youtube. This one uses the song "In the End" by Linkin Park and the anime 07 Ghost and its about the hopelessness of Mikage's situation. (that sounds so emo x3)

(I'm also doing this as a test to see if videos work or if they take way too long to load...)

Wow! I just noticed that ED looks like a happy-squinty-eyed-smiley face!!! ED

16 March 2010

Prayer Request

A family at my church is having a tough time. The father has struggled with cancer in his throat over the past years. Today, my dad went to see him and his breathing tube is down to 3mm. I don't know much about that kind of thing, but that seems very small and that's all they could do because of all the tumors. He's gone through surgeries in the past, but doesn't want to have another one. I don't think he's going to make it much longer.
That family is one of the most faithful families I have ever met. They have worked in the children's ministry, small groups, and prayer teams for years. Their youngest son was in my youth group and graduated high school last year. They continued praying and being optimistic throughout the whole ordeal. I am certain that even if he leaves this world soon, he'll be going to a better place.
Please, just pray for him (or if you don't believe in that kind of thing, just take the time to think, 'Oh, I hope the best for him and his family.') There are so many people already supporting this family, but I don't think a couple more people could hurt ;)

15 March 2010

I don't wanna do my homework...DX

As the title says, I really don't feel like doing my homework right now. I have to write the outline for my big research paper by tomorrow! DX
Thankfully, my teacher wrote out already the general outline. All I really need to do is fill in my information. The trouble is, I have to read all my sources in order to get the information...and that's the part that I'm not looking forward to :(
I don't even think its worth it to try on this project. My English teacher is a grammar Nazi! No matter how good the writing is, she takes off points everywhere if there is the tiniest grammar mistake! I got a freaking 74 on a benchmark because I spelled things wrong or it didn't look like I had a space between my words (I have sloppy handwriting, so that is very hard for me...all my lines look like big, long words). The benchmark was on fiction! Not grammar!! Gaaaahhhh!!!
So with the research paper, even if it is very well written (which it probably wouldn't be anyway because I am really bad at formal writing), I would still fail the project because I have crappy grammar...grrrr...
Plus, I actually tried when I wrote my thesis, and then she thought I was plagiarizing...what?
So, I'm going to under-achieve on this project and hope that I don't fail ;)

I feel so lonely that no one is posting anything recently!! (Just like Katherine's title for her last post X3) I want to be distracted from my homework, but I have nothing else to be distracted by!!!

Oh! Random, but my english teacher that I was just talking about is obsessed with whales. And we're reading Moby Dick right now, so she is quite possibly the happiest person in the world X3
Her room is decorated with whales everywhere. She's got a "small" (in her words, but the thing is like 5 ft long) harpoon in a glass case in the room. She ordered a piece of whale...what's that stuff called that the whales have instead of teeth?...Braile? No. Brille, I think. Maybe. I don't feel like looking it up...So she ordered a piece of that stuff and its about 4 feet long and she passed it around class and it feels like waxy wood with hairs on one edge of it. It was pretty cool :)

I fell asleep in Calculus today. I mean, even more asleep than normal for that class. I love math, and its not like my teacher is boring, but its second period and that's when I'm at my sleepiest. It can be funny sometimes when I'm sleeping in class because I'm actually still kind of half awake, and trying to listen to my teacher and take notes. My notes end up as scribbles and I will completely mishear my teacher or misread what's on the board and think that she's saying something totally different from what she's actually saying. Like one time, in Anatomy this time, I was falling asleep and we were talking about the muscles. At one point, I thought I saw my water bottle falling dramatically and in slow motion off of my desk and I reflexively reached out to catch it, but it turns out I didn't even have a water bottle out on my desk and I flinched and maybe scared the people next to me X3. Later, it looked like my teacher suddenly became the host of jeopardy and the board was like the game board and it was really creepy...
I really need to sleep at home, not at school X/

Soooooo....anyway....yeah....nothing much else to say...
But I don't want to do my homework yet, so....
Oh! I know, I'll check if FMA:Brotherhood anime was updated yet! They're already at the fight with Pride and they're only on episode 48, I think!! I really like this series. It is one of very few animes that actually follows along with the manga instead of trying to change an already awesome storyline (like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles anime. That was horrible once they started branching off to random filler storylines. Except the chibi episode was awesome X3
Gao!!! Garururururu!!)
PS: Snowball to the rescue! Grow mushroom grow! He's not Hamlet either!!
hehe XD

14 March 2010

Pretty Pictures X3

This weekend, I was very bored. So I went on youtube and realized that I really needed to change my icon because it was starting to bore me. Since I had time, I figured I would do the thing that other people do with their icons and put my name into my icon somehow. So then I just cropped a bunch of images I had from wallpapers and such into squares and put VS42 on them (my username for youtube, deviantart, and most other things is vampiresquid42). So I just thought I would share the pretty icons with Fai, Kingdom Hearts, ZACK!!!, Vincent, ZACK AGAIN!!!, Sephiroth, Cloud X3, Aerith, Sebastian, and Noctis.
This should be my last post of tonight. I have to go to bed XP
PS: Rachel, I stole your idea for colorful writing on my blog. Except I made my posts purple!!! Yay!!


I just had the dumbest moment of my life...
I was walking down the stairs and suddenly, everything went dark and I panicked for a moment. My thought process went like this:
'Dark! Why?!...Oh...'
I realized that I was in the process of blinking...
Epic fail.
I thought that kind of thing didn't actually happen to sane, sober people...(or at least the sober part)...
*sigh of exasperation with myself*

12 March 2010

Stupid America!!

I just watched this weeks results episode for American Idol. Gaaaaahhhhh!!!!! America is so stupid!!!! They voted off Lilly Scott (who has been my favorite since the beginning) and Alex Lambert (who is simply amazing.) I was so angry and sad to see them go, I think they had some of the best talent in all of the American Idol Seasons I have watched (Crystal Bowersox is in that group, too. Thankfully, she made it through). When Alex was voted off, it was like the entire room was in shock. It was silent when they came back from the commercial break and you could tell Alex and the whole group around him had been crying. I cried, too...
Then, Lilly being voted off right after that just made me angry. What the heck is wrong with people!! They kept Tim Urban (who I really don't like. His voice just isn't good and he's only lasted this long because of his looks) and they kept Paige (who has just been boring to me). Gaaahhhh!!
I normally don't get into this kind of thing, but this season, there are some people I really like, two of which have just been voted off and now I'm angry and contemplating not watching anymore (Crystal Bowersox is the only one that may make me keep watching the show).
That is all I had to vent about.
PS: I just found out we're having pizza for dinner. Woot! And when I heard, I made a very strange face and lifted my hands in the air. It was really odd...X3

05 March 2010

Fangirl List

I'm making my list official with proof that I have claimed all these characters. Because I realize that you guys sent me your lists, but I don't have mine in writing anywhere with at least one witness, so...Here it is:
  • Axel (pyromaniac X3)
  • Riku (my emo)
  • Zack Fair (my very-large puppy from FFVII:CC)
  • Cloud Strife (You fail if you don't know. I talk about him enough to at least know what he's from)
  • Fai D. Flourite (his awesomeness is self explanatory X3)
  • Sephiroth (MOST. EPIC. VILLAIN. EVER.)
  • Nero (FFVII:DoC)
  • Noctis (FFXIII: Versus)
  • Reno (FFVII)
  • Sebastian Michaelis (love him, but he's too epic for me to claim on my own, so I can share)
  • Zero Kiryuu (VK)
  • Marluxia (Marly!! Awesome scythe, fun to make fun of, and its hard to have flower powers and still act more manly than much of the rest of the organization...)
  • Gil (Pandora Hearts. The older Gil is so awesome/cute/hot all in one!! XD)
  • Gauche Suede (Letter Bee)
  • Balthier (FFXII)
  • Hotaru (SDK)
  • Mikage (07 Ghost)
  • Hatsuharu (FB)
  • Ayumu Narumi (Spiral)
  • Subaru & Kamui (CLAMP)
  • Senri (+Anima)
Note: These are not totally in order, but slightly. (My biggest are at the top and slightly lower at the bottom)
So, that's all I can think of right now. I may make a Fangirl list cont. at some point if and when I remember more (there are so many mangas and animes I read I can't keep track XP)
PS: Katherine, random question. How do you put a youtube video on your post??

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (I'm not sure why, either...I had too much sugar...)

So, went to see Alice in Wonderland movie by Tim Burton. AWESOME!!!!
I'm not going to share that much about it, because Katherine already summed it up very nicely and she and Rachel are my only followers at the moment, so I don't really need to repeat. Except for:
"SNOWBALL, to the rescue!!"
Anyway, not much happened today otherwise. One scary thing: it was senior skip day, so none of the annoying seniors were in my study hall today (I'm not saying all seniors are annoying, just some particular ones in my study hall). So with them gone, it was dead silent. It scared me...
So then, I had a meeting with my counselor and mother to figure out my school schedule for next year. I am going to really try to get into the biotech program (which Katherine is in this year and seems really fun). However, my science teacher--whom I gave the recommendation form to so he would fill it out--procrastinates more than I do...which is sad. He said yesterday that he would give it to me today, then I asked him about it today and he said, "Oh, I left it up in my room [we were in the computer lab]. Can I get that to you Monday?"
"Well...its due Monday, so...I guess?"
I'm not very good at standing up to teachers.
Mr. S (what I shall call my chem teacher) apparently loves me though, because when I was absent Monday and Tuesday, he sent me an email saying that I'm one of the best students he's ever had and everything and he attached the benchmark test to the email so I could take it at home. This was not an open-note test. Wow.
I mean, I think Mr. S is a really good person...but he's not the greatest teacher. We don't get anything done!! Which is infuriating because I'm not learning stuff I need to know to go into a career involving chemistry. Plus, I'm the one that actually pays attention on the occasion that he does teach, so I'm teaching half my class how to do the stuff he taught us how to do because I'm one of the few people who actually pay attention!!! Okay, maybe not half the class. I can't talk to that many people. But I'll teach one person and they'll go back to their group and teach them and then another person will ask them how to do it, and so on.
Funny story: I explained to my mom that "Gaaaaaahhhhhh!!" is my angry noise. I even told her how to spell it. G-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h and then lots of exclamation points and sometimes a 1 at the end because I let go of the shift button before the 1...Yes, I went into that much detail...
Another funny story: The car ride home from the movie was quite interesting. It was me, my mom, chibi-chan, and manga-dealer. So, chibi-chan gets a call. It was--hmm...what shall I call him...Fanboy!...Rachel and Katherine may know who I'm talking about. His name starts with a B...I think that works so you know who I'm talking about, but its not specific enough for anything other than that, so anyway, back to story--Fanboy called. The car was silent. We were all just listening to their conversation, but we could only hear what chibi-chan is saying.
Something about him looking like an emo Kyouya in his ID picture on her phone.
Then something that she needed mind bleach for involving Kyouya and Tamaki and some catastrophic accident...I dunno...
Then, she explained she was in the car with her manga-dealer and the otaku who like Kingdom Hearts (at that, he apparently squealed, hence the nickname "fanboy").
Then she put him on speaker phone...now that was interesting. He told a story involving yaoi. My mom heard him say it and our reaction to it.
"What's yaoi??"
"You don't want to know."
*odd look* "Okay??"
Meanwhile, chibi-chan and manga-dealer are cracking up in the back seat and fanboy says, "I'm still on speaker, aren't I."
"Yes. You are."
It was so funny!!!
Later, when I got home. I dunno how I got on this topic with my parents, but somehow Vic Mignogna came up.
Oh, I remember.
By the way, Katherine. My mom talked to your mom about having you go on a college visit with us. I'm very sorry if this causes you any kind of problem.
That little tidbit was relevant, believe it or not. My mom was saying that I could feel free to invite all my friends to come with us, too. As long as we don't show up all dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh characters (okay, I'm surprised she even knew what Yu-Gi-Oh was, me and my brothers never watched it or played it or anything when we were younger).
But anyway, being hyper and all, I acted all indignant.
"Yu-Gi-Oh. Really? I mean, there's the Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon kinda nerds, and then there's the other group of nerds. I'm in the other group. Please don't even lump me together with those ones."
"Well, okay. Sorry, I only know those ones."
My dad: *sarcastically* "Yeah, its a whole social status thing. Weirdos of her level can't even mix with those other weirdos. I mean, the keyblade makers fight with the Yu-Gi-Oh nerds who fight with the Pokemon nerds. Didn't you know this?"
In reality, I find nothing wrong with Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon. Then, from there, I don't remember how Vic Mignogna came up. I had to explain to them how he's this huge celebrity in the otaku world (the English-speaking one, at least). He does everyone: Fai, Tamaki, Edward Elric, etc.
My dad doesn't understand my nerdiness, so he constantly makes fun of me for it, so now he makes fun of Vic Mignogna's name and calls him Vic Mimomomomomom....for however long he feels like going...its quite annoying. He makes fun of everything I like. I told him.
"There's a whole secret world of otakus that you don't even know about..."
I thought I said it pretty ominously...he just kept making fun of me :(
He's mean...
I think that is all I will put on this post...So...