12 March 2010

Stupid America!!

I just watched this weeks results episode for American Idol. Gaaaaahhhhh!!!!! America is so stupid!!!! They voted off Lilly Scott (who has been my favorite since the beginning) and Alex Lambert (who is simply amazing.) I was so angry and sad to see them go, I think they had some of the best talent in all of the American Idol Seasons I have watched (Crystal Bowersox is in that group, too. Thankfully, she made it through). When Alex was voted off, it was like the entire room was in shock. It was silent when they came back from the commercial break and you could tell Alex and the whole group around him had been crying. I cried, too...
Then, Lilly being voted off right after that just made me angry. What the heck is wrong with people!! They kept Tim Urban (who I really don't like. His voice just isn't good and he's only lasted this long because of his looks) and they kept Paige (who has just been boring to me). Gaaahhhh!!
I normally don't get into this kind of thing, but this season, there are some people I really like, two of which have just been voted off and now I'm angry and contemplating not watching anymore (Crystal Bowersox is the only one that may make me keep watching the show).
That is all I had to vent about.
PS: I just found out we're having pizza for dinner. Woot! And when I heard, I made a very strange face and lifted my hands in the air. It was really odd...X3

1 comment:

  1. "Pants on the ground! Pants on the ground! Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground!" Can you believe that guy is ^2 years old.
