05 March 2010

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (I'm not sure why, either...I had too much sugar...)

So, went to see Alice in Wonderland movie by Tim Burton. AWESOME!!!!
I'm not going to share that much about it, because Katherine already summed it up very nicely and she and Rachel are my only followers at the moment, so I don't really need to repeat. Except for:
"SNOWBALL, to the rescue!!"
Anyway, not much happened today otherwise. One scary thing: it was senior skip day, so none of the annoying seniors were in my study hall today (I'm not saying all seniors are annoying, just some particular ones in my study hall). So with them gone, it was dead silent. It scared me...
So then, I had a meeting with my counselor and mother to figure out my school schedule for next year. I am going to really try to get into the biotech program (which Katherine is in this year and seems really fun). However, my science teacher--whom I gave the recommendation form to so he would fill it out--procrastinates more than I do...which is sad. He said yesterday that he would give it to me today, then I asked him about it today and he said, "Oh, I left it up in my room [we were in the computer lab]. Can I get that to you Monday?"
"Well...its due Monday, so...I guess?"
I'm not very good at standing up to teachers.
Mr. S (what I shall call my chem teacher) apparently loves me though, because when I was absent Monday and Tuesday, he sent me an email saying that I'm one of the best students he's ever had and everything and he attached the benchmark test to the email so I could take it at home. This was not an open-note test. Wow.
I mean, I think Mr. S is a really good person...but he's not the greatest teacher. We don't get anything done!! Which is infuriating because I'm not learning stuff I need to know to go into a career involving chemistry. Plus, I'm the one that actually pays attention on the occasion that he does teach, so I'm teaching half my class how to do the stuff he taught us how to do because I'm one of the few people who actually pay attention!!! Okay, maybe not half the class. I can't talk to that many people. But I'll teach one person and they'll go back to their group and teach them and then another person will ask them how to do it, and so on.
Funny story: I explained to my mom that "Gaaaaaahhhhhh!!" is my angry noise. I even told her how to spell it. G-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h and then lots of exclamation points and sometimes a 1 at the end because I let go of the shift button before the 1...Yes, I went into that much detail...
Another funny story: The car ride home from the movie was quite interesting. It was me, my mom, chibi-chan, and manga-dealer. So, chibi-chan gets a call. It was--hmm...what shall I call him...Fanboy!...Rachel and Katherine may know who I'm talking about. His name starts with a B...I think that works so you know who I'm talking about, but its not specific enough for anything other than that, so anyway, back to story--Fanboy called. The car was silent. We were all just listening to their conversation, but we could only hear what chibi-chan is saying.
Something about him looking like an emo Kyouya in his ID picture on her phone.
Then something that she needed mind bleach for involving Kyouya and Tamaki and some catastrophic accident...I dunno...
Then, she explained she was in the car with her manga-dealer and the otaku who like Kingdom Hearts (at that, he apparently squealed, hence the nickname "fanboy").
Then she put him on speaker phone...now that was interesting. He told a story involving yaoi. My mom heard him say it and our reaction to it.
"What's yaoi??"
"You don't want to know."
*odd look* "Okay??"
Meanwhile, chibi-chan and manga-dealer are cracking up in the back seat and fanboy says, "I'm still on speaker, aren't I."
"Yes. You are."
It was so funny!!!
Later, when I got home. I dunno how I got on this topic with my parents, but somehow Vic Mignogna came up.
Oh, I remember.
By the way, Katherine. My mom talked to your mom about having you go on a college visit with us. I'm very sorry if this causes you any kind of problem.
That little tidbit was relevant, believe it or not. My mom was saying that I could feel free to invite all my friends to come with us, too. As long as we don't show up all dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh characters (okay, I'm surprised she even knew what Yu-Gi-Oh was, me and my brothers never watched it or played it or anything when we were younger).
But anyway, being hyper and all, I acted all indignant.
"Yu-Gi-Oh. Really? I mean, there's the Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon kinda nerds, and then there's the other group of nerds. I'm in the other group. Please don't even lump me together with those ones."
"Well, okay. Sorry, I only know those ones."
My dad: *sarcastically* "Yeah, its a whole social status thing. Weirdos of her level can't even mix with those other weirdos. I mean, the keyblade makers fight with the Yu-Gi-Oh nerds who fight with the Pokemon nerds. Didn't you know this?"
In reality, I find nothing wrong with Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon. Then, from there, I don't remember how Vic Mignogna came up. I had to explain to them how he's this huge celebrity in the otaku world (the English-speaking one, at least). He does everyone: Fai, Tamaki, Edward Elric, etc.
My dad doesn't understand my nerdiness, so he constantly makes fun of me for it, so now he makes fun of Vic Mignogna's name and calls him Vic Mimomomomomom....for however long he feels like going...its quite annoying. He makes fun of everything I like. I told him.
"There's a whole secret world of otakus that you don't even know about..."
I thought I said it pretty ominously...he just kept making fun of me :(
He's mean...
I think that is all I will put on this post...So...


  1. Kaitlyn, your post was MADE OF WIN! and i soooo dearly wish i could have been in the car with you guys!
    crap i gotta get to work (it's 9:35!)
    byes!!!! will talk later!

  2. AHAHAHA FANBOY!!! if amanda ever finds out you call him that... it will not be pretty!

    sooo jealous of your randomness! where are you visiting? so far i've only been to one school, messiah, though i liked it a LOT. in fact, i think i might go there... but enough about that. we should most definitely cosplay just to freak your father out. :P
