18 March 2010


I'm singing for the first time on Sunday on stage at my church for worship!! AHHHHH!!! (I'm really nervous, can you tell?) I don't know how to use a microphone or anything and I have no idea whether I'm good or bad at singing!!
Random: In the thought process surrounding that, I realized that my church has some strange obsession with "J" names:
...There are many Johns...X3
I realized that I've been talking about church a lot...well, nothing much has been happening with school except lots and lots of homework (7 page research paper outline that I finished at 1:30am!!!) I know 7 pages isn't all that much, but it is when you're doing it all in one night and you haven't read any of your sources yet...Yay procrastination!!!
In the otaku news:
1. I am working on a Zack Fair AMV to the song Kryptonite by Three Doors Down (awesome song X3)
2. I'm still saving up for a PS3. I've actually made absolutely no progress towards that goal as I do not have a job yet.
3. I really want to cosplay. I rant to my brother about this all the time and sometimes to other people. I don't know who exactly I want to cosplay. (My top choice right now is an organization xiii member. That way, I can be pretty much any of them I want, I just have to change the wig.) I'm thinking about learning how to sew...Dunno how that's gonna work out...that's definitely a project for the summer...That and my Oblivion Keyblade I'm making X3
4. FMA manga is really reaching its end!!! (And am I the only one who finds it creepy that the "father" of the homunculus looks like an evil-sexy-topless-god-like version of Ed??? (I mean, major chibi-chan kind of fangirl moment when I saw him. I could picture her reaction. There would be lots of squealing...))
5. FMA: Brotherhood has to be my favorite anime. It actually follows along with the manga and its moving really fast! Its only episode 48ish and its already on Ed's fight with Pride!! That's so awesome!!
6. Other animes I watch/watched/recommend:
  • Kobato (by CLAMP!!! Its really cute, but its got the kind of mysterious background that many CLAMP mangas have)
  • Letter Bee (love the manga. haven't been keeping up with the anime as much, but what I watched is pretty good, but they're taking awfully long to find Gauche again...)
  • 07 Ghost (amazing anime! Its completed, so far. Dunno if they're going to make any more episodes. The manga and anime are both awesome!!)
  • Kuroshitsuji (aka. Black Butler. Its got Sebastian in it! What more could you want?! The anime is awesome, I think. It actually branched from the manga and ended the story in a different kind of way, but I thought they actually did a pretty good job of it)
  • Code Geass (Its just too awesome to explain. Its really mainly in anime, not manga)
  • Howl's Moving Castle (Its a movie, but I think it is my favorite anime movie X3)
So there's the otaku-ness going on in my life right now. Not much to get excited over at the moment (except Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, which looks amazing!!! Still no sure release date. But I just looked and its been updated from TBA to Summer 2010 on Wikipedia <--my source of infinite knowledge X3)


PS: Every time I see or hear or even think the words "amazing" I think of Axel clapping and saying "Simply amazing, Roxas" "Axel" "You really do remember me this time? I'm SO FLATTERED" (woosh, then ring of fire!!!)
"But you're too late" (cool battle pose with epic chakrams. creepy-but-hot smile)
(Roxas dramatically summons 2 keyblades. woosh!)
(epic Axel battle music. Fight ensues)
"Come here, I'll make it all stop!"
At least, that's what I think he says. I'm not sure of the first line in the battle. That line sounds very suggestive for some reason...now I need mind bleach...curse my dirty mind...
"Burn, baby!!" (whoosh and floor catches on fire)
(clash, clash, clash)
"Roxas!" (end of battle. slow motion dramatic final attack)
(Flashback to cute scene with Axel trying to stop Roxas from leaving the Organization - "You get on their bad side and they'll destroy you!" "No one would miss me." "That's not true! - I would..." awwww.....)
"Let's meet again - in the next life."
"Yeah, I'll be waiting."
(chuckles) "Silly...Just because you have a next life -" (fades into darkness)

PPS: Wow. I just recited the whole scene from memory. That's sad...


  1. hiya I'm leah and I'm a otaku too. Im going to follow you as a frined cuz ur bolg looks cool
    -Check out my blog too-

  2. lulz. i remember watching that at your house! i know almost nothing of otaku-ness (sadness), but i know that... now i feel knowledgable and smart! S-M-R-T!
