20 March 2010


1. The father in the family at my church died tonight around 8:45pm. Its sad that I won't see him at church again, but I know I'll see him in heaven eventually and that takes away some of the pain. I just thought I'd let you guys know since I asked you to pray about it in another post earlier this week.

2. I finished my Zack AMV. And, as with all of my other videos on youtube, I'm in the process of disputing the copyright claim and hopefully they accept it and my video goes up!
WARNING: There are spoilers of the end of Crisis Core if you care about that at all. (I actually watched the end of the game before we ever got the game and it didn't ruin anything for me, but it might for some people because its a kinda major thing that happens...)

3. I know Kat and Rachel have watched Demyx Time (at least 1 or 2 episodes at my birthday party). But if anyone else reading this has not, you MUST watch. (Though I forewarn you that it should be probably PG-13 rated because there is cursing and some yaoi-ish scenes, but kinda not really because its two girl cosplayers acting out two male characters making out...so I'm totally sure what to call that...???)
But anyway, the update related to that was that the cosplayers of Demyx, Axel, Larxene, and Xemnas held a live chat today at 6ish, I think. (EST time. <--repetitive, I know...They said at one point it was around 11pm there-In England, but that was maybe an hour or two into the chat). So that was really interesting to watch. Whoever was there could type in a question and they would read the questions and answer them. Some were very random and funny and it was a fun thing to watch, even though it kinda froze a couple times (but that's understandable with a live online chat).
Oh, and their deviantart accounts (the reason I knew about this online thing) are:

http://tealpirate.deviantart.com/ ---- Jenn, aka Demyx
http://kellyjane.deviantart.com/ ----Kelly, aka Axel
http://one-sky-one-destiny.deviantart.com/ ----Laura, aka Larxene
http://tomoyo-hime.deviantart.com/ ----Amala, aka Xemnas

These are just the ones that were doing the video. If you go onto their pages and find where they list the other Parle Productions members, you can find the other people that do videos with them X3

I think that is all. I hope this video uploads, though!!! It still hasn't gone up!! (if there is no AMV up at #2, then you know I got frustrated with this and just put up the post without the video)


PS: I got into the National Honors Society!!! I just got the letter today!!
(Last year, I tried to get in, but I wasn't accepted and I was put off and got into this whole identity crisis and it was a disaster! So I applied this year, with my essay displaying some of my frustration with the process last year, and I didn't really care whether they accepted me or not this year, but they did!! So now I am happy X3)


  1. I'm sorry to here about the farther of your church. Hes in a better place now. With Luna too.

  2. awww, Katilyyyynnn!!!! *hugs computer in attempt to hug you*
    wow i feel like rachel. anyway, i'm sure that the father isn't in any pain anymore.
    YAY AMV! must... watch!!
    YAY DEMYX TIME!!!!!! grr i want to see a live-chat thingy!
    YAY NHS!!!!!! YAY YOU!!!! YAY BOTH!!!!
