22 March 2010


We finally got the PSP back after sending it off to get repaired!! (Well, actually, they have a policy that they send you back someone else's repaired PSP because it would take too long for them to fix yours. But I'm okay with that, this one is actually cooler. Its black and shiny!!! My brother thought it had a scratch and I got on a rant about how they shouldn't send you one that is in worse condition than your original. Then I looked at it and I'm like, "Jacob...That's not a scratch. That a piece of something that stuck to the screen and I scratched it off and it was gone." Jacob: "...Oh..." Me: *facepalm*)
But anyway, now I can play Crisis Core again!!! I get to play as my Zacky!!! WOOT!!!!
(the simplest things make me very happy)
Speaking of which, manga-dealer-chan and chibi-chan went to New York with the Japanese exchange students on Friday. It sounded like an okay trip, but their group did not want to go to the giant Borders and they were both mad about that...The thing that made me think of this was that manga-dealer-chan told me at lunch today that she got uber-excited when they got lunches and they came with sporks!! SPORKS!!! XO
And the same trip apparently made chibi-chan have a very...odd...dream. In NY, they saw an M&M commercial with a giant M&M that wants to eat everybody and something about a kaleidoscope (I actually spelled this right the first time XD). So then she watched my Zack AMV and the two got mixed into one crack-ish dream:
It was like she was looking through a kaleidoscope at the world and Zack was engaged in battle with the giant M&M. Zack won by using chocolate's worst enemy: the Sun (which I was unaware Zack had power over...). So he melted the M&M's chocolate innards and all he had to do was stab it in order to drink the M&M's chocolate guts. Then Cloud came, called Zack weird, and then discovered that he had an intense sweet-tooth and commenced eating the chocolate with Zack. Then Sephiroth came. He was angry that they did not invite him to eat chocolate with them...The End.
Chibi-chan is strange...(Yeah, I'm one to talk with my dreams about: being chased by a hippie on a unicycle, teachers throwing rocks at me while I'm skateboarding through the skate-park that the school turned into, grass taking over the world, and vicious otakus killing each other over a video game...X3).
But anyway, I'm happy about the PSP. That was originally all I was going to say.

1 comment:

  1. At least you got yours back. When i sent my psp to be repaired I didn't get it back becuz the guy said he lost it! yeah right. He probably using it himself. Stupid jerk. Oh well. I got a new one.
