15 March 2010

I don't wanna do my homework...DX

As the title says, I really don't feel like doing my homework right now. I have to write the outline for my big research paper by tomorrow! DX
Thankfully, my teacher wrote out already the general outline. All I really need to do is fill in my information. The trouble is, I have to read all my sources in order to get the information...and that's the part that I'm not looking forward to :(
I don't even think its worth it to try on this project. My English teacher is a grammar Nazi! No matter how good the writing is, she takes off points everywhere if there is the tiniest grammar mistake! I got a freaking 74 on a benchmark because I spelled things wrong or it didn't look like I had a space between my words (I have sloppy handwriting, so that is very hard for me...all my lines look like big, long words). The benchmark was on fiction! Not grammar!! Gaaaahhhh!!!
So with the research paper, even if it is very well written (which it probably wouldn't be anyway because I am really bad at formal writing), I would still fail the project because I have crappy grammar...grrrr...
Plus, I actually tried when I wrote my thesis, and then she thought I was plagiarizing...what?
So, I'm going to under-achieve on this project and hope that I don't fail ;)

I feel so lonely that no one is posting anything recently!! (Just like Katherine's title for her last post X3) I want to be distracted from my homework, but I have nothing else to be distracted by!!!

Oh! Random, but my english teacher that I was just talking about is obsessed with whales. And we're reading Moby Dick right now, so she is quite possibly the happiest person in the world X3
Her room is decorated with whales everywhere. She's got a "small" (in her words, but the thing is like 5 ft long) harpoon in a glass case in the room. She ordered a piece of whale...what's that stuff called that the whales have instead of teeth?...Braile? No. Brille, I think. Maybe. I don't feel like looking it up...So she ordered a piece of that stuff and its about 4 feet long and she passed it around class and it feels like waxy wood with hairs on one edge of it. It was pretty cool :)

I fell asleep in Calculus today. I mean, even more asleep than normal for that class. I love math, and its not like my teacher is boring, but its second period and that's when I'm at my sleepiest. It can be funny sometimes when I'm sleeping in class because I'm actually still kind of half awake, and trying to listen to my teacher and take notes. My notes end up as scribbles and I will completely mishear my teacher or misread what's on the board and think that she's saying something totally different from what she's actually saying. Like one time, in Anatomy this time, I was falling asleep and we were talking about the muscles. At one point, I thought I saw my water bottle falling dramatically and in slow motion off of my desk and I reflexively reached out to catch it, but it turns out I didn't even have a water bottle out on my desk and I flinched and maybe scared the people next to me X3. Later, it looked like my teacher suddenly became the host of jeopardy and the board was like the game board and it was really creepy...
I really need to sleep at home, not at school X/

Soooooo....anyway....yeah....nothing much else to say...
But I don't want to do my homework yet, so....
Oh! I know, I'll check if FMA:Brotherhood anime was updated yet! They're already at the fight with Pride and they're only on episode 48, I think!! I really like this series. It is one of very few animes that actually follows along with the manga instead of trying to change an already awesome storyline (like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles anime. That was horrible once they started branching off to random filler storylines. Except the chibi episode was awesome X3
Gao!!! Garururururu!!)
PS: Snowball to the rescue! Grow mushroom grow! He's not Hamlet either!!
hehe XD


  1. Baka!! It's just Japanese RAW still :(
    Normally, I would just watch that and try to guess what's going on, but the sound is off by a few seconds and it was really annoying me, so grrrrr....

  2. it's baleen hun. and yes, i DID just call you hun.
    my shirt's AWESOME!!!!!! and i WILL wear it TOMORROW!! but i'll bring a sweatshirt in case i get in trouble for having an awesome dude with a gun on my shirt. and if anyone (besides our circle) gets it, i will give them a cookie!
    Moby Dick is... well, to put it politely, as dense as a brick wall. but it's good. once you learn the language. if you want, i can lend you my copy so you don't have to borrow the school's crappy ones.
    on a completely different note:
    YOUR COMMENT WAS THE LONGEST I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!! *hands giant cyber-cookie-cake with 'LONGEST COMMENT EVER!!!' written on top with green icing and a picture of a chibi Fai doing a thumbs-up and holding a sign that says 'WIN!!!' on it*

  3. baleen. right.
    my teacher actually rewrote the entire book, so its not that hard to read. I actually kinda like it X3
    Giant cyber-cookie-cake!!!! With Fai!!
    I can't even respond to all the epic-ness!!!
