16 March 2010

Prayer Request

A family at my church is having a tough time. The father has struggled with cancer in his throat over the past years. Today, my dad went to see him and his breathing tube is down to 3mm. I don't know much about that kind of thing, but that seems very small and that's all they could do because of all the tumors. He's gone through surgeries in the past, but doesn't want to have another one. I don't think he's going to make it much longer.
That family is one of the most faithful families I have ever met. They have worked in the children's ministry, small groups, and prayer teams for years. Their youngest son was in my youth group and graduated high school last year. They continued praying and being optimistic throughout the whole ordeal. I am certain that even if he leaves this world soon, he'll be going to a better place.
Please, just pray for him (or if you don't believe in that kind of thing, just take the time to think, 'Oh, I hope the best for him and his family.') There are so many people already supporting this family, but I don't think a couple more people could hurt ;)

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