First, in English class, we had a test and it was just very easy matching. Then, because its before a break (Oh, by the way, Spring Break has no officially started. However, its not much of a break. We get Thursday, Friday, and Monday off! That's only 5 days including the weekend! Rip-off!!) Anyway, we got extra credit stuff to do in English, which is awesome because I need all the extra credit I can get -- The rough draft of our research paper is due on Tuesday after break :(. And my teacher is a grammar Nazi, so it really doesn't matter how well your paper is written, its a point or 2 off for every single grammar mistake! There is potentially a lot of bad grammar in a 10 page paper!! (And, as you can probably tell by my blog posts, I don't have very good grammar X3).
So next, I had Calc. That was okay. I was falling asleep, as usual. Its not like I hate the subject (Math is actually one of my favorite subjects). But it just happens to fall during 2nd period when I'm my most tired and my teacher talks very quietly and its a little warm and comfortable in there and I just fall asleep. Luckily, my teacher has never said anything to me about it, because even when I'm falling asleep, I still half-pay attention and if she calls on me, I have the right answer and I usually get A's on my tests. So I guess she doesn't really care if I fall asleep in class as long as I'm still learning stuff X3.
Anyway, back to my original point, today she handed out this huge packet with about 20-30 pages in it double-sided and told us it was our assignment for the weekend. Obviously, I was really dreading that, so I decided to start it in Study Hall and my period in the Library. I got almost all of the problems done in that 1hr 30minutes. It was all basic stuff, and that made me really happy!!
Now, the more interesting stuff than just my school day. I visited Kat in the Biotechnology lab today!! It was VERY cool! I'm (hopefully) going to be in the program next year, so it was really cool to see some of the stuff that goes on in the lab. There was all kinds of sciencey-gadgets--most of which I had no idea what they were. However, Katherine did a very good job of explaining everything! X3
As Katherine may or may not say in a post, today, the director of the school came to the lab and had the students show him how to do stuff and use the things in the lab (I know, very specific, right?) Katherine did a great job teaching him how to pour plates (put media stuff into petri dishes) and he asked probably-annoying questions like "Why do you do this?" and "What's the point/What are these used for?" Overall, he seemed nice, but the questions even annoyed me a little and I was just observing...
Katherine, I know you were nervous, but you were the best one there at explaining the things (That's how it seemed to me at least)!! ;)
What I learned:
1. Contamination (or rather prevention of) seems to be everything in the Biotech lab.
2. Tech school people are...different...I wouldn't say weird or scary. They seemed pretty nice. They were just louder and slightly more open about certain things than I originally expected (no offense meant to anyone I'm speaking of).
3. There was going to be another one, but I can't think of it right now. But my OCD likes odd numbers, so I'm still going to leave the #3 here.
In other news, the Japanese exchange students went home today :(
It made me sad...They were pretty awesome when they were here! I wanted to give them a goodbye gift, but everything seemed to be working against me. I was sick this morning and almost didn't go to school, but I did go and felt totally fine at school. I dunno what was wrong. I couldn't make the goodbye gift last night because I was already up until 12am working on Astronomy homework :( :( :(
About the formatting of my blog. I really like the way it is, but there's one thing that really bothers me and makes me feel like the blog is unfinished: The text in the "About Me" section has to be the same color as the text in the posts. I really want purple text in my posts, but you can't (or at least I can't) read the text in the "About Me" section because it almost blends into the background!! DX
In otaku related news...hmmm...not much. During the day off tomorrow, I think my brother and I are going to experiment with hair gel to see if we can get his hair to look like Demyx/Sora/Roxas -- any of those really. Whatever we can get his hair to do. We can't do much with my hair. I have Yuna (FFX) hair. That is the best way I can describe my hairstyle.
Just as kind of a tangent to that conversation, before I die or become too old to do this, I would like to cosplay with my brother (for anyone who for whatever reason does not know what cosplaying is, it is when people dress as characters generally originating from manga/anime/video games, though I've seen some Harry Potter). My little bro is practically my best friend and the one most like me in otaku-related tastes, so that kind of thing would be so fun. The potential problem, my parents have absolutely no interest in that kind of thing, and until he's 16-17yrs. old (he's 11 now), they would probably have to go with him to a convention and they would be totally bored and they would probably let us know it. But, for that reason (and some others), I want to go to a college close-ish to home, so it wouldn't be incredibly difficult to do that kind of thing...It something I have to think about...
Oh, some more quotes from my brother and me:
*I for some reason rubber band a warm ice-pack to my wrist and think it looks like some sort of arm-guard people may wear with armor*
Me: *said in attempted deep-sounding voice* "I am Gorgovon!!!"
(I have absolutely no idea where that name came from, I knew I heard something similar before, but couldn't think of it, so just spouted out a name that seemed appropriate for what I was trying to convey...)

Going along with that, Jacob was playing Dissidia again and he was fighting as Sephiroth against Squall. At points in the battle, it sounds like Sephiroth is saying dramatically, "I'm a Mercedes DEALER!!" and then Squall replies, "Your mom!!" (I'm quite sure this is not actually what they're saying).
Even further along with that, some mental images:

3. Kefka on American Idol. Kefka randomly eating Ryan Seacrest. The audience just staring in awkward silence. (I think I may have nightmares about this image...)
I think that is all for this post...
PS: Pablo is being annoying!! He keeps trying to sit on my laptop!!
PPS: Pablo is my ninja cat (who's secret identity is Cosmo, my normal cat, but shhhh!! Don't tell anyone!)
PPPS: I know I'm weird...
PPPPS: The pictures in order are Kefka, Cloud of Darkness (with way too little clothes on, but relatively normal for video games in general), Exdeath.
Pablo seems very cat died but thats another long story(Maybe I'll posts something about it) I'm glad you teachers like you. My LA teacher hates me but I think thats because my dad yelled at her once for no reason. Weird huh?
AWWWWWW! Best friend!! *Virtual hugs*
(apparently a cat(Pablo!... which is sitting next to me right at this very moment)with a face like this; X0
lol Jake did you hack Kaitlyn's blog?
ReplyDeletewell if this IS Kaitlyn, AWWW!!!!! THANKS!!!! *hugs computer*
and by the way, you ARE in biotech. you've already been accepted lol.
can i participate in the cosplaying too?
Getting A's and falling asleep in class, that's the way to do it =) lol. I've always fallen asleep in class when I was in high school, but didn't get those good grades like you >.<
ReplyDeleteOn the otaku related news- Good luck on styling up your hair. If your brother's hair is thin enough it might be possible. It all depends on the way its cut. You should put up pictures of the results for us to see =).