05 March 2010

Fangirl List

I'm making my list official with proof that I have claimed all these characters. Because I realize that you guys sent me your lists, but I don't have mine in writing anywhere with at least one witness, so...Here it is:
  • Axel (pyromaniac X3)
  • Riku (my emo)
  • Zack Fair (my very-large puppy from FFVII:CC)
  • Cloud Strife (You fail if you don't know. I talk about him enough to at least know what he's from)
  • Fai D. Flourite (his awesomeness is self explanatory X3)
  • Sephiroth (MOST. EPIC. VILLAIN. EVER.)
  • Nero (FFVII:DoC)
  • Noctis (FFXIII: Versus)
  • Reno (FFVII)
  • Sebastian Michaelis (love him, but he's too epic for me to claim on my own, so I can share)
  • Zero Kiryuu (VK)
  • Marluxia (Marly!! Awesome scythe, fun to make fun of, and its hard to have flower powers and still act more manly than much of the rest of the organization...)
  • Gil (Pandora Hearts. The older Gil is so awesome/cute/hot all in one!! XD)
  • Gauche Suede (Letter Bee)
  • Balthier (FFXII)
  • Hotaru (SDK)
  • Mikage (07 Ghost)
  • Hatsuharu (FB)
  • Ayumu Narumi (Spiral)
  • Subaru & Kamui (CLAMP)
  • Senri (+Anima)
Note: These are not totally in order, but slightly. (My biggest are at the top and slightly lower at the bottom)
So, that's all I can think of right now. I may make a Fangirl list cont. at some point if and when I remember more (there are so many mangas and animes I read I can't keep track XP)
PS: Katherine, random question. How do you put a youtube video on your post??


  1. you're going to have to fight my sister in a death match for zero! haha!

    i should do this... only my list is slightly embarrassing... >.>

  2. Tsunayoshi from KHR is my boo!
    Zack from FF 7 is my sexy love.
    Oz from Panadora hearts is my silly sinful boy.
    Zero from Vampire knight is my Edward Cullen.
    Notics from FF 13 V is my super hot sexy love.
    Roxas/Ven from Kh is the key of my heart.
    Leoluch from Code geass is my evil beloved King.
    Hitsugaya from Bleach is my little shorty.
    Demyx from Kingdom hearts is the song of my soul.
    Train from black cat is my little Neko!
    There all mine! Mine!.....But in the end...We can't have any of them.*sob* (cuz there not real)
