24 March 2010

Reminder & Other Stuff

Are you coming to the college visit with me? (Because I just realized today that it was this Saturday, as in 3 days from today...)

Favorite Square-Enix Characters (because my brother just randomly asked me who my favorite SE characters are, so I wrote them down on here and now I'm leaving them because I don't feel like getting rid of them X3):

And because I'm thinking about it, I thought I'd share some of my brother and my jokes (that may not make sense, but they're funny out of context as well):

"No those are not the Death Star and its babies!!" (screamed while my dad was on the phone with someone X3)

"The magazine went to the doctor!!!" (...a joke that my brother tried to say, but forgot midway through what the joke was, so just stopped there and left me confused...)

"My destiny is to become--A SPOONMAKER!!" (another random quote said by my brother, this time while I was playing Final Fantasy XII)

"Me: Cursed MOO!!
Jacob: Do your homework!
Me: Stop! ...Hammer Time!
Both: Dodododo-dodo-dodo Can't touch this! etc."
(This one needs explanation. Xemnas sounds like he's saying "cursed Moo" in the final battle and later it sounds like he's saying "do your homework" and he's wearing a very disco-like outfit and for some reason it made us both think of MC Hammer...)

"A group of four heroic dinosaurs do battle with a trio of highly intelligent evil dromeosaurids that have plans for world domination." (an actual description for a show on discovery channel)

"42!!" (self-explanatory)

(Just now while writing this post) "Me: Why are you smelling your own socks!! That's weird!
Jacob: I was hitting my head with it!!"

"Joshua killed Zack!!" (what I thought my brother said at one point. Then we both pictured after Zack's death scene, it zooms in on one of the soldiers that killed him and he takes off his helmet and its Joshua--from The World Ends With You!!!)

"I have my own system for how many exclamation points I use, okay?!?! Its very complicated and I'm not going to explain it right now..." (also just said as writing this post)

"Me: You're dumb!
Jacob: Your face is dumb!
Me: Your mom's face is dumb!
Jacob: *dramatic gasp* I'm telling mom!!!"

"Me: *randomly starts singing Savior by Rising Against* If this ain't love then how do we get out?
Jacob: How do you do that?
Me: *still singing the song* I don't know..."
(yet another thing that happened just now and I felt like typing down)

Okay, done with the quotes...Chibi-chan had another weird dream involving me. So, I was apparently on a date with 3 people from Kingdom Hearts (I don't know what kind of person she thinks I am. Another dream had me marrying 6 different people). So there was Axel, Cloud, and another person she didn't see his face but he had big hair and cat eyes (maybe Train from Black Cat? But then Rachel would be mad!!) Axel for some reason thought that Cloud was Roxas in disguise and kept trying to get him to admit it, so he got Cloud ice-cream to coax the truth out of him. Then Xion showed up, stole the ice-cream from Axel, gave it to me, and scolded Axel to stop ignoring the person he came there with! (As she was telling this, I patted imaginary Xion on the head and said "good Xion!" like she was a dog or something. it was strange. apparently I think Xion is short because I patted the air lower than chibi-chan even...) Anyway. Then, we apparently went on those boat things in the "tunnel of love," except instead of the normal music playing, Riot by Three Days Grace was playing...(in response to this, I said, "awesome!!" I love that song!!) So that was the end of the dream...very weird.
I think chibi-chan is stealing my weird dreams. I haven't been dreaming at all recently! Of course, I also haven't been sleeping much...but I still think she's stealing my dreams! X3

Okay, ranting about randomness is now over. Katherine, please comment and say whether you are coming or not! Or just tell me at school. But I probably wont remember to ask you at school, so that is why I'm putting it on here.


  1. yeah, I can go. as long as it doesn't interfere with my work-thing! when would we go?

    love the quotes by the way!

  2. Lol...My favorite is Neku! From the world ends with you! Its the best Square enix game I've played!

    :3 ~Leah~
