28 March 2010

I lost the game!!!

Hehehe, I'm watching Advent Children Complete right now, so if my post doesn't make sense in some parts, you know why X3
So, yesterday, I went on a college visit to Franklin & Marshall with Katherine. It was AMAZING. That is my top choice school right now and its going to be hard to beat. The only problem would be the cost...X/
The teachers/faculty were very cool and funny. And it was strange how many Harry Potter references there were!! There were 4 houses, someone talked about a sorting hat (which they don't actually have T.T), someone wrote an essay about Severus Snape, etc. It was awesome!! X3
Then, on the way home, we were sitting in traffic so we blared "My Sitar" into the peaceful Lancaster afternoon...XD. My mom said the song was weird, but still agreed to open the windows, turn up the music, and repeat the song after it finished!
I'm sure Katherine will have some to say about the trip at some point. I'm too brain dead to try to remember more about yesterday right now...

So today was another interesting day! I went to church like normal. Then, after church I had a lunch at Applebee's with my youth group. That was...odd. It was really fun as it usually is with my youth group, but I was sitting between my brother and my dad, both of whom like to bully me...of course, I fight back. My brother teases me, I punch him! X3
So that was fun, and I actually talked! I usually talk a little...SEPHIROTH!!! (Sorry, Kadaj just turned into Sephiroth in Advent children XD)...anyway, I usually talk a little, but this time I talked a lot and it was pretty fun!
And this guy from the table next to ours came over randomly and showed us a trick with a tightly wound straw wrapper. You put a few drops of soda on the table and put the wound up straw wrapper on top of the small puddle. Then it absorbs the soda and starts to wiggle like a worm!!! It was so cool!!!
After the lunch, my Mom-mom picked up me, my brother, and my sister and brought us to see my school's musical, "Beauty and the Beast." Chibi-chan was in it (she was the milk-maid, a knife, and an angry villager). I thought the knife fit her personality and when I saw her in the mob, I thought, 'Chibi with a rake: run for it!!' Apparently, she saw me in the audience at one point and I distracted her and she forgot what she was supposed to be doing! DX I felt bad when she told me that...but then she hugged me and wouldn't let me leave after the show...I didn't feel bad after that. I was worrying more about the loss of circulation in my arm...X3
Then, I went shopping for jeans. Kinda boring. But I thought to include that anyway.
AWWW....Cloud looks like a kitty when he smiles!! (I'm not sure why, but that's the impression I get. And Advent Children is now over. It was good.)
Anyway, on the way home from shopping, my dad stopped to get gas. He made me get out to learn how to pump the gas. So he's telling me how to do it and tells me to squeeze the gas pump thing to start it going. Then, he WALKS AWAY!!! I yell, "Where are you going?!"
"I'm going inside to get a drink."
"What?! You can't go inside and leave me here. I don't know how to stop it!!!" He just went into the store. So I'm freaking out because I wasn't completely listening to when he was telling me how to do it, so I'm just watching the numbers wondering how many gallons the car takes. I remember he said something about it popping at some point, but I don't remember what he said to do when it popped! So when it popped, I was freaking out even more. Meanwhile, my dad is inside buying a soda and he overhears the workers saying that someone is trying to get help by calling the desk but they can't understand what the person is saying. My dad is then thinking, 'Oh, no. She did not call the desk and start freaking out at them in a decibel that only dogs can hear.' So he turns around and at that point, I had seen him go up to the counter and I was waiting for him to turn around or come out. He turns around and sees me gesturing at him, but he can't hear what I'm saying. So he seriously thinks that its me freaking out to the people at the gas station and then gesturing at them like an idiot. (I was not actually the one that called in, but it scared my dad X3). He comes out and I'm really angry and crying and everything. Yeah, I was really mad at him for leaving me out there like that. Oh well, no the gas station has some interesting security tapes...T.T
Then in the car again, he asked me, "What were you freaking out about? Its just gas!"
"I don't know, I could have exploded the whole gas station or something with FRICTION!!!" (I meant static, but said friction for some reason. I was thinking of a Mythbusters episode that tested the gas station explosions because of static myth but I couldn't remember if it was confirmed or not).
To that statement, he laughed at me and asked, "What, were you standing there rubbing your feet on the ground or something?!"
Then he continued to laugh at me and I continued to say stuff in an attempt to defend myself, but could find nothing to say that helped my case at all...
My mom cracked up hysterically imagining me gesturing at the people in the gas station and calling the desk and freaking out at them. She was laughing for about 10 minutes. I think her homework was stressing her out a little much.

The End


PS: Sorry for saying "so" so many times and for the abrupt ending. I still have homework to do :(
And sorry for my title X3


  1. hehe when I saw the title of your blog I smiled. It's really nice to see another profound american otaku around.

    I read your profile too, it turns out we have same writing problems. I dont talk much irl either unless it's with friends or if i need to put up some conversation, so most of my built-up thoughts come bursting out when I blog, and it'll get jumpy and everything lol.

    anyways i like the story about the gas station. The same happened to me with my mom but I've been driving around and filling up on gas for some good years now so I didnt have much of a problem there..

  2. LOL. You were screaming random names from FF7. It made me laugh. The movie was great!

  3. i cannot believe you blasted that in LANCASTER, of all places... ahahaha! and your story about the gas station made me laugh!
