05 April 2010

Happy Easter!!

Jacob!!!! You hacked into my blog!!!!
(Though, I vaguely remember him asking me if he could write something and I was distracted so I said, "Yeah, whatever"...)
Katherine: Of course you can cosplay, too!!! I want to, at least once, do a cosplay convention with our whole book black market. That would be EPIC!!!!
Snugtrition: I will put up pictures of our attempts at my bro's hair...eventually. It wasn't the best, but it was still fun!
LeahPeah: I love my kitty!! XD And it sucks that your teacher doesn't like you. That always makes school much less fun than normal.

Anyway, on with my actual post.
Happy Easter!! I know that was yesterday, but whatever. I had to sing again in church yesterday and it was kinda chaotic. We didn't have practice during the week like usual, so we just practiced in the morning. The leader forgot the lyric sheets, so we had to rely on looking at the small monitor that showed the lyrics that they show on a screen behind the worship team, and sometimes, the person in charge of the moniter forgot to change slides so we were still looking at the lyrics of the previous verse. Then, when we started, I had gone to all the trouble of making sure I had a water bottle with me on stage. The lady next to me on the worship team stole my water (probably thinking it was hers)!!! I couldn't say anything since we were starting singing and she probably needed the water more than me (she had just had a baby a couple weeks ago and she was singing a solo that day). But then, I was really thirsty. When the lady's solo started, I couldn't get to the side of the stage with the rest of the team in time and got stuck standing awkwardly between the drummer and guitarist and holding my head down trying not to get noticed. Being incredibly thirsty by that time, I felt like I was going to pass out on stage if that solo went any longer (and apparently, I looked like it too because my mom mentioned it to me later and asked if I felt as bad as I looked...) I can't seem to have a good week when it comes to worship, can I? But, I still think I have a lot of fun up there and I'm surprisingly comfortable singing in front of all those people. Its the before, after, and when I'm not singing, but still up on stage that I have trouble with...
It probably didn't help that I had only had about 5 hours of sleep the night before.
I couldn't fall asleep on Saturday night into Sunday until about 2am (I guess I was nervous or not feeling well or something. Possibly the latter because I couldn't fall asleep until the same time last night either.) Anyway, I had to wake up at 6:50am on a Sunday so we could do our whole easter basket thing (my family does a thing where the "easter bunny" hides the baskets and then leaves clues in eggs around the house. So it takes a while sometimes). Then, I had to get dressed, in an actual dress (which I do not normally like wearing. I enjoy having pants on...) because right after church we had to go to my grandparents house and have our yearly family picture and we all had to look nice.
Speaking of my grandparents house, it was fun. My little cousins were there, the twins, they were so CUTE!! They're really talking now and its funny to see them argue with each other (I know that sounds horrible, but they have sweet arguments: You do it. No, you do it. No you. No you. etc. all the while smiling shyly because everyone is watching them). At one point, Jacob was playing baseball with another of my cousins and I told the girls to go get cousin Jacob with their little toys that shoot light little plastic balls (they don't hurt when they shoot at you, which I know because they were shooting at a lot of us, me included, with those balls). So I told them to get Jacob and they ran after him saying, "Shoot him, shoot him!" in cute little 3-yr-old-girl voices and laughing. X3
After the visit, we went home and relaxed because we were all exhausted and eventually went to bed.
I'm kinda worried about myself recently because I couldn't fall asleep last night either. I'm not sure why. Its like I can fall asleep practically anywhere during the day, but when its nighttime, I don't feel tired at all and I can't make myself fall asleep. I can't get comfortable. I can't get my mind to slow down and relax. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm too hot under the covers and too cold out of the covers...It really sucks.
I think that's really all I have to say in my oddly ADD-ish post.
Sorry if all that is hard to follow.
PS: I really don't want to do this research paper. The rough draft is due tomorrow. I've got 3 pages done - about 1/3 of the whole paper. Its not very hard, just time consuming. The other parts will be harder because they include analysis of my book and everything...DX
It probably doesn't help that I'm writing a blog post when I should be doing homework. I guess you could look at it as refocusing my thoughts (I had just been reading "Fire" by Kristin Cashore and my mind was in a fantasy world for a while reading it, so now I'm trying to get back to real life and work on homework. Hopefully.)


  1. i'm glad you like to wear pants. XD
    your cousins sound cute!
    i hear ya on the research paper thing! i have about a page and a half for a 7-10 page paper due friday!

  2. dont wry it wasnt hard to follow i write a lot too, dont be ashamed of havin to write a lot k. its a gud thing 2 expresss ur mind...and sry that u had 2 write a paper that sucks!!! by tha way i lov ur blog tsubasa chronicles is the best!! fye, kuro-puu,lolz, syaroan, and sakura r amazing !!!!! ^_^
