Anyway, on to what I actually wanted to say:

So then, we went back inside and watched a video about them in the hospital. Three people "died" and one girl was in a coma for 3 months. The drunk driver lived. After the video, we went back to class. Through the rest of the day, over the intercom they played a flatline every 22 minutes to show how often a teenager dies in an alcohol related car accident. They had a "grim reaper" come and get people every time one of the flatlines happened and they stayed out of class (as I understand it, at least).
Then, we went back 9th and 10th period for the funeral in the gym. Then they played a video with pictures of the "victims" and it was very sad. Then, they showed the court hearing for the kid who was driving. He got sentenced to 8-25 years in prison (I think).
After the funeral, there was a guest speaker. Her boyfriend was killed by a drunk driver. The guy had 17 drinks before driving home. Then, the accident happened. Her boyfriends father was right behind them and ran up and his son was really injured. He told him, "You are loved! You have to fight!" He just nodded and then died. This girl telling the story is what got me crying. She was practically crying when she told it! And the guy who killed her boyfriend didn't actually have a license. It was revoked because of DUI. So he got sentenced to 6-25 years. He got out after 6...
So after that, the organizer of Shattered Dreams came out and talked for a minute, then showed a video. It was very graphic.
I think the school actually did a really good job covering all bases and making sure that kids are listening. I know that a high percentage of the kids in my high school drink. They talk about it often! (in study hall for the most part). I have nothing against people who drink. Its just better if its actually legal. And if the people drinking are not idiots when their sober, so who knows what they'll do when their drunk?!
I don't know if you can tell, but I am anti-drinking, or at least anti-underage-drinking. I know what it can do to you because I saw what it did to my Mom and Dad. My mother divorced my biological father because he was an alcoholic and it was getting out of hand (as far as I know. I was only 2-3 yrs old). She took my older brother and me and moved to my grandmother's house for a little while. I remember that. Then, she met my step-dad (who I call my dad now). My older brother and I didn't like him at all at first. I was like a demon-child whenever he was around. But he still stuck around through the many scary glares and temper-tantrums and the many painful kicks in the crotch (I may not have understood the difference between guys and girls when I was 4, but I knew that kicking a guy there hurt him a lot, which was my goal at the time...I really didn't like him). When they first got married, my mom and my dad both drank and smoked often. Same with practically my entire family. Then, it seems our whole lives turned around when Columbine happened and my mother told my father that we needed to start going to church so we don't end up doing something like that (or if something like that happens to us, we're okay for the afterlife). My parents quit smoking and drinking. My grandparents quit smoking at least and don't drink as much around us kids. But I see what alcohol did to my family and I know I have an addiction gene in me from both sides of my family, so I don't want to drink or I won't be able to stop. I don't like the idea of having little-to-no control over my mind and body.
As I said already, I don't care if other people drink and do it responsibly. But I don't want to do it myself. Its my own choice. I'm not trying to force my own opinions down other people's throats.
Now I'm really ranting, so I'm going to stop now.
Hmmm...So a real downer of a day...Good thing was that we only had 3rd, 4/5th, 6/7th, and lunch. And the 3 periods that I actually had were really just study halls. Then, we got dismissed to 10th period for the last 30min of school and I go up and our teacher wasn't there. I mean, he's my Chem teacher and he just randomly leaves the classroom to wander around the school. I run into him in the randomest places when I'm walking between classes! Its kinda creepy!!! But anyway, he wasn't there, so our class just chilled without a teacher. People wanted to just leave school and drive home, but they apparently had security guards posted at every exit, so they just waited it out...
So, in my very boring study hall periods, I had a chance to draw a picture!!
First, I drew it in pencil. Then I came home after school and outlined it in thin tip permanent marker. That didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, so I scanned it into my computer and messed around with it on photoshop and ended up with this!!!

And Yuui is wearing converse shoes!!! (or my attempt at them...)
And I just thought I'd mention. I'm listening to my iPod right now and "What is This Feeling" from Wicked was just on, and it just changed to "One Winged Angel"-- Sephiroth's song XD
This is a really long post X3
I should stop now. Maybe tomorrow, I'm thinking of putting more of my pictures (more recent ones!! As in, from last year and this year!!! -- Other than the picture above, of course).
PS: An extra funny little story. During the second half of the presentation, I had some strange mixture of the songs "Animal I Have Become," "My Sitar," and "Oh oh oh Sexy Vampire" stuck in my head. If you don't know them, here are some youtube videos featuring them:
Yeah, just imagine having all three stuck in you head at once...During a drunk driving presentation...X/
wow! that seems like a really cool way to learn about DUI. i wish my school could show that to our students....
ReplyDeletekaitlyn. I LOVE YOU!!! ahahaha i love the 3-song-mix! incongrous much?? thanks for summarizing the Shattered Dreams thing so well, i don't think i could have done it half as well! and now i have something to look back at when i inevitably forget. also, that drawing is freaking FABULOUS!!! i also appreciated your "rant" about alcohol and its ill effects. i couldn't help laughing at some parts (kicking your dad in the crotch, lol), but other parts almost made me cry. your family is very inspiring. (and your dad has a very strange sense of humor. but that's another story!)
ReplyDeleteI LOOOVEEE YOUUU!!! haha, creeping done for the day!
I love the picture. Its so cool. You have a nice family. Mine is nice too...but also crazy! Love the Demyx vid.
Important thing to remember is that drinking to be "cool" is bad =_=.