16 April 2010

Life Updates X3

This may or may not turn out to be a long post (I haven't decided yet...)
Today was kinda boring and kinda interesting, I guess.

1st period - English - We had a vocab test. It was alright. It was a bunch of French words and I got 2 wrong because I didn't know how to spell them!! I hate French!! That's why I took German! They have simple spelling!

2nd period - Calculus - We went over homework for pretty much the entire period. I was falling asleep again, but trying really hard not to--we're working on volumes of 3-D objects using integrals and areas and all that stuff and its kinda confusing, so I really need to pay attention!

3rd period - Library - Technically a period for my Astronomy online course, but I don't have anything to do for that class yet, so I did other homework. Then chibi-chan came to visit me! (Like she usually tries to do when she has study hall). We had some interesting conversations about fanfictions and odd pairings (though there was not cannibalism talk this time -- she usually finds some way to bring up cannibalism...wait, now that I think about it...she did ask "If Cloud ate a chocobo, would it be cannibalism?" (we say that Cloud is like the mother of all chocobos)...so I guess she did bring it up...but it wasn't a whole conversation...oh well...anyway...)

4/5th period - Study Hall - I worked on my English homework (a crossword puzzle) and Math homework (a large packet that was surprisingly easy to finish).

6/7th period - Anatomy - My teacher gave us the whole period to study for our test we're having on Monday on the endocrine system (hormones and such). There are a lot of long names for things in the endocrine system - hyperparathyroidism, endocrinology, norepinephrine, tetra-iodothyronine, prostoglandins, cyclic adenine monophosphate (cAMP), adrenocoricotropic hormone, adenohypophysis, hypothalamohypophyseal tract, mineralocorticoids, gluconeogenesis, etc.

8th period - Lunch

9th period - P.E. - We ran the mile. Ugh! I hate running. I'll bike 20 miles before I will run 1.
10th period - Chemistry - We were in the computer lab working on stuff to get ready for the PSSA's (Pennsylvania Standardized...Something...Assessment??? maybe...). We're doing science ones for the first time this year and its all earth and space science stuff that we learned in 9th grade. I don't remember all of that! Well, I guess that's why we're doing PSSA practice...Oh well. It was actually pretty easy. I got it done in about 10 minutes and used the rest of my time to finish my homework, so now I have NO HOMEWORK for the weekend!!!!! (first time in a while).

Unfortunately, just because I have no homework doesn't mean I'm not busy (probably way too many negatives in that sentence, but I really don't care). Tomorrow, I have to get up at 5:30 am and be ready to leave at 6:30am for another college open house at Messiah College. I'm not totally sure why we're leaving so early, I didn't think it was that far away...but maybe it is and we have to be there at 8:30am or so. That will last until probably 4ish in the afternoon. After that I will be free to work on other stuff. Not sure what...maybe I'll work on my Oblivion keyblade...but I don't think I have papier mache materials...

Then, on Sunday, I have worship again, so I have to get up at 7-7:30am to be ready for that. Then 2:30-3:00, I'm going to visit the old folks' home with Rotary Interact club and manga-dealer-chan. Then, I have youth group at 7-9ish (speaking of which, Kat-chan and Rachel are invited if they want to come and are not busy, just let me know!) Then I go to bed and have to get up at 6am for school the next day. Fun! I'm not going to sleep this weekend...
Its kind of worrying me that my alarm hasn't been waking me up for the past few weeks. It goes off at 6:05am. I don't wake up until 6:20-6:30 - the alarm is still going off when I finally wake up...I am seriously sleep deprived. I've never been this bad before. I'm a picky and light sleeper. I used to have to be perfectly comfortable and warm and in a bed before I could fall asleep. Back hen, just the slight hum before my alarm goes off was enough to wake me up. But now I sleep through my alarm and I am able to sleep in class, sitting up in a desk, in a cold room, surrounded by people, with the teacher talking!! What the heck!! I don't like being tired all the time!

Anyway, whining over. Anymore updates? Hmmm...Oh! Envirothon county competition is on Tuesday! Wish us luck, my team (me, chibi-chan, manga-dealer-chan, Rachel, and headphones-chan -- who I haven't mentioned anything about on here yet, but that's what I'll call her because she is always listening to music at our lunch table. She's pretty cool.) We'll need all the good luck we can get! Kat's team will probably win X3. They're the veteran nerds. We're n00bs...
Hehe. Remembering mental picture of nerds cosplaying as trees...Katherine will know what I'm talking about XD

Yeah, this ended up being a long post after all 8D.

I'll probably put more sketches up soon. Thank you all for looking at them and commenting! It means a lot!


PS: I feel weird signing as otaku because there are other people out there who call themselves otakus and I don't want them to get offended and say that I'm am undeserving of the title or something, so I'm signing as more of a nickname than a title!...This is how my mind works, okay?!


  1. hey i noticed that you mentioned the PSSAs. i used to live in PA, too! but now i live further down south. ugh--i hated those. i also like manga, and hawk nelson! please visit my page!

  2. Cloud...a mother? Like he'd take care of his kids. He'd probably let them starve because he'd be to busy running after Sephiroth. Some how I can't see him as a farther...just can't.I guess he'd be a bettr farther than Sephiroth...he'd kill his children.


  3. Kristen: Thanks for following me! I'm following your page now because you followed me and you seem interesting X3 (I tried to write this as a comment, but it wouldn't let me, so I'll write it here and maybe you'll see it...)

    Leah: Cloud and Sephiroth both would be scary as parents...*shudders at the thought*...Well, Cloud did have those kids in Advent Children, but he didn't really take care of them. He ran away and left them with Tifa...8/

  4. Wow you've got a pretty busy weekend. Waking up at 5:30 on Saturday IS NOT FUN! lol I've been having the same problems as you with the alarm clock. Sleeping with the clock helps you wake up too, just make sure to sleep with 1-3. I keep 1 in my arms and 2 on the opposite sides of my head. No way to stay asleep with those going off lol.

  5. Haha! I may have to try that sometime!
