Here are some more sketches! These ones are also from 9th grade (the same sketchbook and some other random pieces of paper that I found lying around).
These first sketches (the color ones) are fanart sketches of Axel and Sephiroth (and I just realized, instead of VIII for Axel's actual number, I put XIII, which is Roxas' number...oops). And the colored girl on the right is an odd attempt at drawing a female Reno...don't ask where that image came from...

The next couple are characters I drew for a story idea I had (which progressed absolutely nowhere, but that was my first actual attempt at putting a story together in my head).

There are twins, a boy and a girl. The guy dies in some way I don't remember and the girl is devastated. So, she can't go on as herself and she "becomes" her brother. She takes over his identity and tries to live life that way...I never really thought of anything after that...And believe it or not, this idea came to me before I read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and learned about the eerily similar story of Fai and Yuui...Except they were both guys...(well, not in my fanfiction, but that's a different story).

The next one just has random people drawings. No real story behind those.

Then, the 5th sketch I have has pictures I drew of me and my little sister and brother in fantasy semi-chibi-ish bodies. I'm the elf, my sister is the mermaid/princess, and my brother is the dragon (he hates it when I draw him as a human for some reason...)

Then there are random semi-chibi people. The guy has Cloud-like hair. But the sword - I designed that myself!! I was very proud of myself!!

The next one was random practice drawings and then a marker chibi Axel that I just threw on there (I drew that when I was bored one day and had markers...)

The final one has a couple doodles as well as some other pictures. The girl on the left was supposed to be landing after flying through the air, but my bro said she looked possessed...he's very critical of my drawings...but that is good because he's pretty much the only one who is honest with me about most things...
Well, that's all for today. I'll put up more sketches some day soon, hopefully.
PS: With some of my sketches, if the clothing looks better than many of my other sketches (in the case of my second picture, top right corner) its because I looked at references to see how to draw that kind of thing and copy that usually the first time I ever draw something. After that, I remember basic things about how it was drawn and then I try to make my own technique for drawing based off of that original reference. In my example, I used a picture from Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna and just changed the head to be my character instead of the Spiral character.
PPS: In case you were wondering, Spiral is a pretty good manga (and I think its an anime, too). Its got a lot of logic stuff going on, so it can be boring for people who don't like that kind of thing, but I found it interesting :)
Your really good! Better than me!*smiles*
ReplyDeleteThank you, but you are really good, too!! I like your chibis - they are very cute!!
ReplyDeleteI love the outfits you put your characters in. Even if you did use references, they come out very well. All my characters tend to be in plain T-Shirts and whatnot >.>
ReplyDeleteits nice seeing how progressively better the sketches get over time.