13 April 2010


I had worship practice tonight. It was pretty fun, except for the first song because I had to sing alone. Into a microphone. DX
After that, the other person who sings with me came and she is loud enough that I can't hear myself singing, so I was good after that. We're doing some really good songs this week!! I'm excited!
I'm posting the songs here so that maybe I will actually listen to them and practice because they have more difficult parts that I have to try to sing and I really should practice...well, they're not really that difficult, just more difficult than usual. I can't just wing it this time like the other times...X/
Sorry for no otaku-related stuff in this post XP
Now I must go do my astronomy homework. It is due before 12am tonight, so I better get on it...T.T


  1. Homework is such a pain! Oh well..we have to do it.lol The second song is pretty. I love it. Now I've found a new song to go on my ipod! Thank you!

  2. whee!! awesome music!!!!! that otaku-chan will sing!!!!!
    i'm hyper!!!
    anyway, i don't think that astronomy is nearly as fun as astrology. but that's just my complete-astronomy-n00b opinion lol
    have fun!! (as non-sarcastically as possible lol)

  3. I'm glad you guys like the songs! These are some of my favorite songs of the ones that we sing in church. (I have to be careful not to knock over the mike stand when I clap to these songs - I almost did last time and that would have been embarrassing XP)
