18 April 2010


Leah: Thank you! I like my music, too! (obviously, because I put it up X3) I felt like putting up anime related stuff to make it more fun! (videos are cool too)

Katherine: Awww *hugs computer back* thank you! Rachel really needs to stop getting grounded. I don't know what she does to get in trouble all the time!!

Anyway, my day seems to have freed up. I still had to get up at 7am for worship. That actually went pretty well this week. I wasn't really nervous at all!
Unfortunately, not everything went well. Before the service, my little bro was running and he tripped and fell flat on his chest. We heard him scream all the way down the hallway and my mom, my dad, and I went running. He was lying on the ground groaning and he said his rib cage hurt. My dad had to take him to the ER. My mom, my sister, and I stayed because I still had to sing worship in the service and my mom was working in Kidzone, so we couldn't leave. My mom kept getting texts that they were looking at him, he still seems hurt but he's probably going to be okay, they're giving him a CAT scan to check his spleen, they couldn't get the contrast injected. That's where they are now. My mom left when she heard that they had to get some kind of machine to put the IV in. My sister and I were driven home by friends from church. My sister is friends with their daughter so she's over there right now. I'm home alone. I canceled my visit to the old folks' home because I thought it would be better if I stayed home.
I'm worried for my bro, but I think he's going to be okay. I'm praying for him. I'm not sure about youth group tonight. Whether we have it depends on how my brother's condition is I guess...
That is all.


  1. He got home! He's okay!
    Just some bruising on his ribs and inner chest wall. They had to stick him NINE TIMES with needles to get the contrast in, and they still didn't get it in!! (My parents made them stop, then). So his arms and hands are all bruised up from that :(
    But he's okay and that's all that matters!

  2. OHHH NOOO!!! kaitlyn, i'm praying for him! i hope he feels better!

  3. awww! I hope your brother will be ok. I will pray for him too.

  4. I'll pray for him. You were there for me so I'll be there for you too. He'll be alright. God is watching over him.


  5. Thanks you guys!! You're awesome!
    I think he'll be OK. He got a new video game out of it too X3
    (Lucky kid! Two new games in one week!!! -- Pokemon Soul Silver and Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)
