27 April 2010

This is how I feel right now!!! Squeeee!!! XD

The simplest things make me happy X3

So, we had science PSSA testing today. yay...*sarcasm*
They were kind of ridiculous. The questions were odd...
And we only got to miss 1st period for that!!! How rude! (I still got to miss finishing my Moby Dick test, though, so that's good X3)
So periods 2 and 3 were shortened and the day went relatively normally after that. I didn't fall asleep today!! Changes from the ordinary schedule usually do that to me.
I got to miss 9th and some of 10th period because my school had a thing for all the AP students to fill in their bubble sheets with their names and such so they didn't have to take extra testing time to do it. Chibi-chan and I are both taking Calc, so when the called for the Calculus kids to come bring up their forms, she skipped up there and I ran behind her yelling at her to stop skipping! Then, on the way back to the table she grabbed my arm and skipped back, too!! I don't like skipping in public. Only when I'm almost a drug-induced happy would I even consider skipping in my school. Then she started speaking French (me no talk french! me no understand!!! Ich spreche Deutsch. Nicht Franzoesisch!!)
I'm kinda nervous about my Calculus AP test...We've been doing problems from previous AP tests and I've understood most of them, but it seems like the last part of every single question always confuses me and I have no idea what to do!!! Gaaahhhh!
Oh well.
We had to actually go back to 10th period after we were finished :( Grrr...10th period is Chem for me, so of course my teacher wasn't there. Except this time he had a substitute so we actually had to do work. The sub was funny because as soon as the bell rang to end school. She yelled, "Yay!" stood up, and ran out the door before any of the students even!! I thought it was hilarious!
Then I got home and my dad asked if I had a lot of homework. Truthfully, I answered, "Yeah." So he said, "Well, I guess you can't have your freaky japanese thing then..." I was confused at first and then he picked up my Zexion wig and waved it around.
Me: What?! It came today!!! Give it back!
Dad: You said you had a lot of homework. And now I have to go pick up Elaina [my little sis]
*starts leaving with wig in hand*
Me: Nooooo!!! Give it back! Give it back!! You're so mean!
Dad: Come get it if you want it!
*He was already up the hill in my back yard and it was muddy from the rain we've had the past couple days and I was in socks, so I wasn't following him up there*
Me: No! Give it to me! Please? *sad puppy dog face*
Dad: You can have it if you can catch it! *throws wig down the hill*
Me: *totally fails at catching it* That was a horrible throw.
Dad: *shrugs* You can't catch.
I couldn't argue so I went inside and tried it on. Its pretty epic once you get it on right (which I struggled with at first). I have yet to figure out how to hid my own hair...I'll figure it out when I can experiment some more with it.
I'll probably post some pictures when I figure it out.
I don't have a coat or anything yet. I'm debating between learning how to sew and making it myself and just buying one on ebay...I need money...Otaku-dom is an expensive hobby :(
But epically fun, so I think I'll stick with it ;D


1 comment:

  1. Lol! I bet your going to look super cool in the coat! But its going to cost you a lot of money.

