29 April 2010

Yay!! Pictures!!

So, I got my Zexy hair, in case you haven't read my last 2 posts X3
I had time today, and my parents weren't home, so I could be as goofy as I wanted--so, I tried out my wig and took pictures. Now, normally, I don't wear make-up. At all. But I figured I'd try it. Just because. I put on too much, but oh well. And these pictures were taken on my laptop's webcam, so they're not the greatest quality, but they work well enough...I just kinda made faces at the camera and here are the best of them X3 (I know they're not all Zexion faces, but whatever. I can't pull off emo very well 8D). And I felt like wearing my cat ears in some of them. Because I luvs my cat-ears!! I made them out of socks, ribbon, and an old headband X3
In that 1st picture in the 3rd row, that is my brother jumping behind me in his jammies 8)
He's weird. He kept throwing things at me :'(

Anyway, I thought I'd also put up pictures of the model magic creations my brother and I made last weekend...
Whether you can tell or not, our creations consist of (from bottom right to top left in the last picture): sea-salt ice cream, mini Axel head, Kingdom Key, shadow heartless coming out of its little darkness portal thingy, mini Riku head, Chocobo, Xemnas' lightsabers X3, Marly's scythe, Axel's chakram, mini Demyx head, nobody symbol, paopu fruit, and a turtle.

And the picture below is Jacob modeling my Oblivion Keyblade, that I also worked on last weekend. I only have one side finished so far and its obviously not painted and missing the chain, but this is my progress so far :)

Finally, this last picture is Jacob again modeling a keyblade, this one the Kingdom Key. I made it last summer. Its kinda crappy, but I still luv it X3
(And he did actually hit me with it right after this...)


PS: If you're wondering about the room: it is my room we are in. The design on the wall is tetris (designed by my older brother b/c it used to be his room and then he moved out and I took it X3)


  1. Lol! Your brother is funny. You look super cool! So your brother is...?

  2. He's not really dressed as anyone. He was role-playing as Vexen at certain points because he tried to gel his hair, but he ended up looking like a mad scientist -- Vexen! So he just said that he was Vexen. But most the time, he was just his goofy self X3

  3. OMG YOU LOOK SO COOL!!!!!!!
    btw, i totally didn't recognize you in the pics. you look like so cool!!!

    and for future reference, i definitely want to try that wig on. XP

  4. Gee thanks Kat-chan...You make it seem as if I don't look cool all the time X3
    JK. I don't really...I look normal...:(

  5. XP

    and you DO look cool(ish) normally, just you look a DIFFERENT kind of cool in the pictures. any chances of you bringing the wig to chibi-chan's party? haha

  6. I might...hmmm...
    I don't want it to get all tangled in the travel, though...I'll have to figure something out X3

  7. wooooow for some reason i didn't see this till now, like a month later. SOOO AWESOME AND ZEXY!!!!
