17 April 2010

Busy Day

Half my busy weekend is over!!
So, in case you didn't read my last post, I went on a college visit today at Messiah College.
I wasn't sure what to expect.
**from here, I will bore you with details I learned about the college that you can skip if you want**
Its a Christian college (as you can guess by the name) and I didn't know what kind of academics they had. I was actually really impressed! It seemed to place a lot of importance in academics and scholarship and their science program seemed really good (I want to go into Biochemistry). They said it was a really difficult program, but it definitely prepared students for the real world (of course all colleges would say that, but I think they were actually telling the truth). We got to see the labs and they had all kinds of cool lab instruments and computer things that I didn't know what they were, but they looked high-tech! And I learned that about 90% of their science students do research projects with faculty and can get their work published. What really proved the quality, for me at least, was that they often work alongside Franklin & Marshall College for research projects. F&M is my other top-choice school and I know that they are very well known for their science program and they wouldn't associate with Messiah unless their science was on par with F&M's science. So that is good!
Unfortunately, now Messiah and Franklin & Marshall are tied for top choice. As Katherine and Rachel know, I'm horrible at making decisions--especially really important ones like this. They are basically the same when it comes to academics. Its just little things that Messiah has and F&M doesn't and then F&M has other things that Messiah doesn't. Its like, if you squished F&M and Messiah together, they would be my perfect college!! It so frustrating!!! I just have to sort out my priorities, I guess...DX
But other than the growing indecision, it was a fun day.
**End of really boring part of post**
What was really odd is that I saw 2 people that I knew at the college today. Its not like its right next door either. Its like seeing someone you know when you're on vacation hours away from home. It just weird!!
1st person - a guy that goes to my church and is on the worship team with me. He just walked by and I'm like, 'I think I know him...' It was early morning, so my brain wasn't working too well. But that was weird.
2nd person - Katherine and Rachel may know him -- his younger brother played Mortimer in Arsenic and Old Lace and a Candlestick in Beauty and the Beast (I know from old play programs which I keep for things such as this) and his last name rhymes with Figelow...?? (if you don't understand my hints, I may remember to tell you on Monday). So, he was our tour guide. That was weird. He told us to say our names and where we were from and I said, "I'm from S------" and he said "No way! I'm from C------!!" It was really really weird...
So that was my interesting day...It left me feeling just tired and confused about what I'm going to do for my future...Oh well, I'll figure it out someday :)

On another note, I was extremely tired. And when I'm so overtired like that, I get hyper. I was with my brother at the time and I started spouting out random stuff about cannibalism and spontaneous combustion and pokemon and whatever else popped into my mind. At one point, it got really weird when my brother said he wants to sell his pokemon cards. Then out of nowhere I started ranting nonsense about my having my own demon wolf customers that come to me through the magic door (which actually leads to the utility closet) and buy my shiny pieces of paper because they don't have shiny things in their demon world and I got in his face about selling is super-special-pokemon cards on MY turf and how he's going to run me out of business and I won't be able to buy my PS3 and then he'll have another thing coming! I sounded like a drug dealer. Anyway, I continued to threaten to have my wolves kill them in his sleep in exchange for super-discounted shiny paper and when he woke up in the morning he wouldn't actually ever wake up because he'd be dead, but he would wake up and be a ghost and he wouldn't even know he's dead and how he could be dead already and not know it!! Mwahahahaha!!!!!
All the while he's literally rofl-ing (hehe. if you say it like it is spelled, it almost sounds like waffling (as in waffle as a verb)<--which is apparently a word because it wasn't underlined in red!! And I know that saying rofl-ing is kinda redundant, but the rhyme with waffling made me giggle so I'm keeping it up there).

So, I believe that is all I have to say for today. I have another early start tomorrow for worship. Katherine and Rachel are still welcomed to youth group if they get this before 6-7pm tomorrow. Its at our church "Den" and I don't know or want to put up the address so you will have to contact me to get the address or get a ride there. You guys are also welcome on any other day we have youth group (I'm pretty sure its every other Sunday at 7pm starting this Sunday). It would be fun for friends to come sometime! We have a good time! We have food! We have table-tennis!

Now this is really all!


  1. Messiah is a great place! I would encourage you to go there!!!

  2. i looooved messiah when i visited, i actually think i might want to go there!

  3. OH and yeah, i know who you're talking about, he's really nice! i have a lot of friends there actually, lol
