17 April 2010



You haven't commented on any of my posts recently....It makes me sad :(
Are you mad at me??
I don't think I did anything to get you mad, but if I did, I'm sorry!! I'm lonely for Rachel comments!!
I know I see you every morning before school, but I'm practically dead that early so that doesn't really count for anything!!


PS: I figured putting your man's name as the blog title would get your attention X3


  1. Lol. The last part is true, I love the new music on your blog Btw.

  2. aww!!! poor kaitlyn.... *hugs computer in attempt to hug otaku-chan*
    rachel often gets grounded from her computer as a punishment, maybe that's what happened...

  3. i'm sorrrrryyyyy!! it's not that i don't love you, it's just that i've been kinda busy! but yeah, you did get my attention with the title. XD TRAAAAIIIIINNNN!!! i loooooveee youuuu!!! lol!

    and i looove that the first song that played for me on your page was the xxxHolic theme song. which happens to be one of my favoritest songs ever. so, i officially love you even more! :D

  4. Awwww
    I love you too Rachel X3
    w00t for xxxHolic!!! That theme song is epic!
