20 April 2010

Nerd Club!!

Today was the Envirothon competition (aka Nerd Club)!! It was actually really fun. I wasn't sure what to expect. My team went with the intention to fail because we hardly studied. We won 3rd!!! (out of 8, but still 3rd!!) The other 2 teams from our school won 1st and 2nd! It was funny, though I do kinda feel bad for the other schools.

I have 2 stories to tell about today:

1. We won 1st in the soils category. That was insanely surprising! And it was funny because we beat the veteran nerds and the one on their team in charge of soils made them lose because he didn't listen to Kat-chan!! She said the right answer! So we beat them and now they want to replace him with manga-dealer-chan (my team's soil person) for the state competition. X3

2. The Aquatics section. Ugh. That was my section. All the other sections were mostly multiple choice. This was was practically all fill in the blank and short answer!!!! Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I had pretty much no idea about anything. I had studied for an hour the night before!! I read all the factsheets on the Envirothon website!!! Gaaahhhhh!!!
A funny thing about that - since we had no idea for many questions, we just kind of made up answers. One question was about an endangered species of mussels. None of us could think of anything, so we said Cardiac Mussel...As in muscles of the heart. I heard them laugh when they were grading it X3. hehe.

So that was fun. Except for the gnats. They were everywhere and they were hungry. And I got a little sunburned. Positives: I got to miss writing PSSA's. Yay!
And odd thing: My school was apparently locked down today. It was National Smoke Pot Day, so they had drug dogs in to sniff the lockers for drugs...
Someone got a text that the German shepherds were pretty...
And its funny that we're all out of school on the day they check for drugs. Now they probably think we're the ones doing the drugs T.T



  1. and it fits that the day they check for drugs, i'm taking antibiotics+painkillers and i'm out of school with you guys!
    see ya tomorrow! wear your shirt!!

  2. Drugs. Not a single thing comes out of it. Sad.


  3. Cardiac Mussels, wow lol. Now that's a reaaaal nerd joke.
