29 April 2010

Yay!! Pictures!!

So, I got my Zexy hair, in case you haven't read my last 2 posts X3
I had time today, and my parents weren't home, so I could be as goofy as I wanted--so, I tried out my wig and took pictures. Now, normally, I don't wear make-up. At all. But I figured I'd try it. Just because. I put on too much, but oh well. And these pictures were taken on my laptop's webcam, so they're not the greatest quality, but they work well enough...I just kinda made faces at the camera and here are the best of them X3 (I know they're not all Zexion faces, but whatever. I can't pull off emo very well 8D). And I felt like wearing my cat ears in some of them. Because I luvs my cat-ears!! I made them out of socks, ribbon, and an old headband X3
In that 1st picture in the 3rd row, that is my brother jumping behind me in his jammies 8)
He's weird. He kept throwing things at me :'(

Anyway, I thought I'd also put up pictures of the model magic creations my brother and I made last weekend...
Whether you can tell or not, our creations consist of (from bottom right to top left in the last picture): sea-salt ice cream, mini Axel head, Kingdom Key, shadow heartless coming out of its little darkness portal thingy, mini Riku head, Chocobo, Xemnas' lightsabers X3, Marly's scythe, Axel's chakram, mini Demyx head, nobody symbol, paopu fruit, and a turtle.

And the picture below is Jacob modeling my Oblivion Keyblade, that I also worked on last weekend. I only have one side finished so far and its obviously not painted and missing the chain, but this is my progress so far :)

Finally, this last picture is Jacob again modeling a keyblade, this one the Kingdom Key. I made it last summer. Its kinda crappy, but I still luv it X3
(And he did actually hit me with it right after this...)


PS: If you're wondering about the room: it is my room we are in. The design on the wall is tetris (designed by my older brother b/c it used to be his room and then he moved out and I took it X3)

27 April 2010

This is how I feel right now!!! Squeeee!!! XD

The simplest things make me happy X3

So, we had science PSSA testing today. yay...*sarcasm*
They were kind of ridiculous. The questions were odd...
And we only got to miss 1st period for that!!! How rude! (I still got to miss finishing my Moby Dick test, though, so that's good X3)
So periods 2 and 3 were shortened and the day went relatively normally after that. I didn't fall asleep today!! Changes from the ordinary schedule usually do that to me.
I got to miss 9th and some of 10th period because my school had a thing for all the AP students to fill in their bubble sheets with their names and such so they didn't have to take extra testing time to do it. Chibi-chan and I are both taking Calc, so when the called for the Calculus kids to come bring up their forms, she skipped up there and I ran behind her yelling at her to stop skipping! Then, on the way back to the table she grabbed my arm and skipped back, too!! I don't like skipping in public. Only when I'm almost a drug-induced happy would I even consider skipping in my school. Then she started speaking French (me no talk french! me no understand!!! Ich spreche Deutsch. Nicht Franzoesisch!!)
I'm kinda nervous about my Calculus AP test...We've been doing problems from previous AP tests and I've understood most of them, but it seems like the last part of every single question always confuses me and I have no idea what to do!!! Gaaahhhh!
Oh well.
We had to actually go back to 10th period after we were finished :( Grrr...10th period is Chem for me, so of course my teacher wasn't there. Except this time he had a substitute so we actually had to do work. The sub was funny because as soon as the bell rang to end school. She yelled, "Yay!" stood up, and ran out the door before any of the students even!! I thought it was hilarious!
Then I got home and my dad asked if I had a lot of homework. Truthfully, I answered, "Yeah." So he said, "Well, I guess you can't have your freaky japanese thing then..." I was confused at first and then he picked up my Zexion wig and waved it around.
Me: What?! It came today!!! Give it back!
Dad: You said you had a lot of homework. And now I have to go pick up Elaina [my little sis]
*starts leaving with wig in hand*
Me: Nooooo!!! Give it back! Give it back!! You're so mean!
Dad: Come get it if you want it!
*He was already up the hill in my back yard and it was muddy from the rain we've had the past couple days and I was in socks, so I wasn't following him up there*
Me: No! Give it to me! Please? *sad puppy dog face*
Dad: You can have it if you can catch it! *throws wig down the hill*
Me: *totally fails at catching it* That was a horrible throw.
Dad: *shrugs* You can't catch.
I couldn't argue so I went inside and tried it on. Its pretty epic once you get it on right (which I struggled with at first). I have yet to figure out how to hid my own hair...I'll figure it out when I can experiment some more with it.
I'll probably post some pictures when I figure it out.
I don't have a coat or anything yet. I'm debating between learning how to sew and making it myself and just buying one on ebay...I need money...Otaku-dom is an expensive hobby :(
But epically fun, so I think I'll stick with it ;D



I GOT MY ZEXY WIG!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

23 April 2010

Many Much Stuff

*Gasp* KellyJane (aka Axel from Demyx Time) got a blog!!!! I'm now a follower X3

Anyway, on to what I actually wanted to say:
Today, we had a Shattered Dreams presentation. It was this thing against drunk driving. First, all the juniors and seniors went to the gym and watched this movie about these kids from our school at a party and drinking and then getting in a car crash and crushing a teacher between the cars (the crash itself confused me, but that doesn't matter much). Then, we all went out in front of the school and they had the cars there crushed together as if they had actually crashed and the kids were in the cars with fake blood and all. This one girl was draped over the hood of one car as if she flew through the windshield. I thought it was rather realistic looking. They had, I believe, 5 firetrucks come and 3 or 4 ambulances and a MedeVac helicopter (that was pretty awesome). One girl in the car was crying. The "witness" of the crash kept pacing and then yelling frustratedly. I might have cried if I was closer and could actually see what was happening...
So then, we went back inside and watched a video about them in the hospital. Three people "died" and one girl was in a coma for 3 months. The drunk driver lived. After the video, we went back to class. Through the rest of the day, over the intercom they played a flatline every 22 minutes to show how often a teenager dies in an alcohol related car accident. They had a "grim reaper" come and get people every time one of the flatlines happened and they stayed out of class (as I understand it, at least).
Then, we went back 9th and 10th period for the funeral in the gym. Then they played a video with pictures of the "victims" and it was very sad. Then, they showed the court hearing for the kid who was driving. He got sentenced to 8-25 years in prison (I think).
After the funeral, there was a guest speaker. Her boyfriend was killed by a drunk driver. The guy had 17 drinks before driving home. Then, the accident happened. Her boyfriends father was right behind them and ran up and his son was really injured. He told him, "You are loved! You have to fight!" He just nodded and then died. This girl telling the story is what got me crying. She was practically crying when she told it! And the guy who killed her boyfriend didn't actually have a license. It was revoked because of DUI. So he got sentenced to 6-25 years. He got out after 6...
So after that, the organizer of Shattered Dreams came out and talked for a minute, then showed a video. It was very graphic.
I think the school actually did a really good job covering all bases and making sure that kids are listening. I know that a high percentage of the kids in my high school drink. They talk about it often! (in study hall for the most part). I have nothing against people who drink. Its just better if its actually legal. And if the people drinking are not idiots when their sober, so who knows what they'll do when their drunk?!
I don't know if you can tell, but I am anti-drinking, or at least anti-underage-drinking. I know what it can do to you because I saw what it did to my Mom and Dad. My mother divorced my biological father because he was an alcoholic and it was getting out of hand (as far as I know. I was only 2-3 yrs old). She took my older brother and me and moved to my grandmother's house for a little while. I remember that. Then, she met my step-dad (who I call my dad now). My older brother and I didn't like him at all at first. I was like a demon-child whenever he was around. But he still stuck around through the many scary glares and temper-tantrums and the many painful kicks in the crotch (I may not have understood the difference between guys and girls when I was 4, but I knew that kicking a guy there hurt him a lot, which was my goal at the time...I really didn't like him). When they first got married, my mom and my dad both drank and smoked often. Same with practically my entire family. Then, it seems our whole lives turned around when Columbine happened and my mother told my father that we needed to start going to church so we don't end up doing something like that (or if something like that happens to us, we're okay for the afterlife). My parents quit smoking and drinking. My grandparents quit smoking at least and don't drink as much around us kids. But I see what alcohol did to my family and I know I have an addiction gene in me from both sides of my family, so I don't want to drink or I won't be able to stop. I don't like the idea of having little-to-no control over my mind and body.
As I said already, I don't care if other people drink and do it responsibly. But I don't want to do it myself. Its my own choice. I'm not trying to force my own opinions down other people's throats.
Now I'm really ranting, so I'm going to stop now.

Hmmm...So a real downer of a day...Good thing was that we only had 3rd, 4/5th, 6/7th, and lunch. And the 3 periods that I actually had were really just study halls. Then, we got dismissed to 10th period for the last 30min of school and I go up and our teacher wasn't there. I mean, he's my Chem teacher and he just randomly leaves the classroom to wander around the school. I run into him in the randomest places when I'm walking between classes! Its kinda creepy!!! But anyway, he wasn't there, so our class just chilled without a teacher. People wanted to just leave school and drive home, but they apparently had security guards posted at every exit, so they just waited it out...

So, in my very boring study hall periods, I had a chance to draw a picture!!
First, I drew it in pencil. Then I came home after school and outlined it in thin tip permanent marker. That didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, so I scanned it into my computer and messed around with it on photoshop and ended up with this!!!
These two are the characters of my fanfiction I mentioned a few times. Its Yuui and his twin sister Fay. My brother said this picture looked like they were playing an odd game of rock-paper-scissors. That is not what I intended. I meant for it to be Yuui gesticulating and Fay hitting him because he's making fun of her or something along those lines. I was really working with creases in this picture. I hardly ever draw them, but I was bored and had enough time today, so I did them and I think they turned out alright. The background is just there because I didn't draw a background and it looked boring without one, so I put shapes X3. And I put minor Fai-like things on them -- Yuui's shirt has Fai's staff on it and Fay's necklace is almost like Fai's staff as well. I like Fai's staff. Its awesome 8)
And Yuui is wearing converse shoes!!! (or my attempt at them...)

And I just thought I'd mention. I'm listening to my iPod right now and "What is This Feeling" from Wicked was just on, and it just changed to "One Winged Angel"-- Sephiroth's song XD

This is a really long post X3
I should stop now. Maybe tomorrow, I'm thinking of putting more of my pictures (more recent ones!! As in, from last year and this year!!! -- Other than the picture above, of course).


PS: An extra funny little story. During the second half of the presentation, I had some strange mixture of the songs "Animal I Have Become," "My Sitar," and "Oh oh oh Sexy Vampire" stuck in my head. If you don't know them, here are some youtube videos featuring them:

Yeah, just imagine having all three stuck in you head at once...During a drunk driving presentation...X/

20 April 2010

Nerd Club!!

Today was the Envirothon competition (aka Nerd Club)!! It was actually really fun. I wasn't sure what to expect. My team went with the intention to fail because we hardly studied. We won 3rd!!! (out of 8, but still 3rd!!) The other 2 teams from our school won 1st and 2nd! It was funny, though I do kinda feel bad for the other schools.

I have 2 stories to tell about today:

1. We won 1st in the soils category. That was insanely surprising! And it was funny because we beat the veteran nerds and the one on their team in charge of soils made them lose because he didn't listen to Kat-chan!! She said the right answer! So we beat them and now they want to replace him with manga-dealer-chan (my team's soil person) for the state competition. X3

2. The Aquatics section. Ugh. That was my section. All the other sections were mostly multiple choice. This was was practically all fill in the blank and short answer!!!! Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I had pretty much no idea about anything. I had studied for an hour the night before!! I read all the factsheets on the Envirothon website!!! Gaaahhhhh!!!
A funny thing about that - since we had no idea for many questions, we just kind of made up answers. One question was about an endangered species of mussels. None of us could think of anything, so we said Cardiac Mussel...As in muscles of the heart. I heard them laugh when they were grading it X3. hehe.

So that was fun. Except for the gnats. They were everywhere and they were hungry. And I got a little sunburned. Positives: I got to miss writing PSSA's. Yay!
And odd thing: My school was apparently locked down today. It was National Smoke Pot Day, so they had drug dogs in to sniff the lockers for drugs...
Someone got a text that the German shepherds were pretty...
And its funny that we're all out of school on the day they check for drugs. Now they probably think we're the ones doing the drugs T.T


18 April 2010

Attack of the Sketches 3

I decided to put up more sketches today. These are mostly doodles from school worksheets and notebooks that I literally cut and paste onto pieces of paper. Some are cut off and you may have to click on them to get the full size image. Anyway, here they are:

In this one, the writing is one of my teachers from last year commenting on my doodle that I drew on a test after I was finished X3 (I never really talked in class and this kind of made him notice that I was even there. Then he started fawning over my story that I wrote for a project --this was European History and my story was about a German soldier in WWII, I think. Or maybe WWI...I always get the 2 mixed up, I'm bad at history...I should put my story up sometime...maybe...But anyway. It was weird. But cool that I actually wasn't invisible to a teacher. I still talk to him sometimes if I see him in the hallway this year.) Anyway, on to the next picture:

This one is just random sketches for the most part, though many are characters from potential story ideas and my fanfiction (the colored ones are for my fanfiction -- Yuui and his twin sister Fay -- no this is not turning the dimension traveller into a girl. It is turning his sibling into one) It also has a few pictures of my first real character with a story and name. Her name is Aspen and I have another colored picture of her based off of this sketch (she's the tomboy leaning on the tree).

This one is all doodles from notes on notebook paper (as you can probably tell by the lines). You can probably also tell that I was bored -- I drew people sitting at desks bored when I was bored...

Some more random doodles. The top right one shows my excitement over Christmas break and a chibi of myself being excited....

These two (above and below) are my first drawings that I drew after just reading a how to draw anime/manga-style. That's why they're kinda boring-ly posed and disproportionate. The outfits came from references, as well as the hair a bit. I chose the colors at least...and the wings. They are pixies!

Thank you guys for looking at my pictures!
I have more, but they are more recent pictures for the most part and maybe or maybe not better than these. My style of drawing has changed so much -- some things have improved and some have actually gotten worse X/
Its weird. Anyway, I will put them up at some point.

PS: The "squid" thing is a long story. Not mine to tell. Ask Kat if you really want to know X3


Leah: Thank you! I like my music, too! (obviously, because I put it up X3) I felt like putting up anime related stuff to make it more fun! (videos are cool too)

Katherine: Awww *hugs computer back* thank you! Rachel really needs to stop getting grounded. I don't know what she does to get in trouble all the time!!

Anyway, my day seems to have freed up. I still had to get up at 7am for worship. That actually went pretty well this week. I wasn't really nervous at all!
Unfortunately, not everything went well. Before the service, my little bro was running and he tripped and fell flat on his chest. We heard him scream all the way down the hallway and my mom, my dad, and I went running. He was lying on the ground groaning and he said his rib cage hurt. My dad had to take him to the ER. My mom, my sister, and I stayed because I still had to sing worship in the service and my mom was working in Kidzone, so we couldn't leave. My mom kept getting texts that they were looking at him, he still seems hurt but he's probably going to be okay, they're giving him a CAT scan to check his spleen, they couldn't get the contrast injected. That's where they are now. My mom left when she heard that they had to get some kind of machine to put the IV in. My sister and I were driven home by friends from church. My sister is friends with their daughter so she's over there right now. I'm home alone. I canceled my visit to the old folks' home because I thought it would be better if I stayed home.
I'm worried for my bro, but I think he's going to be okay. I'm praying for him. I'm not sure about youth group tonight. Whether we have it depends on how my brother's condition is I guess...
That is all.

17 April 2010



You haven't commented on any of my posts recently....It makes me sad :(
Are you mad at me??
I don't think I did anything to get you mad, but if I did, I'm sorry!! I'm lonely for Rachel comments!!
I know I see you every morning before school, but I'm practically dead that early so that doesn't really count for anything!!


PS: I figured putting your man's name as the blog title would get your attention X3

Busy Day

Half my busy weekend is over!!
So, in case you didn't read my last post, I went on a college visit today at Messiah College.
I wasn't sure what to expect.
**from here, I will bore you with details I learned about the college that you can skip if you want**
Its a Christian college (as you can guess by the name) and I didn't know what kind of academics they had. I was actually really impressed! It seemed to place a lot of importance in academics and scholarship and their science program seemed really good (I want to go into Biochemistry). They said it was a really difficult program, but it definitely prepared students for the real world (of course all colleges would say that, but I think they were actually telling the truth). We got to see the labs and they had all kinds of cool lab instruments and computer things that I didn't know what they were, but they looked high-tech! And I learned that about 90% of their science students do research projects with faculty and can get their work published. What really proved the quality, for me at least, was that they often work alongside Franklin & Marshall College for research projects. F&M is my other top-choice school and I know that they are very well known for their science program and they wouldn't associate with Messiah unless their science was on par with F&M's science. So that is good!
Unfortunately, now Messiah and Franklin & Marshall are tied for top choice. As Katherine and Rachel know, I'm horrible at making decisions--especially really important ones like this. They are basically the same when it comes to academics. Its just little things that Messiah has and F&M doesn't and then F&M has other things that Messiah doesn't. Its like, if you squished F&M and Messiah together, they would be my perfect college!! It so frustrating!!! I just have to sort out my priorities, I guess...DX
But other than the growing indecision, it was a fun day.
**End of really boring part of post**
What was really odd is that I saw 2 people that I knew at the college today. Its not like its right next door either. Its like seeing someone you know when you're on vacation hours away from home. It just weird!!
1st person - a guy that goes to my church and is on the worship team with me. He just walked by and I'm like, 'I think I know him...' It was early morning, so my brain wasn't working too well. But that was weird.
2nd person - Katherine and Rachel may know him -- his younger brother played Mortimer in Arsenic and Old Lace and a Candlestick in Beauty and the Beast (I know from old play programs which I keep for things such as this) and his last name rhymes with Figelow...?? (if you don't understand my hints, I may remember to tell you on Monday). So, he was our tour guide. That was weird. He told us to say our names and where we were from and I said, "I'm from S------" and he said "No way! I'm from C------!!" It was really really weird...
So that was my interesting day...It left me feeling just tired and confused about what I'm going to do for my future...Oh well, I'll figure it out someday :)

On another note, I was extremely tired. And when I'm so overtired like that, I get hyper. I was with my brother at the time and I started spouting out random stuff about cannibalism and spontaneous combustion and pokemon and whatever else popped into my mind. At one point, it got really weird when my brother said he wants to sell his pokemon cards. Then out of nowhere I started ranting nonsense about my having my own demon wolf customers that come to me through the magic door (which actually leads to the utility closet) and buy my shiny pieces of paper because they don't have shiny things in their demon world and I got in his face about selling is super-special-pokemon cards on MY turf and how he's going to run me out of business and I won't be able to buy my PS3 and then he'll have another thing coming! I sounded like a drug dealer. Anyway, I continued to threaten to have my wolves kill them in his sleep in exchange for super-discounted shiny paper and when he woke up in the morning he wouldn't actually ever wake up because he'd be dead, but he would wake up and be a ghost and he wouldn't even know he's dead and how he could be dead already and not know it!! Mwahahahaha!!!!!
All the while he's literally rofl-ing (hehe. if you say it like it is spelled, it almost sounds like waffling (as in waffle as a verb)<--which is apparently a word because it wasn't underlined in red!! And I know that saying rofl-ing is kinda redundant, but the rhyme with waffling made me giggle so I'm keeping it up there).

So, I believe that is all I have to say for today. I have another early start tomorrow for worship. Katherine and Rachel are still welcomed to youth group if they get this before 6-7pm tomorrow. Its at our church "Den" and I don't know or want to put up the address so you will have to contact me to get the address or get a ride there. You guys are also welcome on any other day we have youth group (I'm pretty sure its every other Sunday at 7pm starting this Sunday). It would be fun for friends to come sometime! We have a good time! We have food! We have table-tennis!

Now this is really all!

16 April 2010

Life Updates X3

This may or may not turn out to be a long post (I haven't decided yet...)
Today was kinda boring and kinda interesting, I guess.

1st period - English - We had a vocab test. It was alright. It was a bunch of French words and I got 2 wrong because I didn't know how to spell them!! I hate French!! That's why I took German! They have simple spelling!

2nd period - Calculus - We went over homework for pretty much the entire period. I was falling asleep again, but trying really hard not to--we're working on volumes of 3-D objects using integrals and areas and all that stuff and its kinda confusing, so I really need to pay attention!

3rd period - Library - Technically a period for my Astronomy online course, but I don't have anything to do for that class yet, so I did other homework. Then chibi-chan came to visit me! (Like she usually tries to do when she has study hall). We had some interesting conversations about fanfictions and odd pairings (though there was not cannibalism talk this time -- she usually finds some way to bring up cannibalism...wait, now that I think about it...she did ask "If Cloud ate a chocobo, would it be cannibalism?" (we say that Cloud is like the mother of all chocobos)...so I guess she did bring it up...but it wasn't a whole conversation...oh well...anyway...)

4/5th period - Study Hall - I worked on my English homework (a crossword puzzle) and Math homework (a large packet that was surprisingly easy to finish).

6/7th period - Anatomy - My teacher gave us the whole period to study for our test we're having on Monday on the endocrine system (hormones and such). There are a lot of long names for things in the endocrine system - hyperparathyroidism, endocrinology, norepinephrine, tetra-iodothyronine, prostoglandins, cyclic adenine monophosphate (cAMP), adrenocoricotropic hormone, adenohypophysis, hypothalamohypophyseal tract, mineralocorticoids, gluconeogenesis, etc.

8th period - Lunch

9th period - P.E. - We ran the mile. Ugh! I hate running. I'll bike 20 miles before I will run 1.
10th period - Chemistry - We were in the computer lab working on stuff to get ready for the PSSA's (Pennsylvania Standardized...Something...Assessment??? maybe...). We're doing science ones for the first time this year and its all earth and space science stuff that we learned in 9th grade. I don't remember all of that! Well, I guess that's why we're doing PSSA practice...Oh well. It was actually pretty easy. I got it done in about 10 minutes and used the rest of my time to finish my homework, so now I have NO HOMEWORK for the weekend!!!!! (first time in a while).

Unfortunately, just because I have no homework doesn't mean I'm not busy (probably way too many negatives in that sentence, but I really don't care). Tomorrow, I have to get up at 5:30 am and be ready to leave at 6:30am for another college open house at Messiah College. I'm not totally sure why we're leaving so early, I didn't think it was that far away...but maybe it is and we have to be there at 8:30am or so. That will last until probably 4ish in the afternoon. After that I will be free to work on other stuff. Not sure what...maybe I'll work on my Oblivion keyblade...but I don't think I have papier mache materials...

Then, on Sunday, I have worship again, so I have to get up at 7-7:30am to be ready for that. Then 2:30-3:00, I'm going to visit the old folks' home with Rotary Interact club and manga-dealer-chan. Then, I have youth group at 7-9ish (speaking of which, Kat-chan and Rachel are invited if they want to come and are not busy, just let me know!) Then I go to bed and have to get up at 6am for school the next day. Fun! I'm not going to sleep this weekend...
Its kind of worrying me that my alarm hasn't been waking me up for the past few weeks. It goes off at 6:05am. I don't wake up until 6:20-6:30 - the alarm is still going off when I finally wake up...I am seriously sleep deprived. I've never been this bad before. I'm a picky and light sleeper. I used to have to be perfectly comfortable and warm and in a bed before I could fall asleep. Back hen, just the slight hum before my alarm goes off was enough to wake me up. But now I sleep through my alarm and I am able to sleep in class, sitting up in a desk, in a cold room, surrounded by people, with the teacher talking!! What the heck!! I don't like being tired all the time!

Anyway, whining over. Anymore updates? Hmmm...Oh! Envirothon county competition is on Tuesday! Wish us luck, my team (me, chibi-chan, manga-dealer-chan, Rachel, and headphones-chan -- who I haven't mentioned anything about on here yet, but that's what I'll call her because she is always listening to music at our lunch table. She's pretty cool.) We'll need all the good luck we can get! Kat's team will probably win X3. They're the veteran nerds. We're n00bs...
Hehe. Remembering mental picture of nerds cosplaying as trees...Katherine will know what I'm talking about XD

Yeah, this ended up being a long post after all 8D.

I'll probably put more sketches up soon. Thank you all for looking at them and commenting! It means a lot!


PS: I feel weird signing as otaku because there are other people out there who call themselves otakus and I don't want them to get offended and say that I'm am undeserving of the title or something, so I'm signing as more of a nickname than a title!...This is how my mind works, okay?!

13 April 2010


I had worship practice tonight. It was pretty fun, except for the first song because I had to sing alone. Into a microphone. DX
After that, the other person who sings with me came and she is loud enough that I can't hear myself singing, so I was good after that. We're doing some really good songs this week!! I'm excited!
I'm posting the songs here so that maybe I will actually listen to them and practice because they have more difficult parts that I have to try to sing and I really should practice...well, they're not really that difficult, just more difficult than usual. I can't just wing it this time like the other times...X/
Sorry for no otaku-related stuff in this post XP
Now I must go do my astronomy homework. It is due before 12am tonight, so I better get on it...T.T

12 April 2010


I was just looking on ebay, for an Org. XIII coat at first, then at wigs. I'm not sure who in the organization I want to be, yet, but I found these wigs and and they are awesome!! And only about $30 (which is not that much compared to some other wigs you see online) and this buyer seems really reliable (99.3 % positive feedback). I really want to get them and I can pay for them, but my parents aren't home yet and I don't have a credit card, so I have to wait until they get home and I'm impatient, so I'm blogging to tell you about my finds!! X3

So these two should be obviously Zexion and Marluxia. I know they're not perfectly accurate, but very little in cosplay is, especially if you're buying them online. I'm thinking of learning how to sew and making my own Org. XIII coat, but I wasn't sure which member I wanted to be (but that doesn't matter yet, because they all wear the same outfit). Axel is my favorite (and Riku, but he's not technically in the Organization, he just wears the coat -- he's a cosplayer, too!!! anyway...) but I don't think I could pull off Axel. I'm not...angled enough...if that makes any sense at all...He's got very sharp features, and I really do not...

So I was recently thinking about Marly-puu or Zexion. I think I will definitely get the Zexion wig, because even if I don't end up using it, maybe I can let Kat use it if she comes cosplaying with me!! I think she would make an interesting Zexion!! The only problem I would have with Marly would be his scythe (if I even want to make one--or maybe more like if I want to walk around with one if I go to a con...of course I would want to make one just for general purposes...*imagines all the fun things I could do with a scythe*...off topic again, but not really, because there is not much of a topic. I'm just occupying myself while waiting for my parents...)

Now here's random awesome Zexion pictures, because I feel like it!!! (I had chocolate, can you tell??)

by Neko-DLyn on deviant"Marly's going to kill me!! My emo made his flower wilt again :'("
by Twilight-chan on deviantart

Gasp!! I think my dad is home!!! (maybe I should wait for my mom, because my dad is makes fun of my nerdiness...hmmm...will impatience win out over my will not to be harrassed...I think I must wait...my dad's listening to the radio and he sounds tired...grrrrrr.....)
More Zexy pix again...
by Kaoru-Kina on deviantart

Zexy's got sandwich!! (He reminds me of Gir here for some reason...)
by *xDancingFlamesx

Okay, my mom just got home, and I asked her if I could get the Zexion one and she said yes!!! (well actually, she said, "fine, lets get this over with..." but she still bought it!!!!) XD
AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! <--typed since my mom would get mad if I actually screamed!!
I think Zexion is now my 2nd favorite Org. member!! (or maybe tied with Marly. Both of them are so easy to make fun of, they're awesome!!!)
This is the end of my post. Now, I shall go run around down to my room and squeal in glee!! (because, no sound leaves my room in the basement. Its like a black hole - which I just learned about in my astronomy class!!)
Enough randomness!

11 April 2010

Anime Randomosity

I watched D.Gray-Man anime a while ago and was amused by several images, so I got screencaps of them and just decided to put them on here because I recently found them again!! Enjoy!
Bak looks like Light from Death Note!!!

Extreme Hotness!!! *fangirl squeal*

Does Allen have a heart on his forehead?? (first thing I thought when I saw this scene X3)

Jet-powered butterfly boots activate!!

Allen looks a lot like Ed!!!!

Speaking of Ed Elric, the anime I just watched today was FMA: Brotherhood!! And there were some interesting pictures in the opening and ending...

Even Ed Elric has his male model moments...

Elric clones?!
(Seriously, what the heck??? Why are they all blond and golden eyed and staring at us???)

How some people may feel after reading this blog post T.T
or more like T (because its only 1 eye...)

Attack of the Sketches 2

Here are some more sketches! These ones are also from 9th grade (the same sketchbook and some other random pieces of paper that I found lying around).

These first sketches (the color ones) are fanart sketches of Axel and Sephiroth (and I just realized, instead of VIII for Axel's actual number, I put XIII, which is Roxas' number...oops). And the colored girl on the right is an odd attempt at drawing a female Reno...don't ask where that image came from...

The next couple are characters I drew for a story idea I had (which progressed absolutely nowhere, but that was my first actual attempt at putting a story together in my head).
There are twins, a boy and a girl. The guy dies in some way I don't remember and the girl is devastated. So, she can't go on as herself and she "becomes" her brother. She takes over his identity and tries to live life that way...I never really thought of anything after that...And believe it or not, this idea came to me before I read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and learned about the eerily similar story of Fai and Yuui...Except they were both guys...(well, not in my fanfiction, but that's a different story).

The next one just has random people drawings. No real story behind those.

Then, the 5th sketch I have has pictures I drew of me and my little sister and brother in fantasy semi-chibi-ish bodies. I'm the elf, my sister is the mermaid/princess, and my brother is the dragon (he hates it when I draw him as a human for some reason...)

Then there are random semi-chibi people. The guy has Cloud-like hair. But the sword - I designed that myself!! I was very proud of myself!!

The next one was random practice drawings and then a marker chibi Axel that I just threw on there (I drew that when I was bored one day and had markers...)

The final one has a couple doodles as well as some other pictures. The girl on the left was supposed to be landing after flying through the air, but my bro said she looked possessed...he's very critical of my drawings...but that is good because he's pretty much the only one who is honest with me about most things...

Well, that's all for today. I'll put up more sketches some day soon, hopefully.


PS: With some of my sketches, if the clothing looks better than many of my other sketches (in the case of my second picture, top right corner) its because I looked at references to see how to draw that kind of thing and copy that usually the first time I ever draw something. After that, I remember basic things about how it was drawn and then I try to make my own technique for drawing based off of that original reference. In my example, I used a picture from Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna and just changed the head to be my character instead of the Spiral character.

PPS: In case you were wondering, Spiral is a pretty good manga (and I think its an anime, too). Its got a lot of logic stuff going on, so it can be boring for people who don't like that kind of thing, but I found it interesting :)

07 April 2010

Randomosity (not sure if that's a word, but it sounds cool...)

I know I said I was tired, but I just had to put these up:

And on one of the comments on youtube, I just found out that they have a KINGDOM HEARTS SNUGGIE!!!! How EPIC is that!!!!

Attack of the Sketches!!!!

I decided to put up my sketches on my blog...In chronological order...Because I'm CDO...(OCD in alphabetical order like it should be X3)

So the pictures I put on this post are my pictures from 9th grade (2 years ago). I had just gotten back to drawing after not drawing at all in middle school. And I had just decided to start drawing people in anime style.

This first picture has my very first drawing in my new sketchbook (well, new then - the reason I started drawing again, because someone got me a sketchbook)

The next pictures consist of random things I felt like drawing or sketches I made to practice something (like clothes or hair or something).

There's some fan art for Twilight (and badly proportioned, might I add). I liked the books. The first movie wasn't great, but it wasn't any more horrible than some other books-made-movies. I don't like the cult-like obsession that came out of it. I save my obsessing for things like anime and video games X3

And just now, I decided to put up my sketches in 5 picture increments, because I want to go to bed right now and more seems like a whole lot...


PS: Don't mind the horrible photo-shopping. I wanted to condense my many pages of single sketches in the middle of pages to more sketches on one page.

05 April 2010

Happy Easter!!

Jacob!!!! You hacked into my blog!!!!
(Though, I vaguely remember him asking me if he could write something and I was distracted so I said, "Yeah, whatever"...)
Katherine: Of course you can cosplay, too!!! I want to, at least once, do a cosplay convention with our whole book black market. That would be EPIC!!!!
Snugtrition: I will put up pictures of our attempts at my bro's hair...eventually. It wasn't the best, but it was still fun!
LeahPeah: I love my kitty!! XD And it sucks that your teacher doesn't like you. That always makes school much less fun than normal.

Anyway, on with my actual post.
Happy Easter!! I know that was yesterday, but whatever. I had to sing again in church yesterday and it was kinda chaotic. We didn't have practice during the week like usual, so we just practiced in the morning. The leader forgot the lyric sheets, so we had to rely on looking at the small monitor that showed the lyrics that they show on a screen behind the worship team, and sometimes, the person in charge of the moniter forgot to change slides so we were still looking at the lyrics of the previous verse. Then, when we started, I had gone to all the trouble of making sure I had a water bottle with me on stage. The lady next to me on the worship team stole my water (probably thinking it was hers)!!! I couldn't say anything since we were starting singing and she probably needed the water more than me (she had just had a baby a couple weeks ago and she was singing a solo that day). But then, I was really thirsty. When the lady's solo started, I couldn't get to the side of the stage with the rest of the team in time and got stuck standing awkwardly between the drummer and guitarist and holding my head down trying not to get noticed. Being incredibly thirsty by that time, I felt like I was going to pass out on stage if that solo went any longer (and apparently, I looked like it too because my mom mentioned it to me later and asked if I felt as bad as I looked...) I can't seem to have a good week when it comes to worship, can I? But, I still think I have a lot of fun up there and I'm surprisingly comfortable singing in front of all those people. Its the before, after, and when I'm not singing, but still up on stage that I have trouble with...
It probably didn't help that I had only had about 5 hours of sleep the night before.
I couldn't fall asleep on Saturday night into Sunday until about 2am (I guess I was nervous or not feeling well or something. Possibly the latter because I couldn't fall asleep until the same time last night either.) Anyway, I had to wake up at 6:50am on a Sunday so we could do our whole easter basket thing (my family does a thing where the "easter bunny" hides the baskets and then leaves clues in eggs around the house. So it takes a while sometimes). Then, I had to get dressed, in an actual dress (which I do not normally like wearing. I enjoy having pants on...) because right after church we had to go to my grandparents house and have our yearly family picture and we all had to look nice.
Speaking of my grandparents house, it was fun. My little cousins were there, the twins, they were so CUTE!! They're really talking now and its funny to see them argue with each other (I know that sounds horrible, but they have sweet arguments: You do it. No, you do it. No you. No you. etc. all the while smiling shyly because everyone is watching them). At one point, Jacob was playing baseball with another of my cousins and I told the girls to go get cousin Jacob with their little toys that shoot light little plastic balls (they don't hurt when they shoot at you, which I know because they were shooting at a lot of us, me included, with those balls). So I told them to get Jacob and they ran after him saying, "Shoot him, shoot him!" in cute little 3-yr-old-girl voices and laughing. X3
After the visit, we went home and relaxed because we were all exhausted and eventually went to bed.
I'm kinda worried about myself recently because I couldn't fall asleep last night either. I'm not sure why. Its like I can fall asleep practically anywhere during the day, but when its nighttime, I don't feel tired at all and I can't make myself fall asleep. I can't get comfortable. I can't get my mind to slow down and relax. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm too hot under the covers and too cold out of the covers...It really sucks.
I think that's really all I have to say in my oddly ADD-ish post.
Sorry if all that is hard to follow.
PS: I really don't want to do this research paper. The rough draft is due tomorrow. I've got 3 pages done - about 1/3 of the whole paper. Its not very hard, just time consuming. The other parts will be harder because they include analysis of my book and everything...DX
It probably doesn't help that I'm writing a blog post when I should be doing homework. I guess you could look at it as refocusing my thoughts (I had just been reading "Fire" by Kristin Cashore and my mind was in a fantasy world for a while reading it, so now I'm trying to get back to real life and work on homework. Hopefully.)