31 May 2010

Turtle is NOT Nom!!!

Hehehe. Only Rachel and Kat will understand the blog title!!

So, got back from sleepover at chibi-chan's house. Very fun!! We watched Demyx Time 9 (my favorite episode):

"It has nothing to do with my MIND ERASING LASER BEAM!!!"

"I think Roxas should be renamed Biff. And then Ax-I mean-Demyx can visit Biff's room, because Biff is allowed visitors, and Roxis is not."

"I had a Keyblade once...well, I had a key...and a knife, and I glued them together, but that's almost the same!!"

"Like that time Axel stole all your eyepatches..."
"And the time he dyed your hair pink..."
"And the time he glued your hands to your face..."
"That was weird."
"Yes it was."
"And the time he stole my eye. I'm a little sore about that one."

"I have to face east, kneel on the David Bowie mat, say his name three times backwards and Dance Magic Dance or the rains will never come?! Your prayers to David Bowie do not bring the rain Demyx!"

"Half this body is broken. I can only breath through one nostril."
"You can?! Where's the marble?!?!"

"Demyx, where did you get this from?"
"The fridge."
"Where in the fridge, Demyx?"
"Vexen's shelf in the fridge...It had a sign on it, but I couldn't read it, but it had my name on it, so I figured I was allowed it..."

"You can't touch my sitar. Not once. Not even twice!"

"Axel, why do you have Chester?"
"I'm babysitting. Chester-sitting! But not sitting on Chester! I'm just looking after him -- Chester-looking-aftering!!"
"In the bag"
"He doesn't like dark places!"
"In the bag. I'm number 2"
"Okay :'("

So enough random Demyx Time quotes...We also watched the Leather Pants video. If you haven't watched it, its in an earlier blog entry of mine. Its hilarious!!

Other than watching random youtube videos, we pretty much talked and slept...Yay!
We have decided that we MUST go to an anime convention next summer, probably Otakon. Because that's kind of close and its awesome!
I think that would be fun!!

Unfortunately, manga-dealer-chan was not at the sleepover. I guess she had something to do :(
Oh well, she has a life. Unlike the rest of us X3

Well, that's all, really...I'm too tired to remember anything more.
Oh! I'm going driving today, because I'm supposed to have 25-30 hours of practice done by my next lesson, which is next week. I only have about 15-20 right now...so I'm getting there, but I still need to practice...
And after driving practice, my mom and I are going to go bike riding. That will be fun X3 I actually really like to bike ride. I prefer it to running and walking and such.
So yeah...
The end!!




  2. aww dang it, katherine beat me to it!! sooo... "the source of my pant is... my leather shoes!" "What? but it was so frigging obvious! there aren't even any lady gaga songs that rhyme with shoes!" ...and... "hot hot hot, yes we are sexy." "that doesn't even rhyme." "shut up! i am lady gaga!"

    anyway. i would love to go to otakon or something else, and if i have a year to beg my parents, maybe it will actually happen! and we MUST cosplay. it is now one of my life goals.

    good luck with driving!

  3. Hey, who doesn't like simultaneously exercising and sitting?! Do you call all of your personal friends a nickname with the suffix -chan? that's awesome. . .my friends would think I was being too pretentious if I used -chan. Although. . .since I do have an Asian background, maybe I could get by with it! I highly doubt I would make it a habit though. . . .

    And that's totally awesome about the anime convention. I want to someday meet Matsumoto Natsumi and talk to her and get her to autograph one of my currently non-existent Saint Dragon Girl Miracle books. I will eventually buy one!!

  4. *gasp* you can't call your friends -chan? you have mean friends! haha

    and yaayy! a fellow Saint Dragon Girl fan!!!!! hiii!!!

    and rachel, i had no idea that Yami's source of his pants was his leather shoes. awesome!

    le-le-le-leather le-le-leather shoes (i've got some shoes)

  5. wow...just noticed I spelled Roxas wrong...wow...ToT

  6. OH MY GOSH YOU'RE GOING TO THE CREATION FESTIVAL?!?!?!?!???!!?! I was supposed to go 2 years ago or last year, but since we were moving from PA, I couldn't go with the youth group. YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT BANDS WERE THERE AND BLOG ABOUT IT AND POST PICTURES!!!!! XD eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............I'm sooo jealous that you get to go!!! I love Thousand Foot Krutch, FAMILY FORCE FIVE (especially), Brit Nicole, Hawk Nelson, News Boys, Third Day, Fire Flight, and tons of other contemporary Christian bands. Tell me ALL about it!!
