I just added a bunch of Kingdom Hearts songs to my playlist!! XD

I got stuck in Wonderland for the longest time in Kingdom Hearts I. I was so confused!!! And that stupid music was just playing over and over again and it still makes me cringe every time I hear it!!!
I'm such a nerd that I can pretty much tell you exactly what's going on in the game when I only hear the song. Its sad. But I'm not the only one!! The comments on the songs on youtube are all about what happens in the game and how the boss was hard, or the boss was awesome, or what people were saying when the song was playing!!
That just goes to show how awesome the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack is. That people actually remember the songs from different parts of the game!!
Probably, my favorite songs are:
1. 13th Struggle (Axel's Battle theme!!!!)

2. Roxas (Roxas' Theme when he gets turned back into/absorbed into Sora -- "It looks like my summer vacation is...over." Its so sad!!!)
3. Shrouding Dark Cloud (When you fight Guard Armor -- don't know why, but that's one of my all-time favorite bosses...and the music is epic and that boss is what made me love Kingdom Hearts first!!)
And I love all the rest of them as well, except the wonderland stuff...
It seems that Kingdom Hearts songs have three categories (1) Battle -- makes you feel like picking up your keyblade and killing off a bunch of Heartless (2) Sad -- makes you feel like crying and hugging your friends (3) Bouncy/Happy -- that you just kind of have to bouncily dance to...
Funny story: I was on the way out of school one day last week and was listening to Simple and Clean (opening version) on my iPod on the bus. It was kinda dark and looked like it was about to storm. It was very much the same atmosphere as the beginning of Kingdom Hearts when those clouds of darkness come and swallow Destiny Island and heartless are crawling around everywhere!! I seriously felt like that creepy voice was going to start talking to me and saying "Do not be afraid." and then I'd have a keyblade in my hand and then Riku would show up and try to drag me into the darkness with him -- like this:
It was epic! (And I would have gone with Riku X3)
On another note, what is it with Kingdom Hearts putting the freakish scary bosses at the beginning?! I mean:
...Those are with, no training in the first one and then with only the little training you might have built up with the nobodies right before the second one...*shrug*...maybe that's what makes these games so awesome!! They're not easy right from the beginning!!
Very sad thing -- I tried to replay Kingdom Hearts II a couple weeks ago. I couldn't get past the Twilight Thorn (the giant nobody). I was in hard mode, but I still thought 'Wow...I'm out of practice...' It made me sad...:(
Sooo...I feel like putting up a bunch of KH Battle videos, so here are what I thought were the hardest bosses in each game:
Kingdom Hearts I:
(And that's how Roxas was born!! -- for Rachel: Sora became a heartless, and when someone becomes a heartless, a nobody is born, ergo Roxas.
Me whenever I play this battle: "Go Riku!! Use the POWER OF OBLIVION!!!!" ...I like this battle...XP)
(now that I think about it...I still haven't beaten Sephiroth...)
Kingdom Hearts II:
(The hardest boss in the series, in my opinion. He actually made me stop playing Kingdom Hearts II for like, a year, when I just couldn't beat him!!!)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days:
(Mission #66; Day #256. Good luck Rachel XP!! Yeah, usually the heartless aren't hard to beat, but this one was freaking scary-looking and difficult!!)
Now for some awesome battles:
(Xigbar's battle was actually quite hard -- some say the 2nd hardest in KHII. I think he was just annoying. But its interesting to watch him walking around upside-down as he shoots at you...)
(My personal favorite battle. I mean: 2 keyblades, Roxas, Axel, FIRE!! What more could you want?! "Burn, baby!!")
(Dance, water, dance!! And you can skip the first 1:40 min because its just extra stuff that I couldn't find a video without...In watching this, I realized that Demyx has very sudden mood swings)
(Glomps Riku in the middle of battle?? Zexion does just want to be loved!! XD)
(OMZ! Light-sabers!!)
(Snowflakes of doom!!
And at first when Riku took the flying thingy, I thought he was just going to say, "Screw you, Sora! I'm outta here -- dragons are scary!!"
Yeah, this one was pretty hard, too...I'm not good with the ones you actually have a strategy to use and you can't just hit random buttons...I lost to this 10 times!! And I had to watch the cutscenes over and over and over and over again!!!!)
And to go along with this Kingdom-Hearts-themed post, I drew a couple things this week and last week:

They are both pictures/attempts at Lea (aka Axel's somebody) from Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. I didn't have reference pictures for these, so I just drew what I could remember of his outfit from the few times I saw pictures of him X3
The picture above has a smiley-face. That was Kat-chan's doing -- I was drawing this during Envirothon =) And he is holding matches because at first I had him with fire, but Katherine pointed out that since he's not Axel yet, he doesn't have fire, so she suggested matches and I figured, 'Sure, why not?'

And I realized that I like drawing sneakers. They can be difficult sometimes, but they always make a picture look much more detailed when you draw the shoes detailed!!
Wow, really really long post X3.
If you made it this far, congratulations!!!! You win a virtual cookie!! *hands cookie to you*
I apologize for the many videos. I realize they may be boring for some...
Rachel, if you actually got through all this, I hope you see why I love the other Kingdom Hearts games so much!!
So ends the long post dedicated to my first love: Kingdom Hearts!! (well, actually, my first love was the Backstreet Boys...I was in preschool. I didn't know any better...)
there are many sad events in KH but the sadest one is when Roxas's loses Xion. They met again because she ends up going to Kairi but it is still the sadest event in the game! btw, Cool drawings!
I cried like a baby when that happened!! But I had to laugh at Roxas: "Who else am I going to have ice-cream with?!" He's so innocent and kinda stupid sometimes, but that's what makes him cute X3
ReplyDeleteSo true! Gotta love our cute retarded Roxas!
I WIN A COOKIE!! yay! i haven't watched all the vids yet, but i might watch some later. i don't want to ruin ALL the good parts though, in case i actually do play through the games... XD your drawings are so AMAZING, you astound me with your talent and patience for detail. i can see how you fell in love with Kingdom Hearts; i'm not much of an otaku, but i'm obsessed with it already! haha, i love your parting comment, btw. :P i am loooooving all the music you gave me! 'tis awesome!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Rachel, they don't really ruin all that much. Maybe that first Roxas video ruins only the very beginning of KHII, but you already know that Roxas is Sora's nobody because I told you. The Sora vs. Riku showdown kinda ruins the end of KHI...the rest are just boss battles without much plot included ;) I just like the boss battles...Even the Xemnas boss battles (the final battles of KHII) don't ruin much. We all know that Xemnas is going to die. He's the bad guy! And it seems in the two original Kingdom Hearts games (not the side-stories) the boss battle is almost meaningless because most of the rest of the plot has already been finished! I'm almost satisfied just getting to the boss - not actually beating him XP
ReplyDeleteYes! I have converted someone to kingdom-hearts-otakudom!!!
I'm glad you like the music XD
Kingdom Hearts = EPIC music
I'm Bored so i went away from watching T.V. with you and decided to post a comment.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell the difference from me and my older sis by me going (^x^)(Saix-Kitty face) at the end.