02 May 2010

Many Thanks!!!

"End every day with a smile on your face"--That's a good policy :)
I'm sorry you're forced to struggle with so many things. I see the things you post about and your life has been hard--a whole heck of a lot harder than mine, yet I'm the one complaining X/
And 11 and 12 are hard ages. The awkwardness of puberty is starting and its when you're most susceptible to the opinions of others and self-esteem gets damaged the most then, I think. And it takes a long time for that pain to go away. I'm still trying to pick myself up after the emotional turmoil of that time (as I talked about in the last post).
I wish you luck in leaving it behind. And I think that even when your having trouble in your life, God loves you. In fact, that seems to be the time when I feel closest to Him--when I'm struggling. He wants you to come to Him for help with tough things like learning to love yourself.
After I wrote my post and then prayed, I felt a lot better about myself. I know that God loves me no matter how hard that is to believe sometimes, and no matter how mediocre I believe myself to be.
Thanks for your comments! Whenever someone accepts Christ into their life, it is a joyful time and I look back at that time fondly. My church actually does kind of have parties for people who accepted Christ. Whenever someone is baptized, the whole church is invited and its like a party with food and friends and everything!! That's one of the things I love about my church X3
Thanks SO MUCH for your post. Its like, I knew all that stuff already that you said, but sometimes, it just takes being told by someone you trust. I don't really know what to say after that, but it made me happy. I don't know how I would live if I didn't have you and Rachel and chibi-chan, and manga-dealer-chan!!
Thank you. I really appreciate you being there for me :) You are such an amazing person and it amazes me how nice and faithful you are all the time! You are probably the nicest person I have ever met and you really helped encourage me to grow in my faith and act on it.
And those are some interesting fears X3
Apparently, I was in a tornado when I was younger (like 1-2 yrs old). My mom was at work and came home to find the roof blown off of our house. Everyone was okay, thankfully.
I love you, too!!! 8D

Anyway, thanks to all of you for supporting me! You guys are awesome!

Today a bunch of people were taking AP tests, so my classes were only about half as full as they usually are. My AP Calculus test is tomorrow X/
This is my first AP class, so I don't know what to expect! I think I'll be okay though. Anywhere from 68-108 out of 108 is a 5 (the highest score you can get). I'm aiming for a 4 or 5. Math is my strongest subject, but Calc is hard, so I don't know how I'm gonna do!
The calc classes are getting together tomorrow at 7am before the test to have a breakfast. My calc teacher is so cool! She is probably the nicest teacher ever and she set up calculus parties and everything. That's why I feel so horrible falling asleep in her class sometimes, because she is so nice and I don't want to hurt her feelings, I'm just tired!!

On another subject, my brother came home today from school with a bag in his hand. Apparently, they had a book fair at his school today. And being the otaku-in-training that he is, he bought a book of Naruto posters!!!! He let me have 3!!!! That made me really happy X3 I hung them up on my walls right away. Plus, tomorrow, he's going back to the book fair tomorrow and I gave him money and asked him to buy more of the posters for me to hang up because recently, I've been otaku-fying my room. I have a wall right across from my bed with pictures taken out of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazines, anime DVDs, video game booklet thingies, drawings by my brother and chibi-chan and manga-dealer-chan and me, etc. I just didn't like having an empty wall, so I decorated! I should put up a picture some time...

Anyway, gotta get to sleep now. I don't want to fall asleep during the test. That would really really really really SUCK.

PS: my right shift key isn't working and its really annoying me because that's the one I use the most!!!


  1. Thank you Kaitlyn...That means so much to me. I feel the same way. I know God is watching over me and I do feel closer to him when I'm struggling. Thank you, your a good friend.


  2. okay, i totally thought you said otaku-FRYING your room. and i was like, "WHAAAAT?!!?! why is she frying otakus?!?!?!"

    i'm glad you're feeling better. i like it when my kaitlyn is happy-fuls. :)

  3. Fried otakus would taste weird...they would taste like ramen, onigiri, pocky, and ninja all mixed together...don't ask what ninja tastes like...though apparently Demyx tastes like cookies!! (I'll post the picture that I'm referring to. I think you will find it amusing X3)

  4. Hello, I made a very big mistake. I used to have a blog account but now I have a new one. Well, I follow with both account by mistake. One of them is not active. I was trying to delete the follow from your account but I can't. I just want to know if you can delete it. My too account are, the one that have a black icon that with my name Judy and is the one that is active. The other one is ghap4a is not active as you can see, I appreciate if you can delete it. I am sorry for the inconvenience I could cause. YOu have an awesome blog, that is why I follow!!!!

  5. Judy, I don't know if I can delete the ghap4a, but it gives me the option to block the account if you want me to??

    And thanks for following!
