Anyway, there are 2 things that I wanted to say: I'm apparently for rent and I think somebody thinks I'm stalking them...Explanations:
1. So, tomorrow I'm going to be babysitting my cousins. That's not too bad except that it was just sprung on me today and I'm going to have to babysit for 8 hours. Without any kind of pay -- I mean, I can't charge family. That's just wrong. But I really need money right now and it kinda bothers me that I babysit practically every week - about 8-9 kids - but I've only ever been paid to do it twice...It really stinks because I feel like a bum because I don't have a job, but I do have a regular job, its just a volunteer job, so I don't have any experience with a paying job!!! Its kinda annoying, but I feel bad about being annoying about it. I mean volunteering is supposed to be a good thing, but sometimes I feel like its holding me back from getting a real paying job so I can actually realistically be independent in a couple years. Grrr...
2. There's this kid in my gym/health class that I think probably thinks I'm a weird stalker. I don't intend to, but it seems like almost every day, I follow the same route he takes to Chemistry!! We're in the same class, so its not all that weird, but I always somehow end up about 10 ft behind him when we're walking up and sometimes he looks back at me (kinda sideways-like when people are trying to tell if someone's following them). I seriously am not trying to be a stalker!!! I usually just keep an eye on where the other people from my chem class are going because half the time, we are in a computer lab on the first floor (where we have gym and health) but chemistry is on the 3rd floor, so its annoying when you walk all the way up and then find out you have to go all the way back down again!! So I look where people from my class are going and see if we are in the lab because sometimes someone hears that we are and then tell their friends, but not everybody in class (and I'm not friends with anybody in that class, so I never hear anything!!) So anyway, it was really bad today. Coming out of gym, I saw this group from my class going in the direction of Rm.123 (the computer lab). So I follow them because I figured we were in the lab and I just didn't hear about it. Then, they walk right past the lab. I'm confused so I continue to follow because maybe we're in a different lab. Then, I see some of them look back at me and I thought I heard my name mentioned...It was weird and they were giving me weird looks as if saying, "Why is the creepy quiet girl following us?" I realized they probably thought that I was being weird, so I wanted to say something, but my darned shyness prevents me from talking when I'm nervous especially, so I couldn't say anything, which made my presence even creepier, which in turn made me more nervous and panicked, which made me not talk, etc. It was a very awkward moment...I don't really care all that much that this kid thinks I'm a stalker. I don't particularly like him. I don't hate him either, though. So instead of taking the opportunity to totally scare someone and amuse myself, I will probably go out of my way to avoid going the same way as him now. I'd rather not have enemies...
Sigh. That is all the stories I have to tell. I have to somehow find time to study for my Astronomy final on Tuesday (I have to be out of school because that was the only day available to take it). So, that's going to be interesting...And Kat and Rachel, check your email if you haven't already. There's youth group on Sunday and I'm inviting you guys, manga-dealer-chan, and chibi-chan. The info's in the email.
In otaku-related news: I really really really want Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep to come out. 358/2 days was a slight disappointment in my opinion and I am really in need of a video game right now!!!! Here are the trailer and then opening scene of BBS to give a preview.
It looks freaking awesome!!!! Unfortunately the release date is still "Summer 2010" so...I'm not sure when exactly its coming out. I read somewhere June 27 or 28, but now I can't find where I read it, so I'm not sure :(
I really want that game. And Final Fantasy XIII and FF XIII: Versus...and we're back to the me needing money thing DX
But, this one is easily enough obtained once it comes out, so I'm looking forward to it!!!
And for Kat and Rachel, I call dibs on Terra (the dark-brown haired one). I'm not sure about him yet, but he seems like he could be really awesome with his explosion of darkness in one scene and his giant keyblade-turned-cannon/bazooka!!! (I don't think anyone has called him. Maybe chibi-chan. I may have to ask her about that...)
And for others who read the blog, don't ask. Just a thing our book black market (our group of friends) does.
Is it just me, or does that guy in the all black outfit remind you of Riku in his man-skirt outfit??

Edit: I just saw this now, there is apparently a Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Day on March 21, 2010 to celebrate the manga!!! I think I should do something...not sure what, but something...
Stalking is bad but I here its lots of fun. I want KH BBS too but I have to wait. I have FF13 now. Best game ever....*smiles a bit*
so jealous X3
ReplyDeleteI just realized I wrote March 21 for Tsubasa day. Its actually May 21. Not March...
Hahahahahahaha(maniacally cackles but not intending to scare you)......!!!!