05 May 2010

Demyx tastes like COOKIES

"Comic - something" by *tomato-rabbit on deviantart.com

This is in reply to Rachel's comment about me frying otakus in my room and what they would taste like X3 (click and zoom in and you should be able to read it.)

Is is just me, or does it look like Axel is frantically trying to get out of a glass box in the last panel?? I can just see him saying "help me!!" but barely able to hear him because his voice is muffled by the glass so it sounds more like "eeehhl mm"...


  1. Kaitlyn, that comic is AMAZING! that should be the topic of a Demyx Time episode!

  2. XD It really should!! The comic makes me laugh every time I think about it. What I love most is Zexion's facial expressions X3

  3. lol. Its cute.

