08 May 2010

Dedicated to LeahPeah...

Leah, I know you've been having a tough time in your life recently and I wanted to dedicate a post to you! I haven't known you for long, but I can tell that you are an awesome person who has had some unfair circumstances thrust upon you. I pray for you often to make it through these things you're going through. I can't claim to know what God has planned for you, but I do know that He has a plan for you. There is a reason these things are happening to you. Maybe to make you stronger, I don't know...But there is always some kind of purpose. That's why I've included these songs below. I'm not sure why exactly I'm doing this now, I just felt like it was something I needed to do...These are songs that help me when I'm going through tough and confusing times and I thought they could possibly be of some help to you too :)


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdjRmM0Q0qs

    one of my favorite inspirational songs
    if you have time, please watch it

  2. Beautiful songs. The first one was so Inspirational. Thank you Kaitlyn. This made me cry a bit. Your a good friend.

