13 May 2010

A few updates...

I took my Astronomy final on Tuesday! It was...okay. Most of the questions were the same as ones from earlier tests, so I wished I actually looked at them more than I did.
A funny story about the final: I got there and I had to wait a little bit for some people to finish their finals before I had a seat to take mine. There was this guy there who was reading out of the same Astronomy book I had, and apparently he was one of the people in my class (The class I take is online, so I usually never meet the other people in my class). He starts talking to me about how he's practically failing the class and then he asks if he can sit next to be and copy off of my test. I'm thinking he's probably joking, so I laugh and shrug (that's how conversations go when I'm talking to someone I don't know that kinda scares me--I just shrug and laugh and hardly say a word). It was incredibly awkward and weird. I mean the guy looked kinda scary and creeper-ish!! DX I was relieved when they finally said we could go and take our tests and they sat him on the total opposite side of the room >___< So now I'm done that class!!! And the period I have in the library at school is now just like another study hall!!! (Maybe I'll actually work on my fanfiction again....maybe...I haven't written anything in a couple months. I'm a lazy writer...) Another, kinda annoying story: I got to school the next day and give the attendance people a note saying that I was out taking a final. They tell me my absence is unexcused and I have to go fill out a bunch of forms and have my teachers sign things and have proof from the college that I was there and everything!! What the heck?! It would have been easier for me to lie and say I was sick!! Gaaahhhhh!!! And speaking of sick, I was actually sick today and stayed home from school...I have something going on with my throat. I think I have an ulcer that got infected and swollen. It sucks...And its really annoying because only the right side of my face feels sick. My nose is only running out of the right nostril. My right ear is only draining. My right tonsil only is swollen. I have a headache only on the right side of my head!! It feels so weird!!! Oh, back to Tuesday and kinda unrelated to everything else. I went to the Tech school on Tuesday to the Senior Expo and went to see the Biotech lab with my mom and talk with the teacher again. Katherine was there!! It was a surprise (though I should have figured it out because she was working with a trifold thing for a presentation thing on Tuesday...The facts just didn't connect...) Anyway, her presentation was very cool! It was about nanotechnology and that is pretty amazing-sounding stuff!! You should definitely do that as a career, Kat-chan!! We could work together! I make the medicine (that's the kind of thing I want to do) and you can put it in your little nano-thingies and we can rule the world!! (wait...forget the last part...X3) Sigh...I hope I'll be in school tomorrow. Though I've been getting progressively worse as the day goes on. I think I'm getting a fever...I don't like fevers. They make me feel cold and hot at the same time and its really confusing... So...Oh yeah! I don't remember if I said this on here or not...You know that babysitting thing I did on Saturday (babysitting my cousins) I actually ended up getting $60 for it!!! I was surprised!! I didn't expect to be paid at all, let alone that much!! My aunt said its the standard rate ($5 per hour per kid) but still...wow...Well, money towards my cosplaying/PS3 fund!!

Other stuff: I've been watching these videos and laughing practically nonstop. They are hilarious, but as a warning, they are very slightly explicit (with mild swearing, no more than most TV shows like Bones and House).



  1. A creepy guy? That sounds scary. I here college is really cool. Though you might not believe me, I'm a 15 year old girl in College. ;)
    That vid was funny. They can't take his pants!
    And the other one. White and Nerdy! Lols.


  2. To LeahPeah: are you doing early college?

  3. Sort of. I'm already taking college classes. I'll have my B.a and A.a Degree before I live high school. My school is a college and a high school in one. First two years are high school classes while the last two years are college classes. You can also take some college classes in your sophomore year.


  4. That's really cool! We just kind of have a duel-enrollment thing if some students want to do it. We also have AP classes, but they're a little different...
