I decided to post some of my better drawings. That are actually in COLOR!!!!

This one I drew for chibi-chan. The result of some random conversations with her about the validity of a lawn flamingo as a weapon...which led to discussing it as an ice pick...which led to a picture in my mind of Zack making a giant Sephiroth ice sculpture, and a picture in her head of a chibi Cloud eating the ice sculpture 0.o
(Hence my calling her odd in the picture if you click and zoom in)
Oh, and the howling at the moon thing was a different conversation about which characters would howl at the moon with us. Zack most definitely would X3
The next 4 were parts of a Christmas gift for manga-dealer-chan. They are all Fai cosplaying as various other people (I actually had 2 more I think, but I forgot to scan them before I gave them to her X3. I think they were emo Fai and one other I don't remember...)

This next one was a birthday gift for chibi-chan. She likes kingdom hearts and is totally an Ed Elric fangirl, so I figured I'd mix the two! And this was the result!! (I actually brightened the colors in Photoshop, in case it looks a little brighter than other pictures)

This was for manga-dealer-chan's birthday. Going with the crossover theme, I crossed-over Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club. And I actually tried to draw a background for this one...I'm not all that good at it...I need practice.

And I did make pictures for Rachel and Kat-chan, but I didn't scan them before I gave them away :(
So I cannot show you...They were, I believe:
For Kat-chan -- Kurama and demon-wolf Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, with lyrics to..."Fight Inside" by Red...maybe...I think?
For Rachel -- Train Heartnet, of course! I think, if I'm remembering correctly, it was Train in his normal outfit and Train in his Chronos assassin's outfit (black coat with the high collar X3)
So...yeah. That's all so far. I just started drawing for people's birthdays like a year and a half ago, so there aren't many built up!
Anyway, totally on a different topic and in case you were wondering at all -- I'm still sick T__T
It sucks...I hate being sick. I was planning on working on my keyblade this weekend, but seeing as I can't stand up straight for more than about 20 minutes without practically fainting, that plan went down the toilet...
So -- kinda inspired by my video posts of Kingdom Hearts battles -- I felt like playing Kingdom Hearts today and I fought through the Ansem battle in the first game. It was interesting getting used to the controls because I haven't played for a while, but I was level 100, so it didn't really matter how bad I was sucking at fighting - it didn't cause all that much damage! Plus, I started it up and realized I had my favorite keyblade equipped - OBLIVION!! (The keyblade I wanted to work on). It made me so happy!!!
And a weird thing happened: There was this giant demon-like thing that you're normally supposed to fight during the final battle, but it didn't show up this time!! My brother and I were freaked out!! (It was probably something that's supposed to happen, but we just forgot about it since we haven't played for so long -- but I could have sworn there was a giant demon in a volcano that you had to fight at the End of the World before you could fight Ansem!!!)
Anyway, so after that, I wanted to play Kingdom Hearts II, but I couldn't find it!!! I freaked out, thinking maybe I lent it to someone and didn't remember, but then I found the case, but the disk wasn't in it!!! Its like an otaku's worst nightmare!!! Eventually, after about 20 minutes of freaking out, we found the disk hiding between two other cases in a drawer that my brother and I both checked 5 times already T_T
Crisis over: I started playing and decided to see how far my farthest one was. It was level 89, so not bad. But it bothers me that my KHI is at level 100 and my KHII is at level 89...So now I'm going to have to level it up...And I think that before I stopped playing that game for a while, I was working on leveling up my drive-forms, so I'll have to work on that, too. But once I get all that done, I will feel totally accomplished because I will be level 100, with max level drives, and the Ultima weapon (which is pretty awesome!! -- but which is one thing I don't have in KHI...)
But no!! Wait! I can't be accomplished in KH until I beat Sephiroth! Grrr...Sephy, why must you be so difficult!!! And why does your sword have to be so freaking long!!!
(And Rachel, you can't use this as an excuse for me not to lend you the PS2 so you can play the games! I can level up my game at any time and soon I'll be too occupied with Birth by Sleep to care much about the PlayStation! ;P -- I'm just kidding Rachel. If you end up not wanting to play the KH games, I'm not going to force you X3. Though, it seems like you really do want to play them ^__^)
Oh! And Rachel, I realized that I extremely over-estimated the hours for Kingdom Hearts in my comment on your blog. I said 200 I think. That's way over what I actually have. I think I'm at about 60 hours in both of my highest level save-files...And it definitely didn't take all that time to finish the game. That happened at about level 50, I think I remember, so probably somewhere around 20-40 hours...Its hard to tell because I fool around a lot and then I get up and leave the game paused for about 3 hours and come back and its still on and it counts those hours X3
Okay, strange and probably confusing stream-of-consciousness randomness is finished.
What cute drawings! I love the one with Zero and Kaname. But I really love the one with Edward and his keyblade! Love it.
I like the Honey from Ouran High School one. cute cake! I like to draw manga sometimes too. Finished a doctor, maid, and firefighter's daughter; working on Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. If you have any suggestions on how I should do the outfit, post a comment on my latest blog!
ReplyDeleteahh, kaitlyn, i love you. :) soon, my dear. i don't really want to be working on 2 games at once, cuz then i'll get super-distracted!