16 May 2010

The Odyssey of a Jr. Otaku!(^x^)

Yeah i'm bored.... again so (aww i lost the game!!) I am making a post to annoy Ka- I mean sis-chan. I just cant wait until summer! I really want to hate computer class but the teacher is so nice even when she does the dreaded dictations!
By the way, you can tell its me by the Saix kitty (^x^)
I made a picture today of saix kitty staring at demyx fish. At the bottom it said "Dinner"!(^x^)
Pablo is right next to me purring creepily....(*o*)
Well i think its time to stop. Bye!


  1. Jacob!!! You hacked into my blog?!?! DX
    (I really should log off before I leave my computer unguarded...)

  2. SAIX KITTY!!!!
    DEMYX FISH!!!!


    hi jakey by the way! ^.^

  3. Woah...lots of exclamation points!!!
    He's going to kill you if he sees that you called him Jakey, though X3 -- he hates it when people call him that -- which is exactly why that's what I call him XP


    PS: Jakey, if you read this -- YOU LOST THE GAME!!!!

  4. lol. Jakey huh? How funny.


  5. and Jakey, if you read this, IT'S ODYSSEY!! if you're gonna be a jr. otaku at least learn to spell words that are most likely part of game titles!!


    I LOST THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (more exclamations! X3)

  6. sorry Kaitlyn..... Late (^x^)...
    I lost the game too!!!
    Kaitlyn by the way your right shift key doesn't work well.....

  7. Oh wow. You should probably change your pswd on your blog. Unless you don't care if JAKEY does anything to it. How old is he, by the way? It sounds like he's 13.

  8. Its not really my password, its just that I don't log off when I exit, so he can just go to my blog and its automatically logged on...I don't feel like changing it, though -- I'll just threaten to kill him if he does it again X3

    And he's 11.
