14 June 2010

So AWESOME!! (& General Updates)

Wow. Haven't posted in a LONG time...I've been busy...

Soooo, what have I been up to, you ask? Hmmmm.....Well, lots of things really.
  • Church in the park - we did a church service in a community park and I was on worship that day. So I was standing up in the scorching sun for about an hour and a half singing. But it was still very fun to see new people from the community come and check us out (or they just came for the free hot dogs and pretzels X3)
  • I got this award out of nowhere from this Career Women group and they asked me to dinner. It was awkward....but the ladies were very nice! But I don't think I've heard a group of old women talk about sports as much as they did...
  • National Honors Society induction - freaky and kinda cult-esque. But it was funny when one person couldn't light the candle for about 5 full minutes as the rest of us were just whispering to him to use the other candles to light it. What made it all better was that Mr. E was up in the lighting area facepalming X3
  • Field Trip to Shady Maple with German Club. Twas quite fun...but manga-dealer-chan abandoned me because she forgot to get her permission slip signed...Grrr...I didn't talk to her for a few days at lunch because that was probably the 5th time she's done something like that this year....
  • Zoo with my dad's company for a picnic and just general zoo fun X3. I like the otters and the monkeys 8D
  • My family has been trying to get out for biking, so we've been teaching my little bro and sis how to ride their bikes so we can out and bike on a trail instead of just parking lots. Its quite fun, but I learned that I outgrew my bike and riding on a bike that's not the right size causes soreness >____<
  • I have gotten in some more driving practice! I'm probably at about 35-ish hours now. I'm getting my license (hopefully...if I pass the test) on June 28th!!! XD Courgy-chan (what I'm now going to call chibi-chan, and that is actually how she wants us to spell corgi for her nickname...) she and Kat-chan already have their licenses, so I gotta catch up X3. Actually, yesterday, I went driving and we drove to Philadelphia and back through traffic on the highways and everything. (I'm apparently an aggressive driver on the inside because I got mad at a lot of people when they were cutting in front of me or not letting me merge into the lane, etc.) 
  • I took the ACTs on Saturday. Ugh. I felt much more rushed on those than the SAT. I had to just fill in random bubbles for a total of about 20 questions!! That's not good! And it doesn't help that I was incredibly tired and I was actually falling asleep during the test! That's also not good! When I fall asleep I dream that I reading different things than I really am and I fill in answers according to what I was dream-reading, not what was actually there!!!! Gaaaahhh!!
  • Burn Notice has started up again!!! Love that show!! If you don't watch it, you should. Michael Westen is amazing!!

    • And on an odd note, I had a strange dream the other night. I dreamed that I was at school and that I saw someone that looked like Rachel, but wasn't really Rachel. And then there was another one. And another one. And eventually there were about 20 Rachels!!! No offense to Rachel, but it was scary! Then, I went up to ask Mrs. S (the study hall teacher) why there were so many Rachels and suddenly she turned around and she had blond, curly hair just like Rachel!!! Then, I woke up...I was freaked out...ToT
    Hmmm...Oh! In otaku-related-news, two things:
    • I've been playing The World Ends With You recently on my DS. Its an awesomely fun game. Neku so far is my favorite character, though Joshua and Sho are tied for a close second. The characters are just awesome and the story line is actually quite good. If you don't know what it is, its about these Players who are participating in the Reaper's Game run by a mysterious figure called the Composer. They are basically given missions every day for a week. If you fail, you are "erased" from the game. (I just lost the game). Whoever makes it to the end of the second day is supposed to get a second chance at life (because all the Players have died). Its really an awesome game, fun to play, and a cool soundtrack (I may add some songs from the soundtrack onto my blog playlist). And whenever I start getting obsessed with something, I like to draw pictures of it, so here are the pictures I have finished right now:
      (All the writing around Joshua is a conversation passed between Kat-chan and Courgy-chan during an assembly. It starts down with the chibi ninja on the bottom left - drawn by Kat - and continues around the paper from there.)
      • I've also been getting into this manga called +Anima. Its a really cute manga and I might have mentioned it before on my blog. My favorite characters are Senri and Cooro and it would be really fun to cosplay as Cooro at the convention next summer X3. He's so cute! I actually already made the gloves for him, too. This story is about these people who are humans with certain animal powers (Cooro - crow, Senri - bear, Husky - fish, Nana - bat, and more...) They are treated sometimes like freaks for freakshows, sometimes research specimens, and sometimes slaves. Not much is know about the +Anima powers except that all people who got them had some kind of life-threatening situation that they gained powers in order to survive. Its a cute, but sometimes deep story and I really like the characters. So again with the obsessive drawing, I drew some of the characters:
        • Oh, and of course I really excited for the English release of KH: Birth by Sleep. Can't wait until September!!! XD
        • And here are some other little random drawings I did in this time:
         (Ok, this one needs explanation. I wrote this note to Courgy-chan while I was bored in study hall. It stems from a conversation we had about a strange fanfiction in which Riku was one of the princesses in Atlantica, and so I just had to draw him as a mermaid princess!! And Chester is an ongoing part of our random note conversations X3)

        So, I think that's it with the longer term updates. As for today and the title for this blog post. I was standing innocently talking to my friends next to Kat-chan's locker this morning and suddenly we see Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, and Toad running past us?! This is a video they took of the whole thing:

        It was quite interesting to watch them running past, and then the teacher walking quickly after them talking on this walkie-talkie X3. It totally made my day!! It was awesome. (And in case you are wondering, they did not get in serious trouble. They just got told "Very creative, but don't do it again." and they had to take their hats off.) It was a good way to get people's minds off the stress of finals week...

        Speaking of which. Ugh. Finals. I'm not looking forward to them, exspecially since I haven't actually studied yet....(as I sit here writing a blog entry X3).

        BUT the good news is that this is the last week we have of school!! Yay. Tomorrow is the last full day and then we have half days on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. Its awesome!! Weeeeee!!!!!!! XD XD XD

        So, yeah. I think that's it for the updates that are long overdue!


        PS: Still praying for you Leah!


        1. OH MY GOSH THAT VIDEO WAS SOOOOO WICKED AWESOME COOL, MAN!!!!!!!! I wish OUR school would do that. . . .I remember at our Halloween party at church for the youth group, one kid dressed up as Mario XP I love Mario games. They are just about the only video games I play, anyway!!

          I like the drawing of Rose and Husky a lot. . .I wish I could shade that well!!! School's been out for us since June 10th. When do you guys get out?? And FINALLY you decide to update!! I'm a big fan of your blog, so I've been checking every day on my dashboard!

        2. wow, 20 me's? no offense taken, that sounds scary! i love your drawings as usual. soo fun watching you draw during 3rd period today! and i think we should do something cosplay-related in school. even if it is sort of copying... we have to plan something really different though... or maybe as a senior prank! yes! (adventure no bomb yes?)
