24 June 2010

Haircut Day & Other Randomosity

So, today was haircut day for the family!!! I ended up going through with the red and the cut! o.0 I was brave for once....But it turned out GREAT! I really really love it! Even though the cut is not exactly as emo as I would have liked, its still awesome. I took some pictures on my webcam, so I know they're not the greatest quality, but you can get the gist. And my sister decided to join in some of the pictures, so she's in there too...

 (You'll probably have to click on it to see the full picture with more detail -- if you want. I mean, I ain't that pretty, so you may not want to...)
(Oh, and my wall is included in the picture X3. My lovely anime poster wall <3 <3 <3 I luvs it!!)
(Ignore the mess on my sofa and desk...I need to clean my room...but that half of the room had the least mess, so I took pictures facing that half...)
(How many captions can I put on one picture???)

Anyway...we also took a random little video with my webcam. Its kinda almost funny sometimes...but I figured I'd post it anyway, to show how goofy we are X3. (As a warning, the background music is very low, but my sister's screams are very loud, so don't turn it up too much....Oh, and the person I'm sometimes talking to is my bro. He didn't want to be on camera because he doesn't like his new haircut XP)

Well, none of these really show good quality...well, I guess you'll get better quality in the pictures from CREATION!!! Soooooooooooo excited!!!!!! Only 5 more days!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

I believe that is all...


PS: I'm (hopefully) getting my driver's license on Tuesday!!!!!!! W00t!




    and YAYZ for haircut!!!! much braver than mee haha


  2. OMZ!!!!!!!!!!! SO GORGEOUS!!! and you are so pretty, what are you talking about?! i love it, i showed it to my sister and she loves the new color too! i think it's so cute that elayna (spelling?) is trying to imitate you. :P i have yet to watch the vid, so i may be double-commenting...

  3. haha, i love your dramatic singing to defying gravity. XP


    elayna is trying to attack you... o.O

    very nice. i see a webshow fame future for you XD

  4. I just wanted to say that I have no idea how I didn't know about you before.
    Otaku, squids... It's frightening. I feel like I've stolen from you.
    But you're prettier than me and you're better at writing. I'm jealous >.>
