Anyway, on to the actual purpose of this post, as with most posts: UPDATES!! Yay!
So, my mom is still in the hospital, but the good news is that we know what's wrong!!! She apparently has multiple stomach ulcers caused by a medicine she was taking. Fortunately, stomach ulcers are completely curable and she should completely back to normal in a few weeks. We were hoping she would be able to come home today, but that didn't happen because they want to observe for a little while longer if it hurts her to eat. I'm not really scared for her so much any more as I am just simply missing her being here. I've had to play Mommy the last couple days for my little brother and sister (my dad has been with my mom at the hospital from morning to 10:30ish at night). So I have to feed them and entertain them and comfort them and eventually put them to bed (which is made all the much harder when you have to tell a crying child who misses her mother that it will be you putting them to bed again tonight...I almost broke down myself a couple times, but I've tried to keep myself strong in front of the kids. I've also been straightening up the house every day so that my mom won't have to come home to a mess and be even more stressed out...And all of this is EXTREMELY exhausting. You never reallize how much your parents do for you until you have to do if for others! I will have to give my mom and dad hugs and thank them when all this is over :)
And thank you Katherine and Kristen for commenting on my last post! Your comments really cheered me up ^w^
And, to answer your question Kat-chan, Riku has a blindfold because he is becoming one with his inner darkness in order to exploit the power of oblivion. Plus, when he takes off the blindfold, he morphs into Ansem -- Ansem just isn't as pretty as Riku ToT
So, today, I actually had some help with the kids and dinner when my grandmother came over with pizza and she took me and the kids to the park and then for water ice. At the water ice place, she tried to convince the guy behind the counter that they should have senior pricing to attract all the grandmother's and grandchildren (I'm not sure she realized that he has absolutely no control over the policies of the store...)
Then, on the way home, we drove past this farm and the cows were escaping through a broken fence and right onto the road! Oh noes!! So, we turned around and into the driveway of the farm owner to let them know their cows are escaping and they were listening to loud music, so we were banging away on the door and honking the car horn and eventually the guy comes out and sees his cows escaping and runs off to get them! Then, we drove out and my grandmother called the police to let them know that there are cows on the road and to put up some kind of traffic barrier or something. So we saved a cow, today!!
When we got home, we saw fireflies all over the hill, so my brother, sister, Gracie (my demon-corgi-dog), and I all went out and chased fireflies (yes, I am 17 and I still like to catch lightning bugs XD). So that was fun. Gracie kept trying to chase my brother. Twas very funny ^^
And way back to the beginning of the day (I'm not exactly going in sequential order here...) It was our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! w00t!!! hyuu-hyuu!!
I'm so glad that I may actually be able to sleep in!!! And I am now officially a senior in high school!!!!!
Today, in school, I spent time doing pretty much nothing. My Chem and Calc finals were yesterday (and they went fine. They were actually kinda easy...) and those were my last finals, so I was done with tests and just had study hall today!!!! I spent my time listening to music, thinking of what I need to get done this summer, listing jobs I want to apply to, and drawing pictures. Here are the pictures I drew today (and the ones that I said I drew before, but didn't get to putting them up):

So, this picture is Rhyme from TWEWY. She is very cute (and this IS a girl, though I didn't know that until about halfway through the first week when Shiki refers to Rhyme as "she")

Sho Minamimoto...he's an interesting guy...X3

Another picture of Sho, but just kinda chibified and with his catch phrases and lots of pi...

Just a random sketch of a kid holding a stuffed animal that I for some reason turned into Mr. Mew (animated stuffed animal that Shiki fights with in TWEWY)
That's all for the pictures right now.
Now for other random stuffs. Creation is just about a week and a half away!!! So excited! And I will definitely be posting pictures afterwords (if my mom allows me to use her camera -- the ocean killed my camera last summer at the beach...) and I'll probably post a long post about the stuff, too XD XD XD
And the english trailer came out for KH: Birth By Sleep!!!!
Aqua's voice is rather annoying, but I could probably get used to it eventually. The game looks awesome!! And who is that guy in the Organization coat (when the Organization is not supposed to exist yet)?!?!
Another random thing. I'm thinking of getting a drastic change in my hair and I don't know if I can do it (I really want to, but I don't know if I'll chicken out...) I'm thinking of dying my hair red -- like a deep, darkish, maybe-brownish kinda red, not orange-ish red. Not that I don't like orange-ish red hair (aka natural redhead hair), it would look horrible with my complexion. I can't pull off natural redhead (or blond, but that's really not relevent). I think it would be awesome for my hair to be...less boring. Its just straight and brunette right now. And not even cool brunette. Its like medium brown hair, with my eyes also being brown--though my eyes are a much darker shade of brown. They're almost black and I love my eye color, but I could do with a change in hair color). Anway, I think it would be really cool and I'd also want to get a kind of emo-style haircut, like this:

I think it would be cool. What do you think? (More aimed at Kat and Rachel who actually know me and what I look like, so they would be able to make more informed opinions...)
Well, I believe that is all...And for some reason, I just lost the game...
<3 Otaku-chan
PS: I had a pastry. Twas Noms X3
I WAS THERE FOR THAT RHYME DRAWING! i feel privileged XD i'm glad your mom is feeling a little bit better, but i'm sad you have to be the one to play Mom. it must be hard, especially with your sister, as she's still so little.
ReplyDeleteoh, thank you, you've kind of explained the Riku blindfold to me! though i still don't understand how he can see... don't they consider the cosplayers when they design characters?!?! evil design peoples!
i'm not sure about the red hair thing, though i think it would look pretty, but what about just getting your hair cut first, then deciding if you want to dye it too? i think that might help, so it's just one drastic change at a time.
YAY for saving cows! i tried to catch lightning bugs the other day, but failed epically >.>
portals? like demon-corgi's wormholes under your bed?
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!! your mom's getting better!!!
*tugs on Otaku-chan's sleeve* mommy, can i have a cookie? *puppy-eyes*
duh-nuh-nuh!!! Otaku-chan to the rescue!! Saving cows and capturing the candlefly scourge!
and thank you for the blindfold-explanation. and i agree. Riku is infinitely prettier than Ansem. and Rachel, there are types of fabric that can be seen through, for cosplayers' comfort of course. but i agree. why must character designs be so complicated?!
maybe you could get highlights? like, keep your original color, get the haircut, and add red highlights! i think that would be cool!
Can't wait for Creation for you! Going on a mission trip tomorrow and won't be back for a week, so don't fret if I don't post like I normally do.
ReplyDeleteI hope your mom gets better. I'll pray for you. I love yours drawings. You should join deviat art with me.