20 June 2010


(No not the perverted kind...)

And suddenly I'm reminded of the time I was playing TWEWY at Courgy-chan's house and Kat-chan looked over my shoulder and said, "Nosebleed?" because that's what it looked like it said when it actually was saying "Noise Erased" after a battle...That was interesting....

Anyway, not much of an update here, but there's a bit.
My mom got home from the hospital yesterday (I may or may not have told you this). She's pretty okay. She just has really bad headaches and she can't take any ibuprofin or anything because that would maker her ulcers worse...but other than that she's fine and she'll be back to normal in a couple weeks!!

Yesterday, I also worked on my Oblivion keyblade. I finished papier mache-ing the other side and now I just have to figure out the chain and then I can paint it!! I feel so accomplished!!

And now to the title of my post (This is kinda gruesome. Squeamish readers may want to stop reading now...)
Today, we had a practice session for setting up tents for the Creation Festival (so we know how to put tents up, how many people will fit in the tents, whether there are pieces missing, etc.) Kat-chan came, too, because she will be coming to Creation with us (Yay!!) and we had a tough time sometimes...but we got everything figured out.
Kat-chan came back to my house afterward and she, my brother, and I all stayed outside catching fireflies. Twas fun X3. Then, my bro and I started to do the sibling wrestling/dueling thing. My brother brings out stuff from the shed and starts wacking me with them (just playfully, but sometimes it actually hurt) So we decided that we should just use pool noodles because they are much less dangerous than the other things he was bringing out. So he starts wacking me in the face with it (it really hurt and I had that kinda reverberating pain you get before a nosebleed) I tell him to stop and say, "Dude, you're gonna give me a nosebleed!" and sure enough, my nose started pouring blood down my face within seconds. I ran inside and tried to find a sink because I had blood all over my hands and face and in my mouth. I looked in the mirror and it looked like I had just come out of a movie fight after being punched in the face (blood running from nose into my mouth and I had blood just covering my teeth and it was just discusting and scary).

Anyway, who knew you could actually get hurt with a pool noodle? They sound so friendly and innocent!!

That is all. No school tomorrow!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!1

PS: So zetta slow!!


  1. sohcahTOA!!!

    and yay! to the mom-coming-home-ness, YAY! to setting up the tents, and YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to creation!!!!!!!

    and as gruesome as the nosebleed-thingy sounds, it also sounds pretty cool haha. well, not 'cool' like 'quick, punch me in the nose so i can look that cool'. more like 'well, if it had to be bad, at least it looked cool'


  2. I'm glad your mother is okay. As for your brother, he sounds a lot like Nerd boy but Nerd boy is worse. I guess we can't live with or without them.


  3. there are perverted nosebleeds? o.O

    i'm so glad your mom is home! yay! and yay for you and Katherine going to Creation! I EXPECT PICTURES!!! with you in them! muhahahaha

  4. Oh my gosh, I told u I wouldn't be able to post b/c of Recreation, but I'm using my friend's itouch. Yes--we actually have wifi all the way out here!! XD
