16 June 2010


Mixed feelings about today.

I guess I'll do bad news first to get it out of the way. My mom is in the hospital right now. She went to the ER earlier today because she thought she had a kidney stone (she's had one before, so she probably knows what one feels like). So she went and found out that they couldn't actually find any kidney stones...So then they took tests (CAT scan and all that) and they ruled out any major concerns they had that it might be...So now we have no idea what's going on because she's in A LOT of pain, but we don't know why. I'm a little worried...She still in the hospital (staying overnight)...So, Kat and Rachel, I may not be able to do lunch tomorrow :(

Anyway, enough bad stuff. Now for good news stuff!
It was our first half-day (of three) today! 2 more half-days and we're done!!! w00t!!!
I had my English and Anatomy finals today. Ugh. They were hard, but I studied for about 3-4 hours yesterday, so I think I actually did okay. Those were my two hardest finals. Tomorrow is Calculus and Chemistry, which won't be too bad. In Calc we can work with partners and use notes and everything, so its not gonna be hard. In Chemisty, Mr. S is letting us use a cheat sheet, which can be one full size sheet of paper front and back, full of whatever we want to put on it. I can fit a lot on a sheet of paper, so I think I'll be OK X3.

Hmmm...In otaku-related stuff:
I drew some more pictures, but didn't feel like scanning them in, so I'll put them up in my next post.
Kat-chan, I have decided that you may have Sephiroth. You fangirl over him a lot more than I do. My fangirling is more like, 'I want him on my team because whoever he's against dies...' So you may have full claim over Sephy X3
And I am officially adding to my list:
Neku (emo psychic person who I've decided is Darth Vader...he does the whole force choke thing and all)

Joshua (total creeper, especially when he says things like "Good job, Neku..." *creepy laugh* -- you can't understand the full essence of joshua's creepiness without hearing him say it...X3)

Sho Minamimoto (math nerd. says things like "You factoring son of a digit!!" -- and yes, he is cursing you out in math-speak...)

They are all from The World Ends With You -- the DS game that I started talking about in my last post. Here is the official trailer to give a little preview of its awesomeness:

Its a really awesome game!! I'll have to lend to at least one person in my group of friends...maybe Courgy-chan because I'll be lending Rachel Kingdom Hearts II. Or maybe Kat-chan if you want to play it?? (I'd lend you my DS, too, if you need it X3)

Anyway, I also completed an AMV a couple days ago and just posted it on YouTube today:

It was a very random idea I had a while back and never got to finishing the AMV until now. I am not trying to promote any pairings or anything. I just used whatever clips worked--which turned out mostly to be Xion...Though the Roxas at the beginning was accidental -- originally, I had planned to do a bunch of hot characters in the video, so Roxas' clip ended up there and it looked like he was lip-synching the words and it was funny, so I kept it X3-- I added something at the end for Kat-chan as well XD

I'm working on another AMV that is doing pretty well so far for only working on it for about 30 minutes last night! I'm not going to say what it is, its a surprise!! Dundundun - suspense!!! >w<

Hmmm....I think I wanted to say something else but can't remember what it was....I added some TWEWY (The World Ends With You) songs to my playlist. Because they're awesome. They're not really my normal taste but they're cool nonetheless!
That's not really what I forgot to say...but I still can't remember what it actually was that I had to say, so I guess....
That's all!
I got to finish actually making the cheat-sheet thing for Chem...



  1. That Sho video just makes me laugh XD
    Sho just spouts out random math terms whenever he feels like it, but sometimes, they actually make sense in the context of the conversation he's having, believe it or not 0.O

  2. i hope your mom feels better... or at least they can find out why she's hurting so much... i don't really know what to say, but if you need to talk to someone, just randomly show up at my house, ok? :)


    I LOVVVVVVEEEEEEE YYYYYYOOOOOOUUUUUU KKKKKAAAAAIIIIIIITTTTTLLLLLYYYYNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down squeeing and hugs computer*

    wow i feel like rachel.... no offense rachel!!

    wait... didn't i ask for Neku? i remember that you showed me the game and that i said..... "that Neko-dude is awesome. may i call him?"
    BUT I WILL TRADE FOR SEPHIROTH!!!! and he can still be on your team (as long as i can too! X3 ...not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. probably bad haha)

    just one question: why is riku blindfolded?
    ZEXION! MINE!! *hugs computer and pulls cookie out of pocket, eats cookie and glares at anyone approaching*
    *zexion cosplayer randomly shows up*
    O.O *throws computer at random-passer by and runs up to cosplayer*
    cookie? *offers cookie*
    *Zexion cosplayer accepts cookie and eats*
    *hugs and runs away to retrieve computer, which smashed into Rover's head, rendering him unconscious and prompting Chibi-chan to poke him with a stick*

  3. I'll pray for your Mom right now.
    Dear God,
    please guide Kaitlyn's mom to your healing hand, and help her endure the pain. Amen.
    Good luck on the Calc and Chem finals too!
    <><><>Kristen :3
