1. I went to my grandparent's house today! It was cool. They have a pool, so we hung out in the pool for a while. Then we ate snacks. My dad kept squirting me with this squirt gun thing (which was shaped like a squid! How awesome is that!!) Sometimes, I think my dad is more of a kid than any of his children :) He's cool, though.

<--That's my frustrated face...I cry whenever I feel pretty much any emotion at all...its really annoying...
3. On the bright side: CREATION!! Creation Fest is coming up this week!! We're leaving on Wednesday. Its going to be EPIC! And Kat-chan is going to be there -- making it SUPER EPIC! And further adding to the epicness, I saw that the weather is going to be low 70's - 83 degrees with very low chance of rain (only up to 10% on one of the days)!! Dude, that just brings the epicness meter up to ZETTA EPIC!! (Yeah. I said it -- Sho Minamimoto quote there XP) That is super nice weather for Creation (which is a camping and outdoor concert thing) -- Creation's temperatures are normally 80's - 90's and its very sunny there so you feel like you're burning alive, and it usually rains (at least every time I've been there -- last time we went, 2 summers ago, there were such bad thunderstorms that they had to stop one of the concerts and send everyone back to their tents because that stage is like a giant lightning rod -- and to make it better, the person telling the audience actually explained in detail what would happen if lightning hit the stage -- he had the whole area of about 70,000 people panicked...idiot...I'm sorry, but that was just a stupid thing to do...Anyway, back on topic...) Hmmm...where was I? Nice weather! Yeah! So looking forward to Creation!
4. In less exciting but still awesome news:

But anyway, I beat Sho Minamimoto! Yay! (He was quite difficult...I had only about a pixel worth of life left when I leveled up and all my health was renewed!!! It was awesome! Then I proceeded on to beat him up with my renewed energy XD) Woot!
And as a sidenote: Beat is an interesting character...He's so stupid, but so loveable at the same time X3 -- Almost like Zack, but much more stupid and not nearly as epic (though I may be a little biased ;P)

5. Quite random, but inspired by Sho's squirrelness, I have decided to put some of my favorite Burn Notice quotes in this post:
"For any operative, stashing weapons is second nature after a while. Spies hide guns like squirrels hide acorns. You never know when you'll need some firepower, or where you'll need it."
"When you cant win in a fight, sometimes you have to settle for making sure that if you lose, everyone loses. It works for nuclear weapons, it works for me."
"I remember the time you stole your first car..."
"Disney world? Why in the world would I want to go to Disney World?"
"Because its a magical kingdom with lots of witnesses and great security! Now let's go!"
"As an operative, you get used to being in uncomfortable situations. Whether its resisting interrogation in a foreign prison, fighting guerrilla forces in a tropical jungle or swimming five miles to Miami Beach in your suit pants, its just part of the job."
"I'm more your friendly neighborhood hide-you-cash-from-the-tax-man kinda guy..."
"Like a wedding, an armed extraction is something you have to plan if you want it to go well. And, like a wedding, its not something you want to do twice, which is why you hold a rehearsal before the big day."
"All surveillance devices share a weakness: their machines. When machines break, somebody has to fix them. More spies get caught changing batteries and fixing wires than any other single activity."

"Do me a favor; drop this off at the loft. I have to go kidnap an explosives expert.
"Good luck with that."
"So the only way to clear my name is to die a violent death...Great..."
"This is the disaster...a coffee maker built in 1967?!"
"...And the food..."
"A good way to get someone to tell you about their security system is to put them on the defensive. Accuse a guy of having bad locks, and before you know it, he's telling you where is motion detectors are."
6. Mah Puppy!!
So the reason we went to my grandparent's house today was to drop off my puppy for them to take care of her while we are at Creation...I miss her already!! I won't see her for almost a week and a half!! So, I have some pictures of her to maybe help me miss her less...
The only pictures I have of her are from the snowstorm back in Febraury...But she looks so CUTE! And even though she's a couple years old now, she'll always be my little puppy like she was when we first got her:
She was so tiny! I mean, that's my sister who was 3 at the time next to the little puffball. And the feet are my older brother's when he was about my age (17).
(I'm such a baby. I luvs my puppy-dog! I hate her not being here if only for a week and a half...I don't know how I'll survive in college >___<)
Squid peoples!
PS: Reminder: Kat-chan, you must read the Creation packet! (If only for the checklist of what to bring -- you don't want to be stuck without something vital! That would majorly suck!) And make sure to bring sneakers that don't hurt to walk in for extended periods of time and cool clothes that are wearable in heat (I'm probably going to be wearing tank tops every day because even a t-shirt can get too hot sometimes). Ummm...just trying to think of things that I remember needing that may or may not be on the list...money (for t-shirts/CDs/etc. --but I think that's on the list), sleeping bag (we will be in tents on the ground, which can be hard sometimes...), probably a sweatshirt and longer pants (the nights may get a little chilly)...that's all I can think of at the moment...
PPS: I'm putting all that for Katherine because you're more likely to read it on here than in your email X3.
Have fun at Creation!!!! (though I'm too un-cool to even know what that is)I'll be praying for rainlessness and cool weather ^-^
ReplyDeleteYour puppy is adorable, by the way. I love that breed.
Stop rubbing it in about Creation Fest!!!! >_<
ReplyDeleteCreation is a Christian music festival (so its basically 4 days of Christian rock concerts. Its pretty awesome X3)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry! I don't mean to rub anything in! I'm just really excited! I promise I won't mention it again until my post next week when I explain how it went and have pictures ;)
have fun at creation!
ReplyDeleteCrazy Gracie!!
DEMON-TIME-SPACE-CORGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUZZY!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteand thank you. though i WOULD read it if it was an email.... i'm just more inclined to REread it on here haha.