holy crap...I'm not a teenager anymore.
I'm old. 20 years. Two decades.
That's a long time.
I was just going back and reading my old blog entries. Its the weirdest thing ever. Just sayin.
But yeah. I wrote a lot...
Its 5 am and I can't sleep. It sucks. But I figured why not write a blog post.
So what's changed and what hasn't since 2011? Geez.
I still like Doctor Who (there's a new Doctor now. That just happened!) and Supernatural.
Kingdom Hearts is still amazing.
I still like to draw. I don't draw as often unfortunately. College is really freaking busy!!!
Speaking of...I'm at Messiah College. Molecular Biology major. Its pretty awesome. I'm a junior. Fall semester just ended and I'm on Christmas break - much needed - the last several weeks before break I got on average about 4 hours of sleep every night. Its been insane!!! But I do still love it :)
I'm doing research next semester with my adviser, which is terrifying but I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking at the T cell response to a mutant protein from the SV40 virus which has had a piece of a different mutant protein from pancreatic cancer cell gastrin receptors inserted. It sounds ridiculously complicated, especially since I know very little about the immune system, so I basically had to teach myself the basics to even start to understand the project my adviser wanted me to help with!! But its fine. It'll be fun :)
Also, I'm going to Zambia in May! I'll be shadowing a malaria researcher at Macha and interacting with the people there and going on safari and everything for three weeks! I'm so excited!!! I just got the vaccines last week and this week and I've been feeling kinda sick to my stomach and tired...but I'll be fine, no big deal. Rather have this than get typhoid, polio, yellow fever, and/or hepatitis A while I'm there...
Back to the nerdy - I've been catching up on this season of Supernatural. I'm all caught up as of tonight - except I'm waiting til tomorrow (or today I suppose) to watch the midseason finale with mah bro.
I got some Neil Gaiman books for Christmas I'm so looking forward to reading!
My brother got Assassin's Creed Black Flag - which is quite fun. I suck at sailing, but its fun nonetheless :)
I got an awesome TARDIS throw blanket. Its so fuzzy and warm X3
I got Sherlock season 1!!! So happy!!!! Benedict Cumberbatch is the best person in the world!!!
I still need to see The Hobbit and Catching Fire though...Haven't gotten the chance to go to the movies much - but I have seen Thor 2 and Frozen, which were both awesome in very different ways!
So, yeah....pretty much it. Its 5:30....I should sleep....loosing sense of grammar...
Adventures of a Teenage Otaku
27 December 2013
18 April 2011
Nerdy Post
So, I haven't blogged in like, 2 months...I'm sorry! I've just been doing other stuff! Senior year is much more stressful than people make it out to be! AND I chose to take 3 AP classes (Speaking of, those tests are in like 2 weeks...awesome...I'm going to FAIL!!)
Anyway, what have I been up to?
I'm definitely going to Messiah next year! Its going to be awesome. I also think I'll be rooming with Rachel! I'm looking forward to it!!
In otaku-related news:
1. Zenkaikon! - I went to Zenkaikon in March! It was so fun! I had a great time! It was my first con ever....sad I know...but I'm really really glad I went. The people there were awesome. I dressed up as a Team Rocket Grunt. It was a simple cosplay, but fun. Except an Ashe cosplayer threw his Pikachu at me...T.T So I ran away with it XP (I gave it back eventually...)
At Zenkaikon, I got 3 amazing posters (1 BBS, 1 Kuroshitsuji, and 1 FF7 Zacky and Aerith!!!). I also got an amazing Totoro plushie. I saw it and had to get it. Totoro holds special meaning to me. I was staying up late one night and was flipping through the channels at like 2am and came across this giant fluffy thing. This was before I even knew what anime was (besides Pokemon.) I thought to myself, 'This is really weird...but oddly addicting to watch...0.o' And so an otaku was born ;)
2. I was really bored one Saturday and decided to make my door into the TARDIS :)
Here's some pictures!
I'm a nerd...I know...but I love my door so much now!! XD
Speaking of Doctor Who, new episode on Saturday at 9pm on BBC:America!!!!! WATCH IT!! *fangirl squee of extreme happiness*
Oh, and I learned that one of the girls in my youth group is a major Whovian!! Its amazing! Her awesomeness level is now over 9000!!! (hehe...sorry had to throw the DBZ meme in there...)
3. AMVs - I made a couple more since the last ones I put on my blog:
Okay, this first one isn't an AMV. Its just a lyrics video. I made it for one of my dad's sermons a little while ago. But I just recently put it up online.
This one I had been working with on-and-off for a little while before I finally got so frustrated with it that I just put it up as is. Its not perfect. I know. But its something...
This one is for one of the few couples I actually ship, RikuxXion. Its not canon. But I think it is so freaking cute! I just love the idea of them together!
This next video is not letting me embed for some reason, so here is a link: Tribute to Adam Winchester
It is a video about Adam Milligan/Winchester from Supernatural. I just love him as a character. And for the record, I don't think any of my friends have called him yet, so I now officially call him.
(Warning: There will probably be some spoilers following for people like Rachel who haven't watched Season 2 yet) Speaking of Adam, I totally think that he should be coming back. So, he fell into the Hellbox (which is what I've just now decided to call Lucifer's special cage in Hell) with Sam. Then Dean goes to all the trouble of saving Sam, but mentions Adam once after this all happens. What the heck?! Dean's supposed to be all obsessed with family and everything. He's their brother! And its kinda Dean's fault that Michael possessed him to begin with! So he should at least be a little worried about the kid whose soul is being tortured in the Hellbox by a very angry Lucifer and Michael.
So, what I think is going to happen is that Adam is going to come back. And he's going to be pissed (as one would expect.) He might even be in almost-demon stages at this time (it's possible. If human souls eventually turn into demons in regular Hell, I imagine the process is sped up when the devil and a pissed-off archangel are torturing the soul that's trapped in the Hellbox with them). So Sam and Dean will be going about their regular business. Castiel is still fighting the war in Heaven. Raphael would be the one to bring the kid out of the Hellbox, knowing he is sufficiently enraged enough to go on a rampage for revenge on Castiel's favorite pets, Sam and Dean. So Castiel and the boys will be a bit distracted by that. Raphael will be taking over Heaven. Finally Cas and his boys manage to temporarily beat Adam and have time to fix the whole war in Heaven thing. They win, because they're the good guys.
Then Adam shows up after everything is resolved and kills them. Then he would probably be killed by Bobby (because you just know that Bobby is going to be the last one left alive - like Horatio in Hamlet). Everything will be right in the world again.
Having Adam be the instrument of Sam and Dean's deaths would be so symbolic, too! He ultimately represents the flaws of Sam and Dean. He's the one the couldn't save. He's like a mistake by John Winchester as well (being the son of a mistress). Carma kicks in and their mistakes come back and kill them in the form of demonic-Adam. They would go to heaven and everything. Hang out at the roadhouse with Ash, Ellen, Jo, and Pamela. It would be a happy ending for the most part, for everyone except Adam, but, to me at least, it seems he was destined for a tragic ending from the start.
4. Moving on, I got Pokemon Black the day it came out! I haven't really played it much...I only beat 4 gyms so far, but oh well. I like it. The new, action-ish battle style made me dizzy at first, but now I'm used to it. Overall, its a fun game :)
5. Lord of the Rings - I'm a fail nerd. I only just read the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy for an independent reading project for English class. It was amazing! I have no idea why I did not read it before.
And just yesterday, I re-watched the first movie and was blown away by how freaking incredible it is. Plus, if you haven't heard, they are in the process of making a movie of The Hobbit (the prequel to LofR trilogy) and its the same director with many of the same actors and sets and everything!! Its going to be awesome!! (Except its not supposed to come out until Dec. 2012...Oh well) So looking forward to it!!!
Other than these things, I don't think there's really anything I have to say. I've been completely avoiding doing my homework until now. I have 50 terms to do for tomorrow. If you don't know what terms are, consider yourself lucky...I'm not talking just copy-paste definitions. I'm talking full paragraph explanations of these things and why they're important! They suck. When we couldn't think of a curse word that started with "T" we said "terms" they just suck that much. PLUS, I have to do problems for Physics. PLUS I apparently have a Physics final tomorrow. I thought it was just going to be a quiz! PLUS, I have a take-home test for homework for Gov. tomorrow. That's 60 multiple-choice and 2 free response questions timed to take 1hr. 30mins. PLUS, I have to study for Envirothon competition next week. PLUS, I have a Statistics Benchmark/Midterm/Final test tomorrow in class. PLUS, we're doing protein purification in Biotech, which I have absolutely no idea how to do and I'm absolutely sure I'm going to mess it up. PLUS, prom is coming up and I have to buy the tickets. PLUS, a bunch of scholarship stuff is due on Wednesday. PLUS, forms for Career Study are due on Wednesday.
My freaking head is going to explode!!!
But that's okay. We're finally having our "spring break." I put that in quotes because we only have Thursday, Friday and Monday off from school. And the next week is when AP tests officially begin. Then there's Career Study. Then Graduation and I'm done with High School!! XD
I'm quite ready to be able to sleep again (at least for a little bit, until college starts).
Alright, I've ranted enough. Thank you for listening ;)
If you've made it this far, you get a virtual cookie.
<3 otaku-chan
PS: The new episode of Supernatural was on this past weekend! Chibi-chan, Rachel-chan and I had a sleepover consisting of Cas and his boys as well as Tron and Sam Flynn's angry butt (Seriously, Sam's butt looks like an angry face...)
"Balthazar is a Destiel shipper!"~Chibi (or Rachel, I don't know who said it first)
"I think you're confusing me with that other angel. Y'know the one in the dirty trench-coat that loves you." ~Balthazar
"Accidents don't just happen accidentally!...Oh, you know what I mean..."~Dean
"Castiel just fired Fate..."~Chibi
Dean: "What'd she look like?"
Sam: "Kinda like a librarian..."
Dean: "Like your kind of librarian or mine?"
Sam: "...Well, she wearing clothes, if that's what you mean..."
"Why are you having my dreams, dude?" ~Dean (immediately blaming Sam for stealing his dream)
"That god-awful Celine Dion song made me want to smite myself." ~Balthazar
Anyway, what have I been up to?
I'm definitely going to Messiah next year! Its going to be awesome. I also think I'll be rooming with Rachel! I'm looking forward to it!!
In otaku-related news:
1. Zenkaikon! - I went to Zenkaikon in March! It was so fun! I had a great time! It was my first con ever....sad I know...but I'm really really glad I went. The people there were awesome. I dressed up as a Team Rocket Grunt. It was a simple cosplay, but fun. Except an Ashe cosplayer threw his Pikachu at me...T.T So I ran away with it XP (I gave it back eventually...)
At Zenkaikon, I got 3 amazing posters (1 BBS, 1 Kuroshitsuji, and 1 FF7 Zacky and Aerith!!!). I also got an amazing Totoro plushie. I saw it and had to get it. Totoro holds special meaning to me. I was staying up late one night and was flipping through the channels at like 2am and came across this giant fluffy thing. This was before I even knew what anime was (besides Pokemon.) I thought to myself, 'This is really weird...but oddly addicting to watch...0.o' And so an otaku was born ;)
2. I was really bored one Saturday and decided to make my door into the TARDIS :)
Here's some pictures!
I'm a nerd...I know...but I love my door so much now!! XD
Speaking of Doctor Who, new episode on Saturday at 9pm on BBC:America!!!!! WATCH IT!! *fangirl squee of extreme happiness*
Oh, and I learned that one of the girls in my youth group is a major Whovian!! Its amazing! Her awesomeness level is now over 9000!!! (hehe...sorry had to throw the DBZ meme in there...)
3. AMVs - I made a couple more since the last ones I put on my blog:
Okay, this first one isn't an AMV. Its just a lyrics video. I made it for one of my dad's sermons a little while ago. But I just recently put it up online.
This one I had been working with on-and-off for a little while before I finally got so frustrated with it that I just put it up as is. Its not perfect. I know. But its something...
This one is for one of the few couples I actually ship, RikuxXion. Its not canon. But I think it is so freaking cute! I just love the idea of them together!
This next video is not letting me embed for some reason, so here is a link: Tribute to Adam Winchester
It is a video about Adam Milligan/Winchester from Supernatural. I just love him as a character. And for the record, I don't think any of my friends have called him yet, so I now officially call him.
(Warning: There will probably be some spoilers following for people like Rachel who haven't watched Season 2 yet) Speaking of Adam, I totally think that he should be coming back. So, he fell into the Hellbox (which is what I've just now decided to call Lucifer's special cage in Hell) with Sam. Then Dean goes to all the trouble of saving Sam, but mentions Adam once after this all happens. What the heck?! Dean's supposed to be all obsessed with family and everything. He's their brother! And its kinda Dean's fault that Michael possessed him to begin with! So he should at least be a little worried about the kid whose soul is being tortured in the Hellbox by a very angry Lucifer and Michael.
So, what I think is going to happen is that Adam is going to come back. And he's going to be pissed (as one would expect.) He might even be in almost-demon stages at this time (it's possible. If human souls eventually turn into demons in regular Hell, I imagine the process is sped up when the devil and a pissed-off archangel are torturing the soul that's trapped in the Hellbox with them). So Sam and Dean will be going about their regular business. Castiel is still fighting the war in Heaven. Raphael would be the one to bring the kid out of the Hellbox, knowing he is sufficiently enraged enough to go on a rampage for revenge on Castiel's favorite pets, Sam and Dean. So Castiel and the boys will be a bit distracted by that. Raphael will be taking over Heaven. Finally Cas and his boys manage to temporarily beat Adam and have time to fix the whole war in Heaven thing. They win, because they're the good guys.
Then Adam shows up after everything is resolved and kills them. Then he would probably be killed by Bobby (because you just know that Bobby is going to be the last one left alive - like Horatio in Hamlet). Everything will be right in the world again.
Having Adam be the instrument of Sam and Dean's deaths would be so symbolic, too! He ultimately represents the flaws of Sam and Dean. He's the one the couldn't save. He's like a mistake by John Winchester as well (being the son of a mistress). Carma kicks in and their mistakes come back and kill them in the form of demonic-Adam. They would go to heaven and everything. Hang out at the roadhouse with Ash, Ellen, Jo, and Pamela. It would be a happy ending for the most part, for everyone except Adam, but, to me at least, it seems he was destined for a tragic ending from the start.
4. Moving on, I got Pokemon Black the day it came out! I haven't really played it much...I only beat 4 gyms so far, but oh well. I like it. The new, action-ish battle style made me dizzy at first, but now I'm used to it. Overall, its a fun game :)
5. Lord of the Rings - I'm a fail nerd. I only just read the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy for an independent reading project for English class. It was amazing! I have no idea why I did not read it before.
And just yesterday, I re-watched the first movie and was blown away by how freaking incredible it is. Plus, if you haven't heard, they are in the process of making a movie of The Hobbit (the prequel to LofR trilogy) and its the same director with many of the same actors and sets and everything!! Its going to be awesome!! (Except its not supposed to come out until Dec. 2012...Oh well) So looking forward to it!!!
Other than these things, I don't think there's really anything I have to say. I've been completely avoiding doing my homework until now. I have 50 terms to do for tomorrow. If you don't know what terms are, consider yourself lucky...I'm not talking just copy-paste definitions. I'm talking full paragraph explanations of these things and why they're important! They suck. When we couldn't think of a curse word that started with "T" we said "terms" they just suck that much. PLUS, I have to do problems for Physics. PLUS I apparently have a Physics final tomorrow. I thought it was just going to be a quiz! PLUS, I have a take-home test for homework for Gov. tomorrow. That's 60 multiple-choice and 2 free response questions timed to take 1hr. 30mins. PLUS, I have to study for Envirothon competition next week. PLUS, I have a Statistics Benchmark/Midterm/Final test tomorrow in class. PLUS, we're doing protein purification in Biotech, which I have absolutely no idea how to do and I'm absolutely sure I'm going to mess it up. PLUS, prom is coming up and I have to buy the tickets. PLUS, a bunch of scholarship stuff is due on Wednesday. PLUS, forms for Career Study are due on Wednesday.
My freaking head is going to explode!!!
But that's okay. We're finally having our "spring break." I put that in quotes because we only have Thursday, Friday and Monday off from school. And the next week is when AP tests officially begin. Then there's Career Study. Then Graduation and I'm done with High School!! XD
I'm quite ready to be able to sleep again (at least for a little bit, until college starts).
Alright, I've ranted enough. Thank you for listening ;)
If you've made it this far, you get a virtual cookie.
<3 otaku-chan
PS: The new episode of Supernatural was on this past weekend! Chibi-chan, Rachel-chan and I had a sleepover consisting of Cas and his boys as well as Tron and Sam Flynn's angry butt (Seriously, Sam's butt looks like an angry face...)
"Balthazar is a Destiel shipper!"~Chibi (or Rachel, I don't know who said it first)
"I think you're confusing me with that other angel. Y'know the one in the dirty trench-coat that loves you." ~Balthazar
"Accidents don't just happen accidentally!...Oh, you know what I mean..."~Dean
"Castiel just fired Fate..."~Chibi
Dean: "What'd she look like?"
Sam: "Kinda like a librarian..."
Dean: "Like your kind of librarian or mine?"
Sam: "...Well, she wearing clothes, if that's what you mean..."
"Why are you having my dreams, dude?" ~Dean (immediately blaming Sam for stealing his dream)
"That god-awful Celine Dion song made me want to smite myself." ~Balthazar
04 March 2011
So, finally making another post...I procrastinate...I'm sorry...
Last month (its been a month, holy crap) was my birthday!! I turned 18! Yay!
I really don't feel much of a difference except for being able to be driving past 11pm now...Hmmm....
I had my birthday party on the weekend of my birthday. Rachel, Kat, Courgy, and Dealer-chan all came. I was feeling INCREDIBLY nerdy and felt like having a Pokemon themed party for my 18th birthday XD We had cute little Pokemon cups and plates and napkins and everything...It was awesome!!
Last week, I think it was, my school was supposed to have a strike. I was so looking forward to it! I'm a senior, and graduation wouldn't have been moved, so it was just days off for me! It was gonna be awesome! Except the administrators decided to compromise and they reached an agreement. strike T.T
Today in school was senior skip day. If that's not a tradition at your school, its basically, as the title suggests, a day when all the seniors skip school. Usually, its supposed to be kept secret from teachers and such, however, my class has loud mouths and the administrators found out the date and sent out emails and phone calls to parents basically saying "Your child will end up in jail for the rest of their life if they skip school on senior skip day!! Mwahahaha!" ---Okay, I'm paraphrasing a bit. So, well...I didn't skip school. None of my friends did either. Most of my classes were half empty. We did absolutely nothing all day. It was pretty awesome! And a lot of people got extra credit stuff. So it was a cool day :)
In otaku-related news:
I finally got Pokemon: Heart Gold for my birthday. I've been playing it a lot...but I'm not very far...I'm kinda slow in this kind of game. I'm only on the 4th Gym...T.T
BUT I was so proud of my nerdiness this past weekend! They had this event going on at gamestop that you could get a Celebi if you went to gamestop and used the mystery gift thing (I actually think this event is still going on...until the 6th I believe). So, this special celebi unlocks stuff in HeartGold and in Black and White (the new games coming out!!!!)
I also did the wifi event at my house to get a SHINY SUICUNE!!! Its awesome!! Unfortunately, I missed the other 2 legendary dogs....but that's okay! Suicune has always been my favorite!!
Anyway, I also got Eternal Sonata for PS3 for my birthday. I haven't really had time to play it much, but what I did play of it so far is pretty awesome!
A kind of funny, kind of sad, kind of frustrating story:
During my birthday party, I wanted to show my friends Final Fantasy XIII. I started playing it, only to find that my save profile was no longer there...0.o
My brother had apparently overwritten my save profile which I had spent about 12 hours training to get 300,000 CP and doing several missions. Plus getting pretty far ahead in the storyline of the game as well...
As you can guess...I was not very happy about this...Luckily for him, he was asleep at the time and had my parents and my guests as a barrier. If it were just me and him...I don't even know what I would have done....
So now, his job is to get caught up to where I was and train to gain back all the points I had accumulated that he just threw into oblivion.
I put together a Team Rocket grunt cosplay. I don't have any pictures yet. I still need the cool hat. But its pretty exciting XD
Nerdy stuff:
So, I've started to watch Supernatural. And by started, I mean went on several long binges watching the show online. I'm at Season 3 episode 14 right now. Dean and Sam are so cute!! Rachel...I know they are both called unfortunately, as is Castiel....but I still reserve the right to fangirl!!
This show is just amazing. It is really well written. There is just the right balance of comedy and drama in it and...its just generally awesome!!
Here's a video with just some funny clips that I very much enjoy XD
So, there's that :)
I have also been cracking up about these videos by the user Tobuscus on YouTube.
He does these "Literal" trailers for games and movies and they are freaking hilarious!!
Here are some of my favorites:
Then, there is this nerdy video that is epically awesome:
ALSO, there is this blog which I discovered through MLIN (which Rachel introduced me to ^^)
It is freaking hilarious some of the things she writes and draws. You should definitely check it out:
Hyperbole and a Half Blog
So, I think that is all for now!
Oh! Almost totally forgot!! I got the 60% scholarship to Messiah!! That brings the cost down per year to almost state school level, which is definitely much more affordable!! YAY!!!
Last month (its been a month, holy crap) was my birthday!! I turned 18! Yay!
I really don't feel much of a difference except for being able to be driving past 11pm now...Hmmm....
I had my birthday party on the weekend of my birthday. Rachel, Kat, Courgy, and Dealer-chan all came. I was feeling INCREDIBLY nerdy and felt like having a Pokemon themed party for my 18th birthday XD We had cute little Pokemon cups and plates and napkins and everything...It was awesome!!
Last week, I think it was, my school was supposed to have a strike. I was so looking forward to it! I'm a senior, and graduation wouldn't have been moved, so it was just days off for me! It was gonna be awesome! Except the administrators decided to compromise and they reached an agreement. strike T.T
Today in school was senior skip day. If that's not a tradition at your school, its basically, as the title suggests, a day when all the seniors skip school. Usually, its supposed to be kept secret from teachers and such, however, my class has loud mouths and the administrators found out the date and sent out emails and phone calls to parents basically saying "Your child will end up in jail for the rest of their life if they skip school on senior skip day!! Mwahahaha!" ---Okay, I'm paraphrasing a bit. So, well...I didn't skip school. None of my friends did either. Most of my classes were half empty. We did absolutely nothing all day. It was pretty awesome! And a lot of people got extra credit stuff. So it was a cool day :)
In otaku-related news:
I finally got Pokemon: Heart Gold for my birthday. I've been playing it a lot...but I'm not very far...I'm kinda slow in this kind of game. I'm only on the 4th Gym...T.T
BUT I was so proud of my nerdiness this past weekend! They had this event going on at gamestop that you could get a Celebi if you went to gamestop and used the mystery gift thing (I actually think this event is still going on...until the 6th I believe). So, this special celebi unlocks stuff in HeartGold and in Black and White (the new games coming out!!!!)
I also did the wifi event at my house to get a SHINY SUICUNE!!! Its awesome!! Unfortunately, I missed the other 2 legendary dogs....but that's okay! Suicune has always been my favorite!!
Anyway, I also got Eternal Sonata for PS3 for my birthday. I haven't really had time to play it much, but what I did play of it so far is pretty awesome!
A kind of funny, kind of sad, kind of frustrating story:
During my birthday party, I wanted to show my friends Final Fantasy XIII. I started playing it, only to find that my save profile was no longer there...0.o
My brother had apparently overwritten my save profile which I had spent about 12 hours training to get 300,000 CP and doing several missions. Plus getting pretty far ahead in the storyline of the game as well...
As you can guess...I was not very happy about this...Luckily for him, he was asleep at the time and had my parents and my guests as a barrier. If it were just me and him...I don't even know what I would have done....
So now, his job is to get caught up to where I was and train to gain back all the points I had accumulated that he just threw into oblivion.
I put together a Team Rocket grunt cosplay. I don't have any pictures yet. I still need the cool hat. But its pretty exciting XD
Nerdy stuff:
So, I've started to watch Supernatural. And by started, I mean went on several long binges watching the show online. I'm at Season 3 episode 14 right now. Dean and Sam are so cute!! Rachel...I know they are both called unfortunately, as is Castiel....but I still reserve the right to fangirl!!
This show is just amazing. It is really well written. There is just the right balance of comedy and drama in it and...its just generally awesome!!
Here's a video with just some funny clips that I very much enjoy XD
So, there's that :)
I have also been cracking up about these videos by the user Tobuscus on YouTube.
He does these "Literal" trailers for games and movies and they are freaking hilarious!!
Here are some of my favorites:
Then, there is this nerdy video that is epically awesome:
ALSO, there is this blog which I discovered through MLIN (which Rachel introduced me to ^^)
It is freaking hilarious some of the things she writes and draws. You should definitely check it out:
Hyperbole and a Half Blog
So, I think that is all for now!
Oh! Almost totally forgot!! I got the 60% scholarship to Messiah!! That brings the cost down per year to almost state school level, which is definitely much more affordable!! YAY!!!
final fantasy,
hyperbole and a half,
23 January 2011
OMZ I'm not dead?!
OK, I know...I haven't been on and posting in a LONG time. I'm not dead or anything. Just busy.
So, looking back, I have everything since Halloween to fill you guys in on. Don' worry, I shall be brief! XD
So for Halloween, I technically had two costumes. I was a hippie for the Halloween parade that I walked in for Rotary Interact Club. That was quite fun. The club members had to kinda "chaperon" the different categories being judged in the costume contest, except my ground was "over 5th grade -- Character" I think (memory is a little hazy). So it was me and another "chaperon", my brother, and two other middle school girls. That was all...So sufficed to say, there were three prizes and the 3 kids won them :)
Well, actually, they gave me one b/c one of the girls left early, even though I didn't enter. But then I saw the girl as I was leaving so I gave her the $25 prize (which was very hard for me to do considering I've been in a period of having absolutely NO MONEY and no job/source of really is not a good feeling).
Then, the 2nd costume was Chester from Demyx Time. If you don't know Demyx Time by now and you regularly read my posts...*insert witty comment that I just forgot about you being dumb here*...
Here's a picture of Chester:
Ain't he cute!! XD
So anyway, I made a Chester hat using clearkid's tutorial on deviantart [link]
So there is my costume. Simple. Black pants, black shirt, chester necklace, hat, gloves (which I'm not wearing in the picture). Twas fun! I had a halloween party at a friend's house. Rachel dressed as Demyx and there was much squee when I arrived as Chester ;)
Then, on Halloween, originally Dealer-chan and I were going to go trick-or-treating with her German exchange student, but she said it was too cold (chicken!!). So I was going to be alone, then Rachel, chibi, and kat-chan decided to show up. So since chibi was the only 18 year-old, she was our "adult chaperon" and we were her 3 darklings XP
Fun times!
Oh, my pumpkin was also a heartless. My brother's was Luigi and my sister's was a zhuzhu pet (those little robotic hamster toys). Mine was the tallest XD
So then, Thanksgiving happened. We did stuff....(Truth be told, I don't remember much about Thanksgiving)
Somewhere in between Halloween and Thanksgiving (I think) was Homecoming. I never really did homecoming before, but its my senior year, so I figured I may as well do on my last chance. It was actually quite fun. Funny story: I was misinformed that the homecoming dance was on the same night as the homecoming game and was horribly confused as to when they were going to fit both in on a friday night and if people were wearing their dresses to the game -- if so, it would be awefully cold...Then, I was informed by dealer-chan (the one who often sets right my misinformation, laughing at me all the while) that the game was on friday and the dance on can imagine how stupid i felt...
Anyway, homecoming game was COLD!!! But fun all the same! I believe this is the game when dealer-chan and chibi-chan were there with me (maybe). We weren't very interested in the football, so we sang songs and snuggled like penguins instead.
What I love about my class is that our homecoming queen was a band geek! She did marching band, AP classes, and she was asian, unlike the other girls who were unanimously blond and Caucasian. AND as told by dealer-chan, she introduced dealer-chan to Fullmetal Alchemist, who in turn introduced me, so indirectly she is the reason for my FMA addiction! It's amazing!
To make it even better, when they announced that she won, some kids in the marching band played the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare!! XD
So, looking back, I have everything since Halloween to fill you guys in on. Don' worry, I shall be brief! XD
So for Halloween, I technically had two costumes. I was a hippie for the Halloween parade that I walked in for Rotary Interact Club. That was quite fun. The club members had to kinda "chaperon" the different categories being judged in the costume contest, except my ground was "over 5th grade -- Character" I think (memory is a little hazy). So it was me and another "chaperon", my brother, and two other middle school girls. That was all...So sufficed to say, there were three prizes and the 3 kids won them :)
Well, actually, they gave me one b/c one of the girls left early, even though I didn't enter. But then I saw the girl as I was leaving so I gave her the $25 prize (which was very hard for me to do considering I've been in a period of having absolutely NO MONEY and no job/source of really is not a good feeling).
Then, the 2nd costume was Chester from Demyx Time. If you don't know Demyx Time by now and you regularly read my posts...*insert witty comment that I just forgot about you being dumb here*...
Here's a picture of Chester:
Ain't he cute!! XD
So anyway, I made a Chester hat using clearkid's tutorial on deviantart [link]
So there is my costume. Simple. Black pants, black shirt, chester necklace, hat, gloves (which I'm not wearing in the picture). Twas fun! I had a halloween party at a friend's house. Rachel dressed as Demyx and there was much squee when I arrived as Chester ;)
Then, on Halloween, originally Dealer-chan and I were going to go trick-or-treating with her German exchange student, but she said it was too cold (chicken!!). So I was going to be alone, then Rachel, chibi, and kat-chan decided to show up. So since chibi was the only 18 year-old, she was our "adult chaperon" and we were her 3 darklings XP
Fun times!
Oh, my pumpkin was also a heartless. My brother's was Luigi and my sister's was a zhuzhu pet (those little robotic hamster toys). Mine was the tallest XD
So then, Thanksgiving happened. We did stuff....(Truth be told, I don't remember much about Thanksgiving)
Somewhere in between Halloween and Thanksgiving (I think) was Homecoming. I never really did homecoming before, but its my senior year, so I figured I may as well do on my last chance. It was actually quite fun. Funny story: I was misinformed that the homecoming dance was on the same night as the homecoming game and was horribly confused as to when they were going to fit both in on a friday night and if people were wearing their dresses to the game -- if so, it would be awefully cold...Then, I was informed by dealer-chan (the one who often sets right my misinformation, laughing at me all the while) that the game was on friday and the dance on can imagine how stupid i felt...
Anyway, homecoming game was COLD!!! But fun all the same! I believe this is the game when dealer-chan and chibi-chan were there with me (maybe). We weren't very interested in the football, so we sang songs and snuggled like penguins instead.
What I love about my class is that our homecoming queen was a band geek! She did marching band, AP classes, and she was asian, unlike the other girls who were unanimously blond and Caucasian. AND as told by dealer-chan, she introduced dealer-chan to Fullmetal Alchemist, who in turn introduced me, so indirectly she is the reason for my FMA addiction! It's amazing!
To make it even better, when they announced that she won, some kids in the marching band played the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare!! XD
(Sorry, I had to. I searched for "win" on deviantart and this came up.)
So then, after Thanksgiving a bit was Christmas (I'm almost through my tale, fear thee not! -- sorry, I'm reading Hamlet in English and its affecting me a bit...T.T)
Christmas was quite awesome! I got a PlayStation 3!!!! XD XD XD XD XD
I love it so much. The games I got for it are Valkyria Chronicle (a cool game, haven't played it much yet), Uncharted 2 (came with the PS3. An interesting game. Not my chosen style, but was fun until I got stuck in a part when I have to pass by a bunch of guards...I got so frustrated...I haven't played it since...T.T), and best for last --Final Fantasy XIII!!! (Love this game so much!! I've played it for about 30 hours already. Its amazing!! I know a lot of people say they don't like the game, but I love it and that's all that really matters to me!! XD) Squeeee!!!
Anyway...composure returning...A thought that occured to me today was that Lightning is somehow a mixture between Marluxia and Cloud -- not a pair I can even fathom supporting...More like, Lightning could be Cloud's cousin and Marluxia's daughter or some kind of weird relation. Her personality is a lot like Cloud's at times, but I guess is kinda like Marluxia -- plus the pink hair and flower petals when she summons...
So, what was I talking about? Christmas! Fun times. I hung out with the Book Black Market for gift exchange. I got awesome heartless stuffs and a bracelet from Kat-chan <3
I also got Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations. That was a fun game, I finished that pretty quick though. I almost regret letting my brother play because now he's always yelling "OBJECTION!" at everything I say!! T.T
I got manga and books. Do any of you read Artemis Fowl books? Well, I got the newest one and it is quite hilarious -- Artemis goes all kinds of crazy, meanwhile the world goes to mayhem. Awesome stuff...
It was a fun Christmas overall. My older brother came home (he's 23 and lives about an hour a way, so it was nice to have him home for a bit---except when he encouraged my little brother in his nerf battle against me, and of course I was unarmed, so really it was just him shooting me in the back of the head while I'm sitting there minding my own business...)
Hmmm...Me thinks that's all I have to say about Christmas, so on to the most recent exciting things in my life:
1st: College! I know, doesn't sound really exciting...But it is to me! I got accepted at Messiah College back in the fall. Rachel got accepted as well, so we're probably going to be going there together!! :)
So, a little after my acceptance, I got a call from my admissions counselor to tell me that I was eligible for a competitive scholarship and was invited to interview for their honors chollege! On the 10th of January I went in. I was really nervous of course. Though I think my mom was more nervous than I was. She kept giving me advice, so finally I basically told her, "Mom, I think you're more nervous than I am. Calm down or you're going to give me an anxiety attack." So I was of the last group to go in for interviews at 3:30pm after being there waiting for the interview since about 1pm. The wait was bad, but once we got down to the building they were holding the interviews in we played a few rounds of buzz-words and it was really fun. It helped calm down our nerves a little bit. I was among the first called in of my time-slot. My interview commenced. It really wasn't that bad. They were just random questions: what kind of music are you listening to? What books have meant something to you? I see you play golf, how is that going? etc. The interviewers just wanted to get to know people. The only question I stumbled on was the typical "All modesty aside: why do you think you deserve this?" DX
I hate those questions! I'm not good at selling myself like that!! I just answered something about how I'm a hard worker and I think that I will do well in school and further myself in my career path...I don't even totally remember what I said! Ugh...
2nd thing: Disney World! I went there for the first time starting the day after my interview. It was also the first time I had ever been on an airplane. I discovered that I don't like flying much. I tend to get disoriented/dizzy/light-headed. Its not pleasant. The view is really cool though...
So, Disney itself was really awesome! We went to all four parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios aka MGM). My favorite had to be animal kingdom if only for the cool atmosphere and the shows. My favorite thing the entire trip had to be the Festival of the Lion King show. That was AMAZING! I love that movie and it was a really cool show. And of course I sang along to the songs X3
We were able to get a reserved dinner/meal most days we were there. The first was with Winnie the Pooh and crew (Tigger has always been my favorite)
We had a dinner with Chip & Dale as well:
Then a breakfast with Donald, Mickey, Goofy, etc.
And finally, our last day there we had dinner at the royal table with Cinderella and the princesses:
(This is my older brother being goofy. Ariel said she likes his beard because it matches her hair. Then she told him to pose...and this resulted ;P)
So, Disney was a blast! I loved it! Hope to go back sometime!
However, maybe not when its so chilly. It was actually quite cold for Florida. It was 50s and 60s outside. I had a sweatshirt and a jacket most days (but that's just me...I'm always cold...)
Except I can't imagine how crowded it must be. Most days we went, according to my bro's app on his iphone were not even half as much crowded as normal, and they were much more crowded than I'm used to other places...0.o
Anyway, unfortunately, the whole missing school thing has been causing me grief since we got back. Luckily, one of the days we were gone was a snow day, so that's now only 4 days of work I have to make up. Then, the weekend after was MLK day, so we had off monday for that. Then we had another snow day on Tuesday. My reaction -- Yay more time to make up physics!! (the class most of my work was from). So the week we got back--i.e. last week, was only a 3 day school week. It was awesome! Currently, I'm finished all of my make-up work except for tests.
I have a test on Sonnets (which I think I will be okay with. I actually understand them, which kinda scares me sometimes...), vocabulary (easy stuff, shouldn't take more than 20 min.), and a quiz on confidence intervals with means (in statistics, stuff I had to teach myself because I missed that lesson, but I think I get it...sorta...ah, who cares about statistics anyway?) Hehe...
So, my dears, you are finally caught up to what's been going on in my life!! *fireworks and confetti go off while victory fanfare plays*
And on that note, I bid thee farewell!
final fantasy,
Kingdom Hearts,
12 December 2010
I'm back! Sorta! T.T
Hi guys,
I'm sorry I haven't been on in such a long time. I seriously still have things to fill you guys in on from Halloween!! But I've just been busy and procrastinating doing it...So I'm probably still not going to get it done...Sorry...It's like all my teachers got together and decided that they should torture us students with project after project. It sucks T.T.
But Christmas is coming up soon!! And with it Christmas break...Unfortunately, our break is not going to be all that long because of how the days fall this year...We have Friday Dec. 24th - Monday Jan. 3rd off....That's a week and a day. Normally we would get at least 2 more days than that!! Next year's going be worse. It will just be the one week! Same as Thanksgiving break...which is rather insulting >.<
Anyway, for the most part, everything's going okay with me. My mom's pretty sick right now. She's in a lot of pain in her side. We think its her kidney or something, but the doctor's are now unsure and they haven't really brought her any solution to her pain...So if anyone could pray for her, it would be really nice!
PS: Thanks for worrying about me Kirstin :) I'm fine! (And I will read your story you posted soon, I promise ^^)
PPS: While I was writing this post, the toilet in my bathroom decided to overflow, and my room being in the basement directly below said bathroom, water starts gushing into my room....Literally GUSHING!! It was disgusting. It took me an hour to clean up plus lots of disinfectant and a hot shower. (I was seriously grossed out. I was on the verge of anxiety attack--hyperventilating and almost passing out. It was awesome *note the sarcasm* T.T
I'm sorry I haven't been on in such a long time. I seriously still have things to fill you guys in on from Halloween!! But I've just been busy and procrastinating doing it...So I'm probably still not going to get it done...Sorry...It's like all my teachers got together and decided that they should torture us students with project after project. It sucks T.T.
But Christmas is coming up soon!! And with it Christmas break...Unfortunately, our break is not going to be all that long because of how the days fall this year...We have Friday Dec. 24th - Monday Jan. 3rd off....That's a week and a day. Normally we would get at least 2 more days than that!! Next year's going be worse. It will just be the one week! Same as Thanksgiving break...which is rather insulting >.<
Anyway, for the most part, everything's going okay with me. My mom's pretty sick right now. She's in a lot of pain in her side. We think its her kidney or something, but the doctor's are now unsure and they haven't really brought her any solution to her pain...So if anyone could pray for her, it would be really nice!
PS: Thanks for worrying about me Kirstin :) I'm fine! (And I will read your story you posted soon, I promise ^^)
PPS: While I was writing this post, the toilet in my bathroom decided to overflow, and my room being in the basement directly below said bathroom, water starts gushing into my room....Literally GUSHING!! It was disgusting. It took me an hour to clean up plus lots of disinfectant and a hot shower. (I was seriously grossed out. I was on the verge of anxiety attack--hyperventilating and almost passing out. It was awesome *note the sarcasm* T.T
15 October 2010
BBS and Demyx Time XD
Hi! Back with another post! Yay!
Uhmmm...what was I going to say?? Oh yeah! I finished all the Birth by Sleep stories (including Final Episode!) I also made two AMV's about BBS! (Terra's story mostly)
(WARNING! I included major SPOILERS for those who haven't finished the game!!)
Its so sad!!! DX
Anyway, another thing I wanted to mention: I was asked in a comment to get a dA (as in deviantart). I actually already have one: vampiresquid42 (I put up pretty much the same things as I put on here. The only difference is that you can see my favorite pictures by other artists there and not here...)
That's pretty much my username for everything, so chances are, if you see a vampiresquid42, its probably me ;P
So, I also have a YouTube account (obviously. Where else would my vids come from?) with the username: vampiresquid42...
I have a formspring as vampiresquid42...
I do have a facebook (not with that username), but I'm not friends with anyone I don't know personally (so no internet friends...sorry...) However, I'll accept friends at any of the other sites!
And, today I filled out my senior info stuff (that goes into the yearbook) and as my quote I put "TWILIGHT ISN'T LITERATURE!" and if you don't know where that's from...I pity your empty life...Okay, not really that dramatic...Its from Demyx Time on YouTube. They are hilarious! X3
(Here's the episode this quote came from! Warning: there is a bit of language...and Brit and emo abuse...)
Highschool Musical FTW XP
I WANT Zexion's shirt!!!
Ewww...homework this weekend...I have 3-4 page essay to write for English comparing Beowulf to a modern hero (I chose Dr. C. Walton. Lillehei -- one of the people who "invented" open heart surgery). I also have a lab write up for physics...
Then, I also have to clean my room. My dad threatened to throw out everything I own if I don't clean my room by next week...As an additional incentive, my parents bought me the Settlers of Catan game that I've been interested in for a while, but I can't open it and learn how to play until my room is clean...Grrrr...homework and cleaning...T.T
OK. Done complaining now.
Hmmmm....I think that's all...
Uhmmm...what was I going to say?? Oh yeah! I finished all the Birth by Sleep stories (including Final Episode!) I also made two AMV's about BBS! (Terra's story mostly)
(WARNING! I included major SPOILERS for those who haven't finished the game!!)
Its so sad!!! DX
Anyway, another thing I wanted to mention: I was asked in a comment to get a dA (as in deviantart). I actually already have one: vampiresquid42 (I put up pretty much the same things as I put on here. The only difference is that you can see my favorite pictures by other artists there and not here...)
That's pretty much my username for everything, so chances are, if you see a vampiresquid42, its probably me ;P
So, I also have a YouTube account (obviously. Where else would my vids come from?) with the username: vampiresquid42...
I have a formspring as vampiresquid42...
I do have a facebook (not with that username), but I'm not friends with anyone I don't know personally (so no internet friends...sorry...) However, I'll accept friends at any of the other sites!
And, today I filled out my senior info stuff (that goes into the yearbook) and as my quote I put "TWILIGHT ISN'T LITERATURE!" and if you don't know where that's from...I pity your empty life...Okay, not really that dramatic...Its from Demyx Time on YouTube. They are hilarious! X3
(Here's the episode this quote came from! Warning: there is a bit of language...and Brit and emo abuse...)
Highschool Musical FTW XP
I WANT Zexion's shirt!!!
Ewww...homework this weekend...I have 3-4 page essay to write for English comparing Beowulf to a modern hero (I chose Dr. C. Walton. Lillehei -- one of the people who "invented" open heart surgery). I also have a lab write up for physics...
Then, I also have to clean my room. My dad threatened to throw out everything I own if I don't clean my room by next week...As an additional incentive, my parents bought me the Settlers of Catan game that I've been interested in for a while, but I can't open it and learn how to play until my room is clean...Grrrr...homework and cleaning...T.T
OK. Done complaining now.
Hmmmm....I think that's all...
Demyx Time,
08 October 2010
So, khconnect, whose blog I follow, had an intresting question which I'm surprised I haven't asked myself before...If you were a keyblade wielder, what would your keyblade look like and what would it be called? So, I brainstormed and designed my keyblade, and decided to design myself in the style of a Kingdom Hearts Character ^^

If you want a closer look, I think you can click on the picture.
The keyblade I designed kinda has a bunch of typical KH keyblade elements (chains, gems, wings) but I like it and I don't think I've seen any others like it.
I named it Silent Thorn. Originally, it was going to be Silent Rose, but then there's another keyblade called Rumbling Rose, so I decided on "thorn." It just sounds cool X3
Oh, and I put Radiant Garden in the background because if I was in the game, I would want to live in Radiant Garden because its just a really cool place ^^ Its so colorful!!
I'm very purple. I like it :3
(Purple is my favorite color, if you couldn't tell...)
So, I will repeat the question to you guys: If you were a keyblade wielder, what would your keyblade look like and what would its name be?
(You don't have to go overboard and draw it like I did. Just a description is fine)
PS: I have socks in my pocket, and for some reason that makes me happy :)
They're neon polka-dot socks...XP
PPS: I beat Terra and Ventus in BBS!! On the same night!! (Not tonight, it was a few days ago...) Why does Terra's story have to be so freaking sad?! D'X
(SPOILER: I mean, his final battle is his empty armor with Terra's mind in it fighting against Terranort -- what kh-vids called Xehanort in Terra's body -- I mean, how much sadder can you get?! Terra!! Waaahhhh!!! END SPOILER)
Then, the Final Episode (which I got because my bro already beat all 3 stories), my reaction to just the first part (with Ventus and Aqua, before the battle) was "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh. What the heck?! WOAH!! That's so COOL!!" -- All in one breath...I haven't gotten any farther though, because its making me use my brother's Aqua data (probably because I haven't beat mine yet) and he and I play VERY differently and its hard to adjust to all his commands and level and everything...Its frustrating...
birth by sleep,
Kingdom Hearts,
05 October 2010
Newest Pictures and Stuff
So, the other day, there were these really cool clouds outside, so I took pictures to share the prettiness!
I think I talked about the community fun day my church had in my last post. Well, I was on face-painting duty, and we had a really slow hour because another event was going on at that time. So I got bored and drew a rainbow and Gir on my arm.
Next, I have some recent sketches I've done (Well, I've actually done more, but I didn't feel like scanning the ones in my these are just the ones from my sketchbook that are finished)
"That was 100 years ago. When I was just a young'un of 65!"
"300 years ago, I used to know a hobo."
*Aang protects himself in rocks in his battle with Ozai*
"When I was younger, I used to live in a rock. I lived there for 200 years. No one noticed me at all..."*looks sad*
"I used to be a swimsuit model!"
*Momo appears*
"When I was younger, I used to be..."
Jacob: "Lemme guess. You used to be Momo?"
"I used to be Momo's mother!"
At that point, I crack up because its gotten so disturbing XD.
Anyway...Life news:
I applied to Messiah College last week! I still need to get the school to send in the transcript and I need to get my pastor to fill out a recommendation. But when that's done, its done and I'll know within 3 weeks of everything being in whether I'm accepted or not! Yay!
On Friday, we had off from school because of flooding (which was awesome!) Not so awesome was that my parents still made me get up early and try to get to Biotech. We drove around looking for a way across the creek between my house and the tech school, but every single road across the creek was flooded and I just went home. My dad still had to go to work across the creek though, so he stayed out for 1hr 30mins looking for a way across.
What was really sad was that apparently, an older woman of 55 was driving early in the morning and didn't see the water over the road. Her car got swept down into the creek and they tried to rescue her, but she died. So off from school equals good. Flood killing someone (plus destroying a bunch of peoples basements and cars) equals not so good :(
I made a poll on my blog! (If you haven't already noticed).
And...This video is awesome and geeky and awesome...XD
So, final thing (I think). A friend of mine is having a Halloween party. Costumes are not "required" but most people are going to be wearing costumes. What should I be? I have my Ienzo cosplay ready. I have Reno (though I would prefer to have hair gel that actually works.) I could have Joshua if I can buy a blonde wig at some point (I don't have any money right now that may be impossible). I have cat ears if I don't feel like doing anything complicated. I still don't have an Org. XIII coat, so I can't do anything with that unfortunately...I could go with something actually kinda Halloween-ish (like a witch or something) but that's kinda boring...Hmmm...I dunno.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's it for this post. I really need to sleep (I've been going to sleep around midnight for the past week or so and getting up at 6am...which is not good...)
I think I talked about the community fun day my church had in my last post. Well, I was on face-painting duty, and we had a really slow hour because another event was going on at that time. So I got bored and drew a rainbow and Gir on my arm.
Next, I have some recent sketches I've done (Well, I've actually done more, but I didn't feel like scanning the ones in my these are just the ones from my sketchbook that are finished)
Here I was testing out my new (at the time) manga pens. Its just a random fox-girl.
I was attempting to do different colored eyes that aren't the normal blue/brown or green/blue. It doesn't look great...
Here is a little chibi picture of me X3
Chibi Zacky!!!
Here I drew Ventus in his armor from BBS. I was really stressed this week, so drawing something with a bunch of little details like this actually helped me de-stress. I definitely had to look at a picture for reference for this because I could never remember all those little details!
Next, I drew Terra in his armor from BBS.
Speaking of BBS, I have yet to finish any of the stories. I haven't had much time to dedicate to the game. (Spoiler: I've gotten to Master Eraqus in Terra's story, but I can't freaking beat him. He kills me everytime with those gosh-darn columns of fire! I've noticed that when I can't win battles, I totally freak out. I yell, "You suck, Terra! You're so freaking slow! Come on! My grandmother can dodge faster than you!!" and to the boss I can't beat, "When I eventually win, you so deserve to die! Why do you have to be so freaking hard to beat! Gaaaahhhhh!!!" I seriously yelled for about an hour when I was trying to defeat him. Then I almost beat up my brother when he was trying to tell me how to beat him while talking in Yoda-speak. "Dodge, you must." Then I yell at him, "You only played it on beginner, you wimp! Don't try to tell me how to do things!" Ten minutes later, "Jacob! I need help!!!" XP :Spoiler End)
Okay, funny conversation I had with my brother the other night--I randomly speak in odd voices when I'm hyper. So I did this voice that sounds like Master Xehanort inhaled helium. So, of course, I play along. We're watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and I see something and say random things like:
"When I was younger, I used to be the avatar. I could breathe fire out of my nose! Just like that!" *as Ozai looks like he's breathing fire out of his nose*
*four random old dudes on the screen*
"In the olden days, I used to look like that."
Jacob asks, "Which one?"
"All four of them. I had four heads you know!"
*really annoying Jacob now*
Jacob: "Do you want to die?!"
"You know, when I was younger. I died. Then someone brought me back and I died again...And here I am today..." *serious look on my face*
*Firelord Ozai appears and takes off his shirt to fight*
"Wow, he's buff."
Jacob: *looks scared* "That's disturbing..."
*Lucky Charms commercial*
"Vanitas, fetch me the leprechaun!"
Jacob: "Why do I have to do that?"
"Its magically delicious!"
"That was 100 years ago. When I was just a young'un of 65!"
"300 years ago, I used to know a hobo."
*Aang protects himself in rocks in his battle with Ozai*
"When I was younger, I used to live in a rock. I lived there for 200 years. No one noticed me at all..."*looks sad*
"I used to be a swimsuit model!"
*Momo appears*
"When I was younger, I used to be..."
Jacob: "Lemme guess. You used to be Momo?"
"I used to be Momo's mother!"
At that point, I crack up because its gotten so disturbing XD.
Anyway...Life news:
I applied to Messiah College last week! I still need to get the school to send in the transcript and I need to get my pastor to fill out a recommendation. But when that's done, its done and I'll know within 3 weeks of everything being in whether I'm accepted or not! Yay!
On Friday, we had off from school because of flooding (which was awesome!) Not so awesome was that my parents still made me get up early and try to get to Biotech. We drove around looking for a way across the creek between my house and the tech school, but every single road across the creek was flooded and I just went home. My dad still had to go to work across the creek though, so he stayed out for 1hr 30mins looking for a way across.
What was really sad was that apparently, an older woman of 55 was driving early in the morning and didn't see the water over the road. Her car got swept down into the creek and they tried to rescue her, but she died. So off from school equals good. Flood killing someone (plus destroying a bunch of peoples basements and cars) equals not so good :(
I made a poll on my blog! (If you haven't already noticed).
And...This video is awesome and geeky and awesome...XD
So, final thing (I think). A friend of mine is having a Halloween party. Costumes are not "required" but most people are going to be wearing costumes. What should I be? I have my Ienzo cosplay ready. I have Reno (though I would prefer to have hair gel that actually works.) I could have Joshua if I can buy a blonde wig at some point (I don't have any money right now that may be impossible). I have cat ears if I don't feel like doing anything complicated. I still don't have an Org. XIII coat, so I can't do anything with that unfortunately...I could go with something actually kinda Halloween-ish (like a witch or something) but that's kinda boring...Hmmm...I dunno.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's it for this post. I really need to sleep (I've been going to sleep around midnight for the past week or so and getting up at 6am...which is not good...)
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