15 October 2010

BBS and Demyx Time XD

Hi! Back with another post! Yay!

Uhmmm...what was I going to say?? Oh yeah! I finished all the Birth by Sleep stories (including Final Episode!) I also made two AMV's about BBS! (Terra's story mostly)
(WARNING! I included major SPOILERS for those who haven't finished the game!!)

Its so sad!!! DX
Anyway, another thing I wanted to mention: I was asked in a comment to get a dA (as in deviantart). I actually already have one: vampiresquid42 (I put up pretty much the same things as I put on here. The only difference is that you can see my favorite pictures by other artists there and not here...)
That's pretty much my username for everything, so chances are, if you see a vampiresquid42, its probably me ;P
So, I also have a YouTube account (obviously. Where else would my vids come from?) with the username: vampiresquid42...
I have a formspring as vampiresquid42...
I do have a facebook (not with that username), but I'm not friends with anyone I don't know personally (so no internet friends...sorry...) However, I'll accept friends at any of the other sites!

And, today I filled out my senior info stuff (that goes into the yearbook) and as my quote I put "TWILIGHT ISN'T LITERATURE!" and if you don't know where that's from...I pity your empty life...Okay, not really that dramatic...Its from Demyx Time on YouTube. They are hilarious! X3
(Here's the episode this quote came from! Warning: there is a bit of language...and Brit and emo abuse...)

Highschool Musical FTW XP
I WANT Zexion's shirt!!!

Ewww...homework this weekend...I have 3-4 page essay to write for English comparing Beowulf to a modern hero (I chose Dr. C. Walton. Lillehei -- one of the people who "invented" open heart surgery). I also have a lab write up for physics...
Then, I also have to clean my room. My dad threatened to throw out everything I own if I don't clean my room by next week...As an additional incentive, my parents bought me the Settlers of Catan game that I've been interested in for a while, but I can't open it and learn how to play until my room is clean...Grrrr...homework and cleaning...T.T
OK. Done complaining now.

Hmmmm....I think that's all...


  1. DEMYX TIME!!!! DEMYX TIME 12!!!

    aahh, love <3

  2. hey!! it's been about 2 months since you posted!! how is everything? i've barely had time to post as well, given that my teachers are cramming me with projects and a lot of exams to study for--consecutively. well, i hope everything goes well for you!
