04 March 2011

So, finally making another post...I procrastinate...I'm sorry...
Last month (its been a month, holy crap) was my birthday!! I turned 18! Yay!
I really don't feel much of a difference except for being able to be driving past 11pm now...Hmmm....

I had my birthday party on the weekend of my birthday. Rachel, Kat, Courgy, and Dealer-chan all came. I was feeling INCREDIBLY nerdy and felt like having a Pokemon themed party for my 18th birthday XD We had cute little Pokemon cups and plates and napkins and everything...It was awesome!!

Last week, I think it was, my school was supposed to have a strike. I was so looking forward to it! I'm a senior, and graduation wouldn't have been moved, so it was just days off for me! It was gonna be awesome! Except the administrators decided to compromise and they reached an agreement. Sooooo....no strike T.T

Today in school was senior skip day. If that's not a tradition at your school, its basically, as the title suggests, a day when all the seniors skip school. Usually, its supposed to be kept secret from teachers and such, however, my class has loud mouths and the administrators found out the date and sent out emails and phone calls to parents basically saying "Your child will end up in jail for the rest of their life if they skip school on senior skip day!! Mwahahaha!" ---Okay, I'm paraphrasing a bit. So, well...I didn't skip school. None of my friends did either. Most of my classes were half empty. We did absolutely nothing all day. It was pretty awesome! And a lot of people got extra credit stuff. So it was a cool day :)

In otaku-related news:
I finally got Pokemon: Heart Gold for my birthday. I've been playing it a lot...but I'm not very far...I'm kinda slow in this kind of game. I'm only on the 4th Gym...T.T

BUT I was so proud of my nerdiness this past weekend! They had this event going on at gamestop that you could get a Celebi if you went to gamestop and used the mystery gift thing (I actually think this event is still going on...until the 6th I believe). So, this special celebi unlocks stuff in HeartGold and in Black and White (the new games coming out!!!!)

I also did the wifi event at my house to get a SHINY SUICUNE!!! Its awesome!! Unfortunately, I missed the other 2 legendary dogs....but that's okay! Suicune has always been my favorite!!

 Anyway, I also got Eternal Sonata for PS3 for my birthday. I haven't really had time to play it much, but what I did play of it so far is pretty awesome!

A kind of funny, kind of sad, kind of frustrating story:
During my birthday party, I wanted to show my friends Final Fantasy XIII. I started playing it, only to find that my save profile was no longer there...0.o
My brother had apparently overwritten my save profile which I had spent about 12 hours training to get 300,000 CP and doing several missions. Plus getting pretty far ahead in the storyline of the game as well...

As you can guess...I was not very happy about this...Luckily for him, he was asleep at the time and had my parents and my guests as a barrier. If it were just me and him...I don't even know what I would have done....
So now, his job is to get caught up to where I was and train to gain back all the points I had accumulated that he just threw into oblivion.

I put together a Team Rocket grunt cosplay. I don't have any pictures yet. I still need the cool hat. But its pretty exciting XD

Nerdy stuff:
So, I've started to watch Supernatural. And by started, I mean went on several long binges watching the show online. I'm at Season 3 episode 14 right now. Dean and Sam are so cute!! Rachel...I know they are both called unfortunately, as is Castiel....but I still reserve the right to fangirl!!
This show is just amazing. It is really well written. There is just the right balance of comedy and drama in it and...its just generally awesome!!
Here's a video with just some funny clips that I very much enjoy XD

So, there's that :)
I have also been cracking up about these videos by the user Tobuscus on YouTube.
He does these "Literal" trailers for games and movies and they are freaking hilarious!!
Here are some of my favorites:

Then, there is this nerdy video that is epically awesome:

ALSO, there is this blog which I discovered through MLIN (which Rachel introduced me to ^^)
It is freaking hilarious some of the things she writes and draws. You should definitely check it out:

Hyperbole and a Half Blog

So, I think that is all for now!
Oh! Almost totally forgot!! I got the 60% scholarship to Messiah!! That brings the cost down per year to almost state school level, which is definitely much more affordable!! YAY!!!


1 comment:

  1. i know the boys are called, but i fangirl over them all anyway. XP SPN ftw!

    CONGRATS AGAIN on the scholarship!! i am soooo proud of you!

    thank heavens for another post; i was getting worried there!
    Rachel <^^>
