I just have a few things to say, then I have to go to sleep to get up at 6am to get ready for Creation tomorrow!! I'm excited, but I'm not going to talk any more about that except to say I won't be posting again probably until Monday.
Another random update:
I got my license today!!! (Well, actually, I got a stamp on my permit which counts as a junior license until I get to the DMV and get a hard copy...) It was a REALLY easy test. It took about 15 minutes and it was done. It was only driving, too -- no parking or parallel parking or anything. It was awesome!
So I drove to Rachel's house (to drop off something then hang out). I drove all by myself ^w^ I was so proud of myself! (Though I was a little scared that I'd get lost because I'm not very good with directions...) But I got there okay and had some time to hang out with Rachel a bit X3
That's really all I have to say as of now!
29 June 2010
26 June 2010
1. I went to my grandparent's house today! It was cool. They have a pool, so we hung out in the pool for a while. Then we ate snacks. My dad kept squirting me with this squirt gun thing (which was shaped like a squid! How awesome is that!!) Sometimes, I think my dad is more of a kid than any of his children :) He's cool, though.
2. Jobs...Ugh...I have applied to about 20 places already (not exaggerating!) So far, I have heard back from only Target...I was rejected :( So very sad...But those stupid applications take FOREVER. I have had to fill out a questionaire for EVERY SINGLE JOB I applied to...They're freaking 45 minutes long each and they're the kind that ask the same questions over and over so they know you're telling the truth!!! Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I just hope someone gets back to me or I'm just going to be doing applications all summer!
<--That's my frustrated face...I cry whenever I feel pretty much any emotion at all...its really annoying...
3. On the bright side: CREATION!! Creation Fest is coming up this week!! We're leaving on Wednesday. Its going to be EPIC! And Kat-chan is going to be there -- making it SUPER EPIC! And further adding to the epicness, I saw that the weather is going to be low 70's - 83 degrees with very low chance of rain (only up to 10% on one of the days)!! Dude, that just brings the epicness meter up to ZETTA EPIC!! (Yeah. I said it -- Sho Minamimoto quote there XP) That is super nice weather for Creation (which is a camping and outdoor concert thing) -- Creation's temperatures are normally 80's - 90's and its very sunny there so you feel like you're burning alive, and it usually rains (at least every time I've been there -- last time we went, 2 summers ago, there were such bad thunderstorms that they had to stop one of the concerts and send everyone back to their tents because that stage is like a giant lightning rod -- and to make it better, the person telling the audience actually explained in detail what would happen if lightning hit the stage -- he had the whole area of about 70,000 people panicked...idiot...I'm sorry, but that was just a stupid thing to do...Anyway, back on topic...) Hmmm...where was I? Nice weather! Yeah! So looking forward to Creation!
4. In less exciting but still awesome news:
I've been playing The World Ends With You (which I've probably mentioned in almost every post recently). I'm on the third and final week!! I got from Week Joshua Day 4 to Week Beat Day 5 in the time from last night to today on the ride to my grandparent's house. It was awesome, considering I'd been walking around on Joshua Day 4 for about a week or two -- just because I didn't feel like moving on X3. Joshua's pretty awesome ^^
But anyway, I beat Sho Minamimoto! Yay! (He was quite difficult...I had only about a pixel worth of life left when I leveled up and all my health was renewed!!! It was awesome! Then I proceeded on to beat him up with my renewed energy XD) Woot!
And as a sidenote: Beat is an interesting character...He's so stupid, but so loveable at the same time X3 -- Almost like Zack, but much more stupid and not nearly as epic (though I may be a little biased ;P)
Another random sidenote: Sho is like a squirrel!! In one part of the game (not really a spoiler or anything) There's this big mystery as to where this singer's microphone went. They do an investigation thing and eventually find out that Sho randomly took it. He found it lying there and thought it was pretty cool, so he said something along the lines of "That's zetta cool! I just do a trade!" and he leaves his megaphone where the microphone was and takes the microphone and stashes it in one of his junk piles (which he kind of randomly creates everywhere...) When I saw that happening, two things popped into my head -- "Sho is a freaking squirrel!" and "Equivalent Exchange!" I'm such a nerd....
5. Quite random, but inspired by Sho's squirrelness, I have decided to put some of my favorite Burn Notice quotes in this post:
"For any operative, stashing weapons is second nature after a while. Spies hide guns like squirrels hide acorns. You never know when you'll need some firepower, or where you'll need it."
"When you cant win in a fight, sometimes you have to settle for making sure that if you lose, everyone loses. It works for nuclear weapons, it works for me."
"I remember the time you stole your first car..."
"Disney world? Why in the world would I want to go to Disney World?"
"Because its a magical kingdom with lots of witnesses and great security! Now let's go!"
"As an operative, you get used to being in uncomfortable situations. Whether its resisting interrogation in a foreign prison, fighting guerrilla forces in a tropical jungle or swimming five miles to Miami Beach in your suit pants, its just part of the job."
"I'm more your friendly neighborhood hide-you-cash-from-the-tax-man kinda guy..."
"Like a wedding, an armed extraction is something you have to plan if you want it to go well. And, like a wedding, its not something you want to do twice, which is why you hold a rehearsal before the big day."
"All surveillance devices share a weakness: their machines. When machines break, somebody has to fix them. More spies get caught changing batteries and fixing wires than any other single activity."
"One of the problems with running a criminal conspiracy is that there's no real way to avoid trust issues with your coworkers. If you steal with a guy, he knows you're a thief. If you kill with him, he knows your a killer. Its a serious management issue."
"Do me a favor; drop this off at the loft. I have to go kidnap an explosives expert.
"Good luck with that."
"So the only way to clear my name is to die a violent death...Great..."
"This is the disaster...a coffee maker built in 1967?!"
"...And the food..."
"A good way to get someone to tell you about their security system is to put them on the defensive. Accuse a guy of having bad locks, and before you know it, he's telling you where is motion detectors are."
6. Mah Puppy!!
So the reason we went to my grandparent's house today was to drop off my puppy for them to take care of her while we are at Creation...I miss her already!! I won't see her for almost a week and a half!! So, I have some pictures of her to maybe help me miss her less...
The only pictures I have of her are from the snowstorm back in Febraury...But she looks so CUTE! And even though she's a couple years old now, she'll always be my little puppy like she was when we first got her:
She was so tiny! I mean, that's my sister who was 3 at the time next to the little puffball. And the feet are my older brother's when he was about my age (17).
(I'm such a baby. I luvs my puppy-dog! I hate her not being here if only for a week and a half...I don't know how I'll survive in college >___<)
Squid peoples!
PS: Reminder: Kat-chan, you must read the Creation packet! (If only for the checklist of what to bring -- you don't want to be stuck without something vital! That would majorly suck!) And make sure to bring sneakers that don't hurt to walk in for extended periods of time and cool clothes that are wearable in heat (I'm probably going to be wearing tank tops every day because even a t-shirt can get too hot sometimes). Ummm...just trying to think of things that I remember needing that may or may not be on the list...money (for t-shirts/CDs/etc. --but I think that's on the list), sleeping bag (we will be in tents on the ground, which can be hard sometimes...), probably a sweatshirt and longer pants (the nights may get a little chilly)...that's all I can think of at the moment...
PPS: I'm putting all that for Katherine because you're more likely to read it on here than in your email X3.
1. I went to my grandparent's house today! It was cool. They have a pool, so we hung out in the pool for a while. Then we ate snacks. My dad kept squirting me with this squirt gun thing (which was shaped like a squid! How awesome is that!!) Sometimes, I think my dad is more of a kid than any of his children :) He's cool, though.

<--That's my frustrated face...I cry whenever I feel pretty much any emotion at all...its really annoying...
3. On the bright side: CREATION!! Creation Fest is coming up this week!! We're leaving on Wednesday. Its going to be EPIC! And Kat-chan is going to be there -- making it SUPER EPIC! And further adding to the epicness, I saw that the weather is going to be low 70's - 83 degrees with very low chance of rain (only up to 10% on one of the days)!! Dude, that just brings the epicness meter up to ZETTA EPIC!! (Yeah. I said it -- Sho Minamimoto quote there XP) That is super nice weather for Creation (which is a camping and outdoor concert thing) -- Creation's temperatures are normally 80's - 90's and its very sunny there so you feel like you're burning alive, and it usually rains (at least every time I've been there -- last time we went, 2 summers ago, there were such bad thunderstorms that they had to stop one of the concerts and send everyone back to their tents because that stage is like a giant lightning rod -- and to make it better, the person telling the audience actually explained in detail what would happen if lightning hit the stage -- he had the whole area of about 70,000 people panicked...idiot...I'm sorry, but that was just a stupid thing to do...Anyway, back on topic...) Hmmm...where was I? Nice weather! Yeah! So looking forward to Creation!
4. In less exciting but still awesome news:

But anyway, I beat Sho Minamimoto! Yay! (He was quite difficult...I had only about a pixel worth of life left when I leveled up and all my health was renewed!!! It was awesome! Then I proceeded on to beat him up with my renewed energy XD) Woot!
And as a sidenote: Beat is an interesting character...He's so stupid, but so loveable at the same time X3 -- Almost like Zack, but much more stupid and not nearly as epic (though I may be a little biased ;P)

5. Quite random, but inspired by Sho's squirrelness, I have decided to put some of my favorite Burn Notice quotes in this post:
"For any operative, stashing weapons is second nature after a while. Spies hide guns like squirrels hide acorns. You never know when you'll need some firepower, or where you'll need it."
"When you cant win in a fight, sometimes you have to settle for making sure that if you lose, everyone loses. It works for nuclear weapons, it works for me."
"I remember the time you stole your first car..."
"Disney world? Why in the world would I want to go to Disney World?"
"Because its a magical kingdom with lots of witnesses and great security! Now let's go!"
"As an operative, you get used to being in uncomfortable situations. Whether its resisting interrogation in a foreign prison, fighting guerrilla forces in a tropical jungle or swimming five miles to Miami Beach in your suit pants, its just part of the job."
"I'm more your friendly neighborhood hide-you-cash-from-the-tax-man kinda guy..."
"Like a wedding, an armed extraction is something you have to plan if you want it to go well. And, like a wedding, its not something you want to do twice, which is why you hold a rehearsal before the big day."
"All surveillance devices share a weakness: their machines. When machines break, somebody has to fix them. More spies get caught changing batteries and fixing wires than any other single activity."

"Do me a favor; drop this off at the loft. I have to go kidnap an explosives expert.
"Good luck with that."
"So the only way to clear my name is to die a violent death...Great..."
"This is the disaster...a coffee maker built in 1967?!"
"...And the food..."
"A good way to get someone to tell you about their security system is to put them on the defensive. Accuse a guy of having bad locks, and before you know it, he's telling you where is motion detectors are."
6. Mah Puppy!!
So the reason we went to my grandparent's house today was to drop off my puppy for them to take care of her while we are at Creation...I miss her already!! I won't see her for almost a week and a half!! So, I have some pictures of her to maybe help me miss her less...
The only pictures I have of her are from the snowstorm back in Febraury...But she looks so CUTE! And even though she's a couple years old now, she'll always be my little puppy like she was when we first got her:
She was so tiny! I mean, that's my sister who was 3 at the time next to the little puffball. And the feet are my older brother's when he was about my age (17).
(I'm such a baby. I luvs my puppy-dog! I hate her not being here if only for a week and a half...I don't know how I'll survive in college >___<)
Squid peoples!
PS: Reminder: Kat-chan, you must read the Creation packet! (If only for the checklist of what to bring -- you don't want to be stuck without something vital! That would majorly suck!) And make sure to bring sneakers that don't hurt to walk in for extended periods of time and cool clothes that are wearable in heat (I'm probably going to be wearing tank tops every day because even a t-shirt can get too hot sometimes). Ummm...just trying to think of things that I remember needing that may or may not be on the list...money (for t-shirts/CDs/etc. --but I think that's on the list), sleeping bag (we will be in tents on the ground, which can be hard sometimes...), probably a sweatshirt and longer pants (the nights may get a little chilly)...that's all I can think of at the moment...
PPS: I'm putting all that for Katherine because you're more likely to read it on here than in your email X3.
burn notice,
sho minamimoto,
24 June 2010
Haircut Day & Other Randomosity
So, today was haircut day for the family!!! I ended up going through with the red and the cut! o.0 I was brave for once....But it turned out GREAT! I really really love it! Even though the cut is not exactly as emo as I would have liked, its still awesome. I took some pictures on my webcam, so I know they're not the greatest quality, but you can get the gist. And my sister decided to join in some of the pictures, so she's in there too...
(You'll probably have to click on it to see the full picture with more detail -- if you want. I mean, I ain't that pretty, so you may not want to...)
(Oh, and my wall is included in the picture X3. My lovely anime poster wall <3 <3 <3 I luvs it!!)
(Ignore the mess on my sofa and desk...I need to clean my room...but that half of the room had the least mess, so I took pictures facing that half...)
(How many captions can I put on one picture???)
Anyway...we also took a random little video with my webcam. Its kinda almost funny sometimes...but I figured I'd post it anyway, to show how goofy we are X3. (As a warning, the background music is very low, but my sister's screams are very loud, so don't turn it up too much....Oh, and the person I'm sometimes talking to is my bro. He didn't want to be on camera because he doesn't like his new haircut XP)
Well, none of these really show good quality...well, I guess you'll get better quality in the pictures from CREATION!!! Soooooooooooo excited!!!!!! Only 5 more days!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
I believe that is all...
PS: I'm (hopefully) getting my driver's license on Tuesday!!!!!!! W00t!
I believe that is all...
PS: I'm (hopefully) getting my driver's license on Tuesday!!!!!!! W00t!
20 June 2010
(No not the perverted kind...)
And suddenly I'm reminded of the time I was playing TWEWY at Courgy-chan's house and Kat-chan looked over my shoulder and said, "Nosebleed?" because that's what it looked like it said when it actually was saying "Noise Erased" after a battle...That was interesting....
Anyway, not much of an update here, but there's a bit.
My mom got home from the hospital yesterday (I may or may not have told you this). She's pretty okay. She just has really bad headaches and she can't take any ibuprofin or anything because that would maker her ulcers worse...but other than that she's fine and she'll be back to normal in a couple weeks!!
Yesterday, I also worked on my Oblivion keyblade. I finished papier mache-ing the other side and now I just have to figure out the chain and then I can paint it!! I feel so accomplished!!
And now to the title of my post (This is kinda gruesome. Squeamish readers may want to stop reading now...)
Today, we had a practice session for setting up tents for the Creation Festival (so we know how to put tents up, how many people will fit in the tents, whether there are pieces missing, etc.) Kat-chan came, too, because she will be coming to Creation with us (Yay!!) and we had a tough time sometimes...but we got everything figured out.
Kat-chan came back to my house afterward and she, my brother, and I all stayed outside catching fireflies. Twas fun X3. Then, my bro and I started to do the sibling wrestling/dueling thing. My brother brings out stuff from the shed and starts wacking me with them (just playfully, but sometimes it actually hurt) So we decided that we should just use pool noodles because they are much less dangerous than the other things he was bringing out. So he starts wacking me in the face with it (it really hurt and I had that kinda reverberating pain you get before a nosebleed) I tell him to stop and say, "Dude, you're gonna give me a nosebleed!" and sure enough, my nose started pouring blood down my face within seconds. I ran inside and tried to find a sink because I had blood all over my hands and face and in my mouth. I looked in the mirror and it looked like I had just come out of a movie fight after being punched in the face (blood running from nose into my mouth and I had blood just covering my teeth and it was just discusting and scary).
Anyway, who knew you could actually get hurt with a pool noodle? They sound so friendly and innocent!!
That is all. No school tomorrow!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!1
PS: So zetta slow!!
And suddenly I'm reminded of the time I was playing TWEWY at Courgy-chan's house and Kat-chan looked over my shoulder and said, "Nosebleed?" because that's what it looked like it said when it actually was saying "Noise Erased" after a battle...That was interesting....
Anyway, not much of an update here, but there's a bit.
My mom got home from the hospital yesterday (I may or may not have told you this). She's pretty okay. She just has really bad headaches and she can't take any ibuprofin or anything because that would maker her ulcers worse...but other than that she's fine and she'll be back to normal in a couple weeks!!
Yesterday, I also worked on my Oblivion keyblade. I finished papier mache-ing the other side and now I just have to figure out the chain and then I can paint it!! I feel so accomplished!!
And now to the title of my post (This is kinda gruesome. Squeamish readers may want to stop reading now...)
Today, we had a practice session for setting up tents for the Creation Festival (so we know how to put tents up, how many people will fit in the tents, whether there are pieces missing, etc.) Kat-chan came, too, because she will be coming to Creation with us (Yay!!) and we had a tough time sometimes...but we got everything figured out.
Kat-chan came back to my house afterward and she, my brother, and I all stayed outside catching fireflies. Twas fun X3. Then, my bro and I started to do the sibling wrestling/dueling thing. My brother brings out stuff from the shed and starts wacking me with them (just playfully, but sometimes it actually hurt) So we decided that we should just use pool noodles because they are much less dangerous than the other things he was bringing out. So he starts wacking me in the face with it (it really hurt and I had that kinda reverberating pain you get before a nosebleed) I tell him to stop and say, "Dude, you're gonna give me a nosebleed!" and sure enough, my nose started pouring blood down my face within seconds. I ran inside and tried to find a sink because I had blood all over my hands and face and in my mouth. I looked in the mirror and it looked like I had just come out of a movie fight after being punched in the face (blood running from nose into my mouth and I had blood just covering my teeth and it was just discusting and scary).
Anyway, who knew you could actually get hurt with a pool noodle? They sound so friendly and innocent!!
That is all. No school tomorrow!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!1
PS: So zetta slow!!
18 June 2010
We saved a cow XD XD XD
Really random, but Pablo (my kitty) just came out from behind my bedside table/cabinet, scaring the crap out of me! I swear my animals have secret portals that they use under beds and behind cabinets to get from one room to the next...Its really quite scary...
Anyway, on to the actual purpose of this post, as with most posts: UPDATES!! Yay!
So, my mom is still in the hospital, but the good news is that we know what's wrong!!! She apparently has multiple stomach ulcers caused by a medicine she was taking. Fortunately, stomach ulcers are completely curable and she should completely back to normal in a few weeks. We were hoping she would be able to come home today, but that didn't happen because they want to observe for a little while longer if it hurts her to eat. I'm not really scared for her so much any more as I am just simply missing her being here. I've had to play Mommy the last couple days for my little brother and sister (my dad has been with my mom at the hospital from morning to 10:30ish at night). So I have to feed them and entertain them and comfort them and eventually put them to bed (which is made all the much harder when you have to tell a crying child who misses her mother that it will be you putting them to bed again tonight...I almost broke down myself a couple times, but I've tried to keep myself strong in front of the kids. I've also been straightening up the house every day so that my mom won't have to come home to a mess and be even more stressed out...And all of this is EXTREMELY exhausting. You never reallize how much your parents do for you until you have to do if for others! I will have to give my mom and dad hugs and thank them when all this is over :)
And thank you Katherine and Kristen for commenting on my last post! Your comments really cheered me up ^w^
And, to answer your question Kat-chan, Riku has a blindfold because he is becoming one with his inner darkness in order to exploit the power of oblivion. Plus, when he takes off the blindfold, he morphs into Ansem -- Ansem just isn't as pretty as Riku ToT
So, today, I actually had some help with the kids and dinner when my grandmother came over with pizza and she took me and the kids to the park and then for water ice. At the water ice place, she tried to convince the guy behind the counter that they should have senior pricing to attract all the grandmother's and grandchildren (I'm not sure she realized that he has absolutely no control over the policies of the store...)
Then, on the way home, we drove past this farm and the cows were escaping through a broken fence and right onto the road! Oh noes!! So, we turned around and into the driveway of the farm owner to let them know their cows are escaping and they were listening to loud music, so we were banging away on the door and honking the car horn and eventually the guy comes out and sees his cows escaping and runs off to get them! Then, we drove out and my grandmother called the police to let them know that there are cows on the road and to put up some kind of traffic barrier or something. So we saved a cow, today!!
When we got home, we saw fireflies all over the hill, so my brother, sister, Gracie (my demon-corgi-dog), and I all went out and chased fireflies (yes, I am 17 and I still like to catch lightning bugs XD). So that was fun. Gracie kept trying to chase my brother. Twas very funny ^^
And way back to the beginning of the day (I'm not exactly going in sequential order here...) It was our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! w00t!!! hyuu-hyuu!!
I'm so glad that I may actually be able to sleep in!!! And I am now officially a senior in high school!!!!!
Today, in school, I spent time doing pretty much nothing. My Chem and Calc finals were yesterday (and they went fine. They were actually kinda easy...) and those were my last finals, so I was done with tests and just had study hall today!!!! I spent my time listening to music, thinking of what I need to get done this summer, listing jobs I want to apply to, and drawing pictures. Here are the pictures I drew today (and the ones that I said I drew before, but didn't get to putting them up):

I think it would be cool. What do you think? (More aimed at Kat and Rachel who actually know me and what I look like, so they would be able to make more informed opinions...)
Well, I believe that is all...And for some reason, I just lost the game...
<3 Otaku-chan
PS: I had a pastry. Twas Noms X3
Anyway, on to the actual purpose of this post, as with most posts: UPDATES!! Yay!
So, my mom is still in the hospital, but the good news is that we know what's wrong!!! She apparently has multiple stomach ulcers caused by a medicine she was taking. Fortunately, stomach ulcers are completely curable and she should completely back to normal in a few weeks. We were hoping she would be able to come home today, but that didn't happen because they want to observe for a little while longer if it hurts her to eat. I'm not really scared for her so much any more as I am just simply missing her being here. I've had to play Mommy the last couple days for my little brother and sister (my dad has been with my mom at the hospital from morning to 10:30ish at night). So I have to feed them and entertain them and comfort them and eventually put them to bed (which is made all the much harder when you have to tell a crying child who misses her mother that it will be you putting them to bed again tonight...I almost broke down myself a couple times, but I've tried to keep myself strong in front of the kids. I've also been straightening up the house every day so that my mom won't have to come home to a mess and be even more stressed out...And all of this is EXTREMELY exhausting. You never reallize how much your parents do for you until you have to do if for others! I will have to give my mom and dad hugs and thank them when all this is over :)
And thank you Katherine and Kristen for commenting on my last post! Your comments really cheered me up ^w^
And, to answer your question Kat-chan, Riku has a blindfold because he is becoming one with his inner darkness in order to exploit the power of oblivion. Plus, when he takes off the blindfold, he morphs into Ansem -- Ansem just isn't as pretty as Riku ToT
So, today, I actually had some help with the kids and dinner when my grandmother came over with pizza and she took me and the kids to the park and then for water ice. At the water ice place, she tried to convince the guy behind the counter that they should have senior pricing to attract all the grandmother's and grandchildren (I'm not sure she realized that he has absolutely no control over the policies of the store...)
Then, on the way home, we drove past this farm and the cows were escaping through a broken fence and right onto the road! Oh noes!! So, we turned around and into the driveway of the farm owner to let them know their cows are escaping and they were listening to loud music, so we were banging away on the door and honking the car horn and eventually the guy comes out and sees his cows escaping and runs off to get them! Then, we drove out and my grandmother called the police to let them know that there are cows on the road and to put up some kind of traffic barrier or something. So we saved a cow, today!!
When we got home, we saw fireflies all over the hill, so my brother, sister, Gracie (my demon-corgi-dog), and I all went out and chased fireflies (yes, I am 17 and I still like to catch lightning bugs XD). So that was fun. Gracie kept trying to chase my brother. Twas very funny ^^
And way back to the beginning of the day (I'm not exactly going in sequential order here...) It was our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! w00t!!! hyuu-hyuu!!
I'm so glad that I may actually be able to sleep in!!! And I am now officially a senior in high school!!!!!
Today, in school, I spent time doing pretty much nothing. My Chem and Calc finals were yesterday (and they went fine. They were actually kinda easy...) and those were my last finals, so I was done with tests and just had study hall today!!!! I spent my time listening to music, thinking of what I need to get done this summer, listing jobs I want to apply to, and drawing pictures. Here are the pictures I drew today (and the ones that I said I drew before, but didn't get to putting them up):

So, this picture is Rhyme from TWEWY. She is very cute (and this IS a girl, though I didn't know that until about halfway through the first week when Shiki refers to Rhyme as "she")

Sho Minamimoto...he's an interesting guy...X3

Another picture of Sho, but just kinda chibified and with his catch phrases and lots of pi...

Just a random sketch of a kid holding a stuffed animal that I for some reason turned into Mr. Mew (animated stuffed animal that Shiki fights with in TWEWY)
That's all for the pictures right now.
Now for other random stuffs. Creation is just about a week and a half away!!! So excited! And I will definitely be posting pictures afterwords (if my mom allows me to use her camera -- the ocean killed my camera last summer at the beach...) and I'll probably post a long post about the stuff, too XD XD XD
And the english trailer came out for KH: Birth By Sleep!!!!
Aqua's voice is rather annoying, but I could probably get used to it eventually. The game looks awesome!! And who is that guy in the Organization coat (when the Organization is not supposed to exist yet)?!?!
Another random thing. I'm thinking of getting a drastic change in my hair and I don't know if I can do it (I really want to, but I don't know if I'll chicken out...) I'm thinking of dying my hair red -- like a deep, darkish, maybe-brownish kinda red, not orange-ish red. Not that I don't like orange-ish red hair (aka natural redhead hair), it would look horrible with my complexion. I can't pull off natural redhead (or blond, but that's really not relevent). I think it would be awesome for my hair to be...less boring. Its just straight and brunette right now. And not even cool brunette. Its like medium brown hair, with my eyes also being brown--though my eyes are a much darker shade of brown. They're almost black and I love my eye color, but I could do with a change in hair color). Anway, I think it would be really cool and I'd also want to get a kind of emo-style haircut, like this:

I think it would be cool. What do you think? (More aimed at Kat and Rachel who actually know me and what I look like, so they would be able to make more informed opinions...)
Well, I believe that is all...And for some reason, I just lost the game...
<3 Otaku-chan
PS: I had a pastry. Twas Noms X3
birth by sleep,
last day of school,
16 June 2010
Mixed feelings about today.
I guess I'll do bad news first to get it out of the way. My mom is in the hospital right now. She went to the ER earlier today because she thought she had a kidney stone (she's had one before, so she probably knows what one feels like). So she went and found out that they couldn't actually find any kidney stones...So then they took tests (CAT scan and all that) and they ruled out any major concerns they had that it might be...So now we have no idea what's going on because she's in A LOT of pain, but we don't know why. I'm a little worried...She still in the hospital (staying overnight)...So, Kat and Rachel, I may not be able to do lunch tomorrow :(
Anyway, enough bad stuff. Now for good news stuff!
It was our first half-day (of three) today! 2 more half-days and we're done!!! w00t!!!
I had my English and Anatomy finals today. Ugh. They were hard, but I studied for about 3-4 hours yesterday, so I think I actually did okay. Those were my two hardest finals. Tomorrow is Calculus and Chemistry, which won't be too bad. In Calc we can work with partners and use notes and everything, so its not gonna be hard. In Chemisty, Mr. S is letting us use a cheat sheet, which can be one full size sheet of paper front and back, full of whatever we want to put on it. I can fit a lot on a sheet of paper, so I think I'll be OK X3.
Hmmm...In otaku-related stuff:
I drew some more pictures, but didn't feel like scanning them in, so I'll put them up in my next post.
Kat-chan, I have decided that you may have Sephiroth. You fangirl over him a lot more than I do. My fangirling is more like, 'I want him on my team because whoever he's against dies...' So you may have full claim over Sephy X3
And I am officially adding to my list:
Neku (emo psychic person who I've decided is Darth Vader...he does the whole force choke thing and all)
Joshua (total creeper, especially when he says things like "Good job, Neku..." *creepy laugh* -- you can't understand the full essence of joshua's creepiness without hearing him say it...X3)
Sho Minamimoto (math nerd. says things like "You factoring son of a digit!!" -- and yes, he is cursing you out in math-speak...)
They are all from The World Ends With You -- the DS game that I started talking about in my last post. Here is the official trailer to give a little preview of its awesomeness:
Its a really awesome game!! I'll have to lend to at least one person in my group of friends...maybe Courgy-chan because I'll be lending Rachel Kingdom Hearts II. Or maybe Kat-chan if you want to play it?? (I'd lend you my DS, too, if you need it X3)
Anyway, I also completed an AMV a couple days ago and just posted it on YouTube today:
It was a very random idea I had a while back and never got to finishing the AMV until now. I am not trying to promote any pairings or anything. I just used whatever clips worked--which turned out mostly to be Xion...Though the Roxas at the beginning was accidental -- originally, I had planned to do a bunch of hot characters in the video, so Roxas' clip ended up there and it looked like he was lip-synching the words and it was funny, so I kept it X3-- I added something at the end for Kat-chan as well XD
I'm working on another AMV that is doing pretty well so far for only working on it for about 30 minutes last night! I'm not going to say what it is, its a surprise!! Dundundun - suspense!!! >w<
Hmmm....I think I wanted to say something else but can't remember what it was....I added some TWEWY (The World Ends With You) songs to my playlist. Because they're awesome. They're not really my normal taste but they're cool nonetheless!
That's not really what I forgot to say...but I still can't remember what it actually was that I had to say, so I guess....
That's all!
I got to finish actually making the cheat-sheet thing for Chem...
I guess I'll do bad news first to get it out of the way. My mom is in the hospital right now. She went to the ER earlier today because she thought she had a kidney stone (she's had one before, so she probably knows what one feels like). So she went and found out that they couldn't actually find any kidney stones...So then they took tests (CAT scan and all that) and they ruled out any major concerns they had that it might be...So now we have no idea what's going on because she's in A LOT of pain, but we don't know why. I'm a little worried...She still in the hospital (staying overnight)...So, Kat and Rachel, I may not be able to do lunch tomorrow :(
Anyway, enough bad stuff. Now for good news stuff!
It was our first half-day (of three) today! 2 more half-days and we're done!!! w00t!!!
I had my English and Anatomy finals today. Ugh. They were hard, but I studied for about 3-4 hours yesterday, so I think I actually did okay. Those were my two hardest finals. Tomorrow is Calculus and Chemistry, which won't be too bad. In Calc we can work with partners and use notes and everything, so its not gonna be hard. In Chemisty, Mr. S is letting us use a cheat sheet, which can be one full size sheet of paper front and back, full of whatever we want to put on it. I can fit a lot on a sheet of paper, so I think I'll be OK X3.
Hmmm...In otaku-related stuff:
I drew some more pictures, but didn't feel like scanning them in, so I'll put them up in my next post.
Kat-chan, I have decided that you may have Sephiroth. You fangirl over him a lot more than I do. My fangirling is more like, 'I want him on my team because whoever he's against dies...' So you may have full claim over Sephy X3
And I am officially adding to my list:
Neku (emo psychic person who I've decided is Darth Vader...he does the whole force choke thing and all)
Joshua (total creeper, especially when he says things like "Good job, Neku..." *creepy laugh* -- you can't understand the full essence of joshua's creepiness without hearing him say it...X3)
Sho Minamimoto (math nerd. says things like "You factoring son of a digit!!" -- and yes, he is cursing you out in math-speak...)
They are all from The World Ends With You -- the DS game that I started talking about in my last post. Here is the official trailer to give a little preview of its awesomeness:
Its a really awesome game!! I'll have to lend to at least one person in my group of friends...maybe Courgy-chan because I'll be lending Rachel Kingdom Hearts II. Or maybe Kat-chan if you want to play it?? (I'd lend you my DS, too, if you need it X3)
Anyway, I also completed an AMV a couple days ago and just posted it on YouTube today:
It was a very random idea I had a while back and never got to finishing the AMV until now. I am not trying to promote any pairings or anything. I just used whatever clips worked--which turned out mostly to be Xion...Though the Roxas at the beginning was accidental -- originally, I had planned to do a bunch of hot characters in the video, so Roxas' clip ended up there and it looked like he was lip-synching the words and it was funny, so I kept it X3-- I added something at the end for Kat-chan as well XD
I'm working on another AMV that is doing pretty well so far for only working on it for about 30 minutes last night! I'm not going to say what it is, its a surprise!! Dundundun - suspense!!! >w<
Hmmm....I think I wanted to say something else but can't remember what it was....I added some TWEWY (The World Ends With You) songs to my playlist. Because they're awesome. They're not really my normal taste but they're cool nonetheless!
That's not really what I forgot to say...but I still can't remember what it actually was that I had to say, so I guess....
That's all!
I got to finish actually making the cheat-sheet thing for Chem...
14 June 2010
So AWESOME!! (& General Updates)
Wow. Haven't posted in a LONG time...I've been busy...
Soooo, what have I been up to, you ask? Hmmmm.....Well, lots of things really.
So, I think that's it with the longer term updates. As for today and the title for this blog post. I was standing innocently talking to my friends next to Kat-chan's locker this morning and suddenly we see Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, and Toad running past us?! This is a video they took of the whole thing:
It was quite interesting to watch them running past, and then the teacher walking quickly after them talking on this walkie-talkie X3. It totally made my day!! It was awesome. (And in case you are wondering, they did not get in serious trouble. They just got told "Very creative, but don't do it again." and they had to take their hats off.) It was a good way to get people's minds off the stress of finals week...
Speaking of which. Ugh. Finals. I'm not looking forward to them, exspecially since I haven't actually studied yet....(as I sit here writing a blog entry X3).
BUT the good news is that this is the last week we have of school!! Yay. Tomorrow is the last full day and then we have half days on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. Its awesome!! Weeeeee!!!!!!! XD XD XD
So, yeah. I think that's it for the updates that are long overdue!
PS: Still praying for you Leah!
Soooo, what have I been up to, you ask? Hmmmm.....Well, lots of things really.
- Church in the park - we did a church service in a community park and I was on worship that day. So I was standing up in the scorching sun for about an hour and a half singing. But it was still very fun to see new people from the community come and check us out (or they just came for the free hot dogs and pretzels X3)
- I got this award out of nowhere from this Career Women group and they asked me to dinner. It was awkward....but the ladies were very nice! But I don't think I've heard a group of old women talk about sports as much as they did...
- National Honors Society induction - freaky and kinda cult-esque. But it was funny when one person couldn't light the candle for about 5 full minutes as the rest of us were just whispering to him to use the other candles to light it. What made it all better was that Mr. E was up in the lighting area facepalming X3
- Field Trip to Shady Maple with German Club. Twas quite fun...but manga-dealer-chan abandoned me because she forgot to get her permission slip signed...Grrr...I didn't talk to her for a few days at lunch because that was probably the 5th time she's done something like that this year....
- Zoo with my dad's company for a picnic and just general zoo fun X3. I like the otters and the monkeys 8D
- My family has been trying to get out for biking, so we've been teaching my little bro and sis how to ride their bikes so we can out and bike on a trail instead of just parking lots. Its quite fun, but I learned that I outgrew my bike and riding on a bike that's not the right size causes soreness >____<
- I have gotten in some more driving practice! I'm probably at about 35-ish hours now. I'm getting my license (hopefully...if I pass the test) on June 28th!!! XD Courgy-chan (what I'm now going to call chibi-chan, and that is actually how she wants us to spell corgi for her nickname...) she and Kat-chan already have their licenses, so I gotta catch up X3. Actually, yesterday, I went driving and we drove to Philadelphia and back through traffic on the highways and everything. (I'm apparently an aggressive driver on the inside because I got mad at a lot of people when they were cutting in front of me or not letting me merge into the lane, etc.)
- I took the ACTs on Saturday. Ugh. I felt much more rushed on those than the SAT. I had to just fill in random bubbles for a total of about 20 questions!! That's not good! And it doesn't help that I was incredibly tired and I was actually falling asleep during the test! That's also not good! When I fall asleep I dream that I reading different things than I really am and I fill in answers according to what I was dream-reading, not what was actually there!!!! Gaaaahhh!!
- Burn Notice has started up again!!! Love that show!! If you don't watch it, you should. Michael Westen is amazing!!
- And on an odd note, I had a strange dream the other night. I dreamed that I was at school and that I saw someone that looked like Rachel, but wasn't really Rachel. And then there was another one. And another one. And eventually there were about 20 Rachels!!! No offense to Rachel, but it was scary! Then, I went up to ask Mrs. S (the study hall teacher) why there were so many Rachels and suddenly she turned around and she had blond, curly hair just like Rachel!!! Then, I woke up...I was freaked out...ToT
- I've been playing The World Ends With You recently on my DS. Its an awesomely fun game. Neku so far is my favorite character, though Joshua and Sho are tied for a close second. The characters are just awesome and the story line is actually quite good. If you don't know what it is, its about these Players who are participating in the Reaper's Game run by a mysterious figure called the Composer. They are basically given missions every day for a week. If you fail, you are "erased" from the game. (I just lost the game). Whoever makes it to the end of the second day is supposed to get a second chance at life (because all the Players have died). Its really an awesome game, fun to play, and a cool soundtrack (I may add some songs from the soundtrack onto my blog playlist). And whenever I start getting obsessed with something, I like to draw pictures of it, so here are the pictures I have finished right now:
- I've also been getting into this manga called +Anima. Its a really cute manga and I might have mentioned it before on my blog. My favorite characters are Senri and Cooro and it would be really fun to cosplay as Cooro at the convention next summer X3. He's so cute! I actually already made the gloves for him, too. This story is about these people who are humans with certain animal powers (Cooro - crow, Senri - bear, Husky - fish, Nana - bat, and more...) They are treated sometimes like freaks for freakshows, sometimes research specimens, and sometimes slaves. Not much is know about the +Anima powers except that all people who got them had some kind of life-threatening situation that they gained powers in order to survive. Its a cute, but sometimes deep story and I really like the characters. So again with the obsessive drawing, I drew some of the characters:
- Oh, and of course I really excited for the English release of KH: Birth by Sleep. Can't wait until September!!! XD
- And here are some other little random drawings I did in this time:
(Ok, this one needs explanation. I wrote this note to Courgy-chan while I was bored in study hall. It stems from a conversation we had about a strange fanfiction in which Riku was one of the princesses in Atlantica, and so I just had to draw him as a mermaid princess!! And Chester is an ongoing part of our random note conversations X3)
It was quite interesting to watch them running past, and then the teacher walking quickly after them talking on this walkie-talkie X3. It totally made my day!! It was awesome. (And in case you are wondering, they did not get in serious trouble. They just got told "Very creative, but don't do it again." and they had to take their hats off.) It was a good way to get people's minds off the stress of finals week...
Speaking of which. Ugh. Finals. I'm not looking forward to them, exspecially since I haven't actually studied yet....(as I sit here writing a blog entry X3).
BUT the good news is that this is the last week we have of school!! Yay. Tomorrow is the last full day and then we have half days on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. Its awesome!! Weeeeee!!!!!!! XD XD XD
So, yeah. I think that's it for the updates that are long overdue!
PS: Still praying for you Leah!
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