28 February 2010

I just realized that I still have a balloon in my room from my 16th birthday party!!! (That was over a year ago!!) And it still has a significant amount of air in it!!!
And I just threatened to kill my brother if he popped it X3
So, yeah, I'm sick today. Not really sick. Just nauseous a little and I've been kinda dizzy all day :(
And, I was stuck watching kids while the parents were in a meeting after church today! There were 9 kids! Which is a lot when you are dizzy and their running circles around you!!! DX
So, finally after about an hour of that, kids started to leave and I relaxed, which was bad, because I realized that one kid wasn't there anymore. He's 1-2 years old, I think, and he was walking alone down a dark hallway (we had started turning off the lights as everyone was leaving). Thankfully, he was talking to himself the whole time, so it wasn't hard to find him again :)
But they should not put me in charge of children when I'm sick...It was bad.
I also watched this show today, "Into the Pride" I think, on Animal Planet. It was about this guy trying to get a pride of lions used to humans. It was pretty cool. A couple times, he had lions charging at him because he got to close and he just waved his stick around and yelled, "Hey, Hey, Hey!" or "Stop it!" at them and THEY LISTENED!!! It was cool!! I also realized how very anti-wildlife my dad can be. He said we should just shoot them and be done with it! That's so cruel! They were in their own habitat! Why would we shoot them!
Of course, he also always talks about getting rid of our pets, but I won't let him. He's so mean to animals.
Sigh. My dad is usually pretty cool, but sometimes we have very sharp differences in opinion. There are a lot of loud arguments in my house. (Yes, Katherine and Rachel, believe it or not, I do have yelling matches with my father quite often).
I'm to tired to write anything more today.
PS: I was finally able to post my fanfiction chapter!! Its over 5000 words!!!

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