14 February 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Contrary to the title, nothing much related to Valentine's Day happened to me today. I had my family birthday party, so my grandparents, mom-mom, and aunt/uncle/cousins came over and they gave us Valentines Day gifts (Books, new drawing materials, chocolate X3). It was nice! My mom-mom got me really nice new drawing stuff like pastels, thin-tip markers, pencils, colored pencils, etc. (I like drawing for fun, for anyone who reads this blog that is not one of my close friends who know me already. My deviantart is www.vampiresquid42.deviantart.com).
Sooo...what was I talking about? Right! My day...My little cousins are so cute! They are about 3 and they are twins and they are so CUTE!!!
Anyway, on a more depressing note, I have not done ANY homework that is due tuesday. I have tomorrow off, but it looks like that day will be spent reading the last half of East of Eden by John Steinbeck (which has to be done by Wednesday); finishing my Calculus packet (fun, fun, fun...); and I MUST get out and look at the sunset tomorrow (I think I talked about this in my other post, about my astronomy homework).
Fanfiction...hmmm...I've gotten a couple reviews telling me to update (I write a fanfiction, by the way, called Falls Apart by vampiresquid42 <-me on fanfiction.net). I know I have to and I had a huge brainstorm of ideas for this chapter and a bonus chapter that doesn't fit in the plot, but I feel like I have to write it (to lighten the mood after I finish the story because the way this is going, the ending will be tragic, but I think its the right ending because it fits with the tragedy genre of the original Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles manga. But now I feel bad about the ending because one review says:
"Hi! Luv your story so far, luv the little afterstory comments, makes me laugh
:) u really need to update, think about doing a chapter every week, because I
really wanna see how this turns out! Pls don't let this story die ur an
awesome writer and ur one of the few pol in dis crazy world that actually make
me smile while reading ;D so, write write write!"

Will have to be continued in next post because my lines are all messed up
from pasting that in...

1 comment:

  1. draw draw draw draw! and then draw some more! do want to see!
