26 February 2010


So I woke up today at 6:05 like normal (because I feel much better with that extra 5 minutes of sleep instead of waking up at 6:00).
Oh! Cool dream that I just remembered, and I'm writing down before I forget. It was EPIC! So, I entered this contest on Square-Enix.com to win an X-Box 360 with a Final Fantasy XIII design on it plus the Final Fantasy XIII game (which I really want X3). So I told my older brother (who is like my sensei in otaku-ness) and he said, "you know, you can't just enter the contest to win. There's a task you have to accomplish, too." So then it was like I was put into a video game and it was awesome. Everything swirled and suddenly I was in a Final Fantasy-ish world I joined a team (I don't remember who was on my team, just generic random people) and we worked together to find all this stuff in order to even enter the contest (it was like a scavenger hunt). I went into this big building that was like a castle/mall. You had to cross this big rope bridge to get to it though (typical adventure X3). So my team and I got in and then we snuck through the hotel-looking lobby and into the hallway (gamers were apparently not welcome at this place). I got a weird feeling and followed it, parting with my group. I went into what looked like a gift shop with a bunch of plushies in it, but it had a very ominous atmosphere, with creepy music playing in the background. I was searching for a certain stuffed animal, so I rummaged through everything and had a flashback to something that didn't actually happen in my dream. It was one of the guys on my team (who I think looked like an older version of that kid in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) briefing us on what we were going to do, "Remember, all these people want the game just as much as we do and they would do anything to get their hands on it. Otakus are vicious." So then, I heard something. This very large woman (like the one in Naruto that keeps making them find her cat) came into the room. I hid behind stuff as quick as I could. Her whole team came in and I was scared. They looked a lot stronger than my team. So I started sneaking out and heard them talking amongst themselves, and then one of them called the others over. He found the plushie! So I quickly ran out from my hiding place, snatched the plushie, and ran! I rushed to where my group was (a kind of library looking place). "What are you doing? Where did you go?" "I found it!" I replied and then they gasped and then pointed behind me. The scary group followed me! So I got my team to start running back towards the lobby so we could get out and then get away. We got there, but I stopped them. The people must have noticed something was going on in their castle/mall. They brought in a bunch of guards that stalked all over. We weren't going to be able to get out. So, the guy who gave us the briefing said, "I'm going to distract them, then you guys run around that way." And he pointed left to a little cafe area that we could sneak through, get past little room counter things, and then under a banister (which bordered the lobby, which I had not noticed until then was raised significantly off the level of the entrance. There was one set of stairs that led up to the lobby, the same that we would have to use to get out.) "But, if you do that, they'll catch you!" One of the girls in my group said to him. "I don't care, I want to get you all out alive." It was all very dramatic. This was one intense contest for a video game. So without any further conversation, the scary group fast approaching he ran towards the guards and in the opposite direction we were going. Once the guards were sufficiently distracted, we ran the way he pointed out. Unfortunately, one kid was not enough to distract all the guards, so halfway across the floor, they spotted us and we had 20 guards running after us. We sped up as fast as we could. One girl fell. I guess we didn't like her that much, though, because we left her behind and kept running at full speed. Every man for himself. So, we ran until we got to the banister. The guards had closed us in. They wore smug smiles on their faces. What remained of my team (a blonde girl who looked kind of like Namine from Kingdom Hearts and a blonde boy who looked like Hope from Final Fantasy XIII) and I looked at each other, then looked down. The floor was about 75ft below us (how had I not noticed this when we came in?) We had no choice: we jumped. I screamed. Then, we were surprised to be caught by these hover things (much like jet skis only in the air). They were AWESOME! So we flew away from the guards and the scary group that was chasing us. It was exhilarating! I was in celebration mode! I could here the trademark Final Fantasy victory music in the background! Then, something weird started happening. The blonde Namine girl froze in the entrance, as if some invisible barrier stopped her. She looked at us sadly and apologetically. She twitched and her eyes and then her body started glowing bright blue and yellow. I felt a jolt as our hovercrafts started to lose power. Eventually, they disappeared all together. We were falling, slowly at first, then faster. The rope bridge we came in on had disappeared. Next thing I knew, I was safely on the ground, but I wasn't celebrating. We had fallen into a pit of monsters (like the FF ones). Fortunately, I had a sword. Unfortunately, I had a feeling it was hopeless anyway (I mean, these were the big scary summoned monsters like Bahamut and Ifrit, but there were hundreds or thousands of them). I looked up one last time to see guards approaching Namine-girl to take her into custody. Then, monsters rushed at us and everything went black. That was the end of my dream. And it was Final Fantasy, so I didn't get another life. Depressing isn't it. All for the sake of winning a video game...X3.
So then, I woke up. The end.
Wow. Just looked back at how long this was. Sorry :/ I didn't even talk about my day at all yet! I'll summarize.
Woke up. Saw there was a snow day. Went to bed. Dreamed. Woke up. Ate breakfast. Watched stupid children shows with brother and sister. Went to the playroom. Watched Burn Notice (season finale looks awesome!! But I'm sad Gilroy is gone. I like him. He was a British psychopath, for Pete's sake! X3). Played Final Fantasy XII. Couldn't figure out what I was doing in the game, so I tryed to do the extra thing n the Mosphoran Highwaste. Ran out of Gysahl Greens. Quit playing because I couldn't remember where to get them. Brainstormed on how to finish keyblade (I'm making my own Oblivion, Katherine and Rachel saw it when they came over--at least what I have done of it). Looked up how to do paper mache (how I decided to finish keyblade). Got together all my old games that I never play anymore to sell to Gamestop to maybe get some money to buy a PlayStation 3, which I need if I'm ever going to play Final Fantasy XIII (and eventually Final Fantasy XIII: Versus, which looks even awesomer with the main character looking like Zack/Cloud/Sasuke mixed in one, with a bunch of swords that he uses through telekinesis and he's the prince of a family that's similar to the mafia. It sounds awesome okay. The trailer is here:
Oh, and Katherine and Rachel, for the record. I call Noctis--the main character).
So, what was I saying. Oh yeah, gathered old games. Watched youtube. checked my deviantart (only a bunch of new stuff from people I watch (which is like subscribing, not stalking. it just sounds that way). Then, my sister put on a little show with her playing her toy piano. It was cute :). (I had dinner somewhere in there). I also had to go out and look at the stars tonight, to record when a certain star rose. I just chose a random star that I was out there to see rise (which was probably a mistake because I was stressed out because I couldn't figure out which star it was I chose. I ended up deciding on Regulus. Still not sure whether that's right or not). Then, I watched America's Funniest Home Videos. Many were cruel. Many were very funny X3. And then I came down here and wrote this. That is all my day consisted of...kinda boring. At least my dream was exciting!!
Again, I apologize for the very long post. I haven't posted in a while.
(hehe, sorry for copying you in your email katherine X3)
PS: I think I may actually post the next chapter of my fanfiction finally! I have it all written, but I don't know if its ready yet. I have to check it over again. This one was much longer than it should have been. I decided for some strange reason to put the backstories of two complicated characters into one chapter! Plus some conversation between! Sigh.
Now I think I really am done writing.
Tschus! <--bye in German. I think it sounds cool X3


  1. your day sounds cooler than mine...
    oh, and
    2: good job, calling him before others (*cough*chibi-chan*cough*) could call him! anyway, i have my (rather long) list of people already, so you can have him...
    but if he ever turns real i get a hug. only a hug.

  2. ahahaha, "otakus are vicious" :P
    that was a truly EPIC dream! wow!!
    i really must read your fanfiction...
