27 February 2010

My Day

Two posts in two days! Gasp!
So, today, I had no idea what to do with myself. I kinda watched TV for a little. Then, I made my brother read my fanfiction chapter (which he did rather unwillingly)
Me: What's wrong? It's like I'm giving you a sneak preview of my chapter! You should be happy!
Jacob: But I can just go into your documents any time and read them whenever I want...
Me: Well, with this you have my permission and you're not stealing! *creepy irritated smile*
Jacob:*glares* whatever...
Then he read it X3
So while he was doing that, me and my sister were performing air guitar and air drums on my bed to the music I was blaring from my iHome that I got for my birthday, but haven't used much until today.

Then, I don't remember. My brother and sister got really hyper and I got tired, and because of the difference of energy-level, I got annoyed and eventually tried to kick them out of my room. (They didn't stay gone for long, but by that time I had my headphones in and was watching youtube, which is what I do when I'm incredibly bored). Somehow, I ended up on a Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus AMV and remembered that I had made a playlist on youtube of all the cutscenes that I was saving for a day such as today...I just finished watching all of the cutscenes! They were awesome and Vincent is so HOT! XP (I know he's yours Katherine, but I can still fangirl over him.) Weiss would have been really cool if he wasn't SPOILER: being controlled by Hojo (the evil psychotic creepy scientist who is behind everything: Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis, Zack and Cloud being experimented on, Vincent being possessed by Chaos (who I noticed looks slightly like Johnny Depp), and the whole Omega waking up in order to end the world (why he wants that, I'm not totally sure...he's crazy)). Nero was also pretty awesome (I call him, too). He had the power of oblivion, just like Riku! And he was wearing all the stuff that they restrain crazy people in to keep them from hurting themselves and others. And he had cool wings with robotic handish things on the ends. Although he had a kinda creepy brother complex with Weiss. But I guess its the same thing with Genesis/Sephiroth/Angeal. It was very sad when MORE SPOILER: Hojo made Weiss kill Nero, but not really because then Nero came back as a shadow and fused with Weiss and kicked Hojo out of Weiss' body: SPOILER END. It was very cool.

And, Dirge of Cerberus got me to love Gackt music (he did the boss battle music and the theme/credit music. Songs: "Longing" and "Redemption"). And I found out that Genesis in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core was based off of Gackt (which was cool and creepy at the same time) and Gackt did the Japanese voice acting for him in Crisis Core!!! That is so weird and cool!!!
(I'm not totally sure I like Genesis or not, he was weird, but you kinda sympathized with him in the game, rebelling against Shinra because they experimented on him and made him a monster and now his cells are rejecting the Jenova cells they put in him and he's rotting away and his story is really sad, but he's also trying to kill you, so you don't really have any choice but to fight him. (Much like it is with Sephiroth. Its the same general situation.))

So, what was I saying before I got totally off topic. Oh yeah, Gackt music is awesome. I recommend it. I just made sure to look at all the lyrics in English before getting them, because I didn't want to listen to and be singing along with anything that could mean something...I don't want to be singing along with...in Japanese. So, yeah...

I was just going to upload my fanfiction chapter onto fanfiction, but it WASN'T WORKING!!! Gaaaaaahhhhh!!!! It said it had an internal error. So annoying!! I'll try again in a few minutes...So, really that's all I have to say for now X3

Oh, darn.
I took too long to try and get my fanfiction ready that its Sunday now (12:57am at the moment), so I didn't technically post two posts on the same day :(
How sad.
Oh well.
(hehe, Tigger X3)


  1. What? I posted this at 8:58 PM??
    I'm pretty sure it is...1:00am now, but it was 12:57am when I posted this, as I said in my post...So weird...
    Sad that I'm offended at the blog for lying about what time it is...

  2. ah, but see, blogger counts when you STARTED your post. (i had the same situation with a birthday post a while ago, haha!) which means i have some posts that will say they're from, like, september, when i finally decided to post them in, say, june... weird!

    also, your blogger account isn't set in the right time zone, methinks. XD

  3. i know how you feel. my blogger account is two hours and 17 minutes behind the real world...
    but thank you for acknowledging that Vincent is mine ^.^ and yes you can still fangirl over him. wait, isn't Nero in that game where they yell 'noise released' or something? on the DS? oh wait... that's Neku, isn't it? i call him if it is!
    so what ARE you doing with that list of people we've called?

  4. I was originally going to put them all on note cards and draw them, but with the long lists, that's unrealistic. So I'm probably going to do something on the computer. I only got like 2 names from Rachel and Dealer-chan never emailed me a list DX
    ...So, I will do something, eventually. Any ideas are welcome, though!!
