13 February 2010


I doubt many people will be reading this except my friends (if even they read it).
I just wanted to make a blog because...Katherine and Rachel have blogs and this is something to do instead of homework ;3
Sooooo....I like using "..." apparently. I don't remember what they're called and I don't feel like looking it up. It's about 2a.m. right now, so I'm kinda tired. Don't ask me why I'm up at this time, I'm not sure.
My family birthday party is tomorrow. I think I'm looking forward to that!
Today, I woke up at 7:30, studied for about 1.5 hrs. then took a test for my online astronomy course. (Speaking of which, I just remembered that I was supposed to watch the sunset some day last week. Oops.) I guess I'll do it tomorrow, or today I guess because its technically Sunday right now...
I was actually staying up late to watch the English premiere of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on Adult Swim, but I totally got distracted, so now its too late. Oh well. I have it recorded, so I didn't have to watch it tonight, but, being the nerd that I am, I wanted to watch it on the premiere night and savor that sacred memory...I get weird at this time of morning okay!
Just an FYI, to those reading my blog, if anyone: they will be more like me talking to myself/the wall/my dog/diary, so my thoughts won't seem to follow any specific path. Its just how my mind works, so deal with it. <-I sound irritable here, don't I? I'm actually in quite a good mood :)
So, actually still on the same topic as the above paragraph, the reasoning behind the url thing I picked ("catch my train of thought") was because of both a conversation I had with Katherine in 9th grade (English was awesome!) We pictured a train driving away and a little stick dude chasing after it and it said "lost my train of thought." It seemed appropriate for my very stream-of-consciousness style of writing and "lostmytrainofthought" was taken, so then I thought, "Well, the point of reading a blog is to learn more about the inner workings of someone else's mind, so why not have the reader "catch my train of thought." It makes sense in my head, okay?!
(sorry Rachel, I stole your line)
Well, I think that is all I have to say for now, I really should get to bed so I'm not homicidally grumpy tomorrow for my relatives...
(don't ask. If you are my friend, you know what it means; if not, the story is not mine to explain X3)


    Mr. Lyons was awesome... now i will include random things i remember from that class:
    'Stop touching each other'
    'pick a word!' 'why?' 'just do it!' 'ISHKABIBBLE!'
    i need to include that somewhere in my next blog post...
    OK BYEBYE!!!

  2. OMZ, stop touching each other! Good memories... (That sounded creepy BEYOND BELIEF.)

    ...= ellipsis. I use them way too much too!

  3. i agree. relish in the creepiness, rachel. RELISH IT!!
