14 February 2010

Stupid Thingy...

This is a continuation of my "Happy Valentine's Day" post:
So, this person that reviewed my fanfiction said that my story makes them smile in this crazy world, so now I feel all guilty about wanting to make the ending tragic!!
Oh, a chapter a week probably also isn't going to happen, though I am approaching the home-stretch, so maybe, just maybe, I'll get a chapter done every month...XP
Totally having nothing at all to do with anything, I got my SAT scores!!! I'm so happy with them (except maybe reading, but I've always been bad at that). I don't know if I should put my score up on a blog =\. Oh well, I will say that I reached my goal of getting over 2000 (out of 2400)!!! And I checked the ranges of my top college choices and I am in the higher half of the range! I even checked some Ivy League school for the heck of it, to see how they compared to my choices, and I was surprised to find that my scores were right in the middle 50% (my math score in the top 25%!!)
I'm so happy!
My relatives had a ball with my grades and talking about the dress I got for a semi-formal dance I'm going to on Friday. Its just a dance that I'm going to because the club I'm a board member of is the one that planned the event, so it would look pretty bad if I didn't go...I usually hate dances, though. But I'm pretty sure most, if not all, of my friends are coming, so it should be fun with them!
But my grandparents are making a whole bid deal out of it! They have to come over that day anyway because my brother has a jazz band thing, but they insist on coming ealry to take pictures of me! Ahhhh!! The camera is a shy person's worst enemy!! Especially when you're embarrassed that the paparazzi (my grandparents) is making such a big deal out of a little school dance (even if it is the first one I've been to since...middle school XP).
I don't really have anything else to say at this moment, but I don't want to read more of East of Eden and I can't fall asleep again because I'm still on a caffeine and sugar high from ice-cream and soda at my party! Its freaking 2:30am! And yes, it is freaking because I stayed up til 3am yesterday and was woken up 30min early (my dad said I could sleep til 8:30, but it was 8am) by my brother. I just glared at him, signed the card (the reason he woke me up), and went indignantly back to "sleep" until 8:30. I mostly just laid there and tried to recall the really cool dream I was having (I mean, Fai and Kurogane were there and Fai was crying!!! Why was Fai crying? I don't know, because my brother woke me up!! Gaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! <-my angry noise).
Now this is really all, I think.


  1. fai was crying because you woke up before you could hug him and make it all better... he told me it's true.
    yay smartness! i TOLD you i'm the dumb one in the group!
    well, the story can still make them smile! if they have a weird sense of humor... OR you could do the tragic ending, then make an alternate ending and have it be happier!
    and i will be at the dance. though i will most likely be hiding in a corner...
    stupid brother. mine was gone today, so i was happie...

    ok otaku-chan, see you tomorrow at (ugh!) school!!

  2. wow, over 2000?! that's awesome! i'm so proud of you! your dream sounds fascinating. wonder why fai was crying? i wish i had awesome dreams with manga characters... hmm... TRAAAAIINNN...

  3. KAITLYYYYNNNNN! why do you not post more?!
    I MISS YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!! (completely disregarding the fact that i saw you less than 12 hours ago)
