20 September 2010

Satanic Waffle House XD

 Sooo...Its been WAY too long since I last updated and I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY for that!! Too much stuff has been going on (which I will get to below):

So, going in sorta random, sorta chronological order; Revelation Generation happened September 4th. It was pretty freaking awesome! I went with Kat-chan and Rachel (who I seriously need a nickname for because I call all my friends "chan" except for Rachel because I have no nickname!! Blonde-chan? I believe Kat-chan calls her Baka-chan, but she's not very baka...hmmm...anyway...)
What was I saying? Oh yeah! RevGen! I has pictures and videos of course!!

Twas a fun time :)

So, school started up on the 7th. So this week is actually my 3rd week of school (wow, hard to believe...Of course, the first week was only Tues, Wed, and Fri. We had Thursday off. This school year is good and bad.

-Senior year
-cool classes (Biotechnology -- at a nearby tech school, AP Government (I hate social studies, but the teacher is awesome!), Honors English (we're doing British literature, which I'm actually excited about!!), AP Physics (physics = cool, teacher = eh...something about her just doesn't sit right with me...maybe she's an alien...), AP Statistics (I didn't get the really awesome Stat teacher!! Grrr...I got the new one. Its her first year teaching and she switches between talking to us like we're experts in statistics to talking to us like we're in first grade! She seems nice enough, but its been boring enough that I fell asleep during our first test! I was freaking taking the test and I fell asleep!! ...This is going to be a long year)
-study hall (I have Rachel, Dealer-chan, and (on Tuesdays) Courgy-chan)
-Dealer-chan is in my Physics class, so that makes it fun
-8th period lunch -- Its nice because I go to Biotech, get back to my school in the middle of 2nd period, go to 3 classes, go to lunch, go to 2 classes, go home. My point is, if I make it to lunch, all I have to look forward to after that is physics and study hall!!

-teachers...As I kinda already mentioned in my cool classes. The subjects are awesome. Teachers are okay. The only cool teachers are the Biotech, English and Gov't teachers.
-I don't see ANYONE in the morning!! (Because of Biotech, I have to leave at 6:50am and drive 30min every day to the tech school. In previous years, the whole BBM could meet out front of the school in the morning before school started. Now I can't do that because I don't actually get to my school until about 9:15!! It makes me really sad that most days, I don't ever see Kat-chan or Courgy-chan!!
-I have no one in my lunch period. The only people I know in there are Dealer-chan's sister, and Rachel's sister's friend! I sit at the "loser" table with all the other people who have no friends and we just sit every other seat, not next to each other, and eat in silence...usually while doing homework...=(
Actually, I talked to someone the other day. She was a freshman and I was drawing a picture of Aqua from BBS (which I will MOST DEFINITELY talk about later in this post XD) and she asked me who it was and we talked about Kingdom Hearts and anime and stuff. It was fun except I couldn't really hear her very well because its very loud in the lunch room and hard to hear what people are saying, even if they're sitting 2 feet from you...So I kept saying "What?" and "I'm sorry, I can't hear you!" and I felt really bad :(

Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, so school is OK. Not that bad, not that great. I'll get adjusted eventually...

Okay, AP classes are freaking cruel with their summer homework. I'm taking 3 AP classes this year and Biotech (which is a Duel-Enrollment course). They all had packets to do and they sucked!!! I spent pretty much the entire month of August working on those things for at least an hour a day and I was still cramming almost 2 entire packets in the last 3 days before school started! I was tired of school before I even got there!! I guess that's what being a senior is all about...

Oh! Really cool thing I learned! My school finally gave us our class ranks and GPA's.
Based off of grades from 9th-11th grade, my GPA is 4.5601 (our school has a weighted grading scale) and my class rank is 6th out of 381 students!!!! I FREAKED OUT when I heard this!!! (Well, I actually just freaked out on the inside...My mom told me and I was like, "Really? Cool." Then I went to my room and did a little victory dance/jump/squeal/thing. I pretty much spazzed out...)

Uhm...Thinking of what else I wanted to say...
Shippensburg! I visited Shippensburg University with Kat-chan. Twas fun. Rides there consisted of much talk about the Satanic Waffle House...Very long story...Ending in Lucy's brother James running a very cute interdimensional waffle house with his partner Sebastian, his best friend -- Rose the demonic fern, and his little servants resembling the accounting trolls from the Dilbert comics. There was also talk of Nuclear Hellfire Waffles and epic crossovers...Speaking of which, I did draw James and Rose, I don't know if its the same as you pictured him, and I haven't colored it yet, so I will put it in another post. Sorry!
(For now, here's a picture of Gir eating waffles X3)

This weekend was amazingly fun! On Friday, we had the joint birthday party for Kat-chan and Rachel. It was at Rachel's house and lots of people came. There was much noms and dancing and singing (of Disney songs mostly XD)
Funny story, I was at my church community day, which was on Saturday. Rachel's neighbors go to my church and Mrs. W said to me, "Hey, Kaitlyn, were you at a party last night?"
I laughed, "Yeah, did you hear us?"
"Yeah...I think it was something from the Lion King?"
"Yep. That was us."
You see, that's just how awesome we are XP
Oh, and Rachel got some awesome cosplay stuff! She has pretty much her entire Demyx cosplay set.
Speaking of which, I realized in the shower (of all places) that my mother had a lab coat that she had used for a microbiology class she was taking. So, I thought, 'Wait, I have a lab coat and a Zexion wig. Duh! I can do Ienzo!!!' And so now I have an Ienzo cosplay. And that is that.

So now, finally to my otaku-related news.

 This is pretty much all consisting of Birth By Sleep talk. My brother got it for his birthday and we've been sharing it, so I'm not very far. I actually am playing as Ventus, Terra, and Aqua kinda simultaneously and I'm at Deep Space with Ventus and Aqua and Neverland with Terra. The game is AMAZING!! I love it so much! Much better of a game than 358/2 Days. I mean I liked that game, but it was not nearly up to other KH game standards. But I really love the fighting styles in this game and my Zacky is in it so that just has to make it amazing!! (I had major fangirl attacks every time I went to the Colosseum and saw Zack. He's just too CUTE!! He's so little with the same personality and trying to hit on Aqua! Its just so cute!!)
 Anyway, this game is one of the reasons I haven't been updating. When I'm not doing homework, I'm playing the game (I lost the game DX).
Me and Courgy-chan had a fight over Vanitas. I had called him a while ago to my brother, but not publicly, so apparently, she had called him too. So we were arguing in the school parking lot. She followed me to my car and stood behind my car and wouldn't let me leave until I admitted Vanitas was hers. It lasted about five minutes. I had turned my car on and put it in reverse, but she still would not move. I gave in. I said she could have Vanitas if I could have Terra (whom she had called at the end of last school year). She agreed.

(Rachel, I know Abby called Terra, but like you said at your party, she's more like an honorary member of the BBM, so I am fine with calling the same people as her -- Zero and Terra for example.)
These are seriously the kinds of fights my friends and I get into. We almost run each other over for rights over fictional men ;)

I believe that's all I wanted to say in this long update post...Sorry for so many words...


PS: In case you were wondering, Ienzo is little somebody-Zexion from Birth by Sleep. 

PPS: Lots of things going on with my family recently. My brother's birthday was recently. He got cool new games and the party was fun! My little sister, on the other hand, is not doing so well. She dislocated her knee at school. At first, we just told her to walk it off, because her joints get dislocated easily because she has a genetic disorder that causes your ligaments to be looser than they should be. But, it didn't get better, so they went to the doctor and it turns out that, along with having the ligament problem, her knee cap is not the right shape and so it doesn't fit right in her joint, further adding to the dislocation problem. They said that she can't do sports with lots of pivoting (so no soccer or basketball for her) and she'll have to really work up the muscles to prevent this problem from happening over and over. They said she'll probably have to have surgery on her knee at the age of 10 and she'll almost certainly have arthritis in her knee when she's older. I feel so bad because she managed to get handed down all the worst genes that run in my family and she's just got rotten luck. But otherwise, she's as happy and goofy as ever. She'll be fine...Just, can you guys keep her in your prayers?

PPPS: I've been totally obsessing over this song recently and have had it stuck in my head so much!


  1. Terra is so awesome! Brother must be super happy for getting that game. Tell him I said happy birthday.I'll pray for your sister. I hope she gets better. Think positive not negative.


  2. God, you are just too funny. School will get funner as it goes on, you'll see :D And you're freaking SMART, holy crap!!!! My last GPA was 4.2(or something withing one point of that, at least) >.>
    Also, Lion King songs are the best. Besides Mulan, maybe. Please bring hono-
    Er, I mean, yeah.
    And don't kill each other, you two. Luckily for me, I'm the only person within my group of anime friends who obsesses over girls more than guys, so I never have to worry!~
    But seriously, don't get killed.
    And I MEAN it.


    Beelzebub's Waffle House!!!!!
    nuclear hellfire waffle wednesday!!!
    accounting trolls!!!
    CUTE WORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (also, Kirimi=Haruhi+Ciel?! XD)

  4. *accounting trolls IN FLUFFY APRONS!!!!!!!

  5. you need to have shorter posts so i can properly comment!! aaahhh!!

    i cannot WAIT to play BBS! jealous! that story about waffle houses sounds epically random. and your class rank = WOW!!! i feel sad that you have no one in your lunch. :( but dealer-chan's little sister is really sweet! i bet she'd let you sit with her!

    i think this is all... you've blogged about my cosplay more than i have, haha! i need to do a post about that!

  6. Heehee. . .i saw your picture of "studying is boring," and thought of a piece of flair that I have on fb: "Did you know the word studying is the words 'student' and 'dying' put together?"
